[March 10 - 16] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Total Lunar ECLIPSE in Virgo*
Tania Gabrielle
[March 10 - 16] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Total Lunar ECLIPSE in Virgo*
TOTAL LUNAR "Blood Moon" ECLIPSE in Virgo! [3.14.25] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
TOTAL LUNAR "Blood Moon" ECLIPSE in Virgo! [3.14.25] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[March 3 - 9] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Harmony + Mysticism*
Tania Gabrielle
[March 3 - 9] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Harmony + Mysticism*
VENUS RETROGRADE 2025 in Aries and Pisces: Love + Abundance [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
Tania Gabrielle
VENUS RETROGRADE 2025 in Aries and Pisces: Love + Abundance [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
[February 24 - March 2] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *New Moon in Pisces*
Tania Gabrielle
[February 24 - March 2] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *New Moon in Pisces*
Fortunate New Moon in Pisces [Feb 27-28, 2025] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
Fortunate New Moon in Pisces [Feb 27-28, 2025] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[February 17 - 23] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Mercury Celebration*
Tania Gabrielle
[February 17 - 23] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Mercury Celebration*
Mega CHANGES Coming in 2025 [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
Tania Gabrielle
Mega CHANGES Coming in 2025 [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
[February 10 - 16] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *LEO FULL MOON*
Tania Gabrielle
[February 10 - 16] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *LEO FULL MOON*
Leo FULL MOON [2.12.25] Beacon of Radiance! Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
Leo FULL MOON [2.12.25] Beacon of Radiance! Astrology Numerology Forecast
[February 3 - 9] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Jupiter Stations Direct!*
Tania Gabrielle
[February 3 - 9] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Jupiter Stations Direct!*
LUNAR NODES Change SIGNS into PISCES / VIRGO [1.2025 - 4.2026] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
LUNAR NODES Change SIGNS into PISCES / VIRGO [1.2025 - 4.2026] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[January 27 - February 2] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Fortunate Aquarius New Moon!*
Tania Gabrielle
[January 27 - February 2] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Fortunate Aquarius New Moon!*
Fortunate Aquarius NEW MOON! [Jan 29, 2025] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
Fortunate Aquarius NEW MOON! [Jan 29, 2025] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[January 20 - 26] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Sun Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius!*
Tania Gabrielle
[January 20 - 26] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Sun Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius!*
2025 Forecast: Mystery of Number 9 [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
Tania Gabrielle
2025 Forecast: Mystery of Number 9 [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
[January 13 - 19] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Full Moon in Cancer*
Tania Gabrielle
[January 13 - 19] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Full Moon in Cancer*
Fortunate Cancer FULL MOON! [Jan 13, 2025] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
Fortunate Cancer FULL MOON! [Jan 13, 2025] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[January 6 - 12] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Imagination Activation*
Tania Gabrielle
[January 6 - 12] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Imagination Activation*
2025 Divine Numerology Codes! [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
Tania Gabrielle
2025 Divine Numerology Codes! [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
[Dec 30 - Jan 5] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *NEW YEAR + NEW  MOON in Capricorn*
Tania Gabrielle
[Dec 30 - Jan 5] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *NEW YEAR + NEW MOON in Capricorn*
Capricorn NEW Moon *FINAL Lunation of 2024* Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
Capricorn NEW Moon *FINAL Lunation of 2024* Astrology Numerology Forecast
[Dec 23 - 29] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *JUPITER opposite MERCURY*
Tania Gabrielle
[Dec 23 - 29] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *JUPITER opposite MERCURY*
[Dec 16 - 22] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *VENUS Trine JUPITER*
Tania Gabrielle
[Dec 16 - 22] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *VENUS Trine JUPITER*
Gemini FULL MOON + Mercury Direct! [Dec 15, 2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
Gemini FULL MOON + Mercury Direct! [Dec 15, 2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[Dec 9 - 15] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *FULL MOON in GEMINI*
Tania Gabrielle
[Dec 9 - 15] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *FULL MOON in GEMINI*
MARS Retrograde in Leo + Cancer [Dec 6 '24 - Feb 23 '25] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
MARS Retrograde in Leo + Cancer [Dec 6 '24 - Feb 23 '25] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[Dec 2 - 8] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *MARS RETROGRADE*
Tania Gabrielle
[Dec 2 - 8] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *MARS RETROGRADE*
[Nov 25 - Dec 1] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *MERCURY RETROGRADE*
Tania Gabrielle
[Nov 25 - Dec 1] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *MERCURY RETROGRADE*
*Sagittarius New Moon + Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius!* Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
*Sagittarius New Moon + Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius!* Astrology Numerology Forecast
PLUTO into AQUARIUS [11.19.2024 - 2044] Global Awakening [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
Tania Gabrielle
PLUTO into AQUARIUS [11.19.2024 - 2044] Global Awakening [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
[Nov 18 - 24] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *PLUTO in AQUARIUS*
Tania Gabrielle
[Nov 18 - 24] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *PLUTO in AQUARIUS*
FULL MOON in TAURUS [11.15.24] FINAL Full Moon Before Pluto Moves Into Aquarius
Tania Gabrielle
FULL MOON in TAURUS [11.15.24] FINAL Full Moon Before Pluto Moves Into Aquarius
[Nov 11 - 17] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Taurus FULL MOON*
Tania Gabrielle
[Nov 11 - 17] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Taurus FULL MOON*
[Nov 4 - 10] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Sun Trine Saturn*
Tania Gabrielle
[Nov 4 - 10] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Sun Trine Saturn*
[Oct 28 - Nov  3] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *11:11 SCORPIO New Moon*
Tania Gabrielle
[Oct 28 - Nov 3] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *11:11 SCORPIO New Moon*
11:11 SCORPIO New Moon [11.1.2024] Magnificent Awakening [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
Tania Gabrielle
11:11 SCORPIO New Moon [11.1.2024] Magnificent Awakening [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
MARS Opposite PLUTO: Powerful Healing [Nov 3, 2024 - April 24, 2025] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
MARS Opposite PLUTO: Powerful Healing [Nov 3, 2024 - April 24, 2025] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[Oct 21 - 27[ WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Mars square Sun"
Tania Gabrielle
[Oct 21 - 27[ WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Mars square Sun"
WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *FULL MOON in ARIES*
Tania Gabrielle
WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *FULL MOON in ARIES*
Aries FULL MOON [Oct 17] Grand Square with MARS + PLUTO! Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
Aries FULL MOON [Oct 17] Grand Square with MARS + PLUTO! Astrology Numerology Forecast
[Oct 7 - 13] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Intense Double Numerology Code*
Tania Gabrielle
[Oct 7 - 13] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Intense Double Numerology Code*
GRAND TRINE with Venus/Mars/Saturn [Sep 30 - Oct 6] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
GRAND TRINE with Venus/Mars/Saturn [Sep 30 - Oct 6] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[Sep 30 - Oct 6] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Solar Eclipse in Libra*
Tania Gabrielle
[Sep 30 - Oct 6] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Solar Eclipse in Libra*
[Sep 23 - 29] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Mercury Meets Uranus, Neptune, Pluto*
Tania Gabrielle
[Sep 23 - 29] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast *Mercury Meets Uranus, Neptune, Pluto*
10:10:10 Libra SOLAR ECLIPSE [Oct 2, 2024] Grand Trine with VENUS - Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
10:10:10 Libra SOLAR ECLIPSE [Oct 2, 2024] Grand Trine with VENUS - Astrology Numerology Forecast
[Sep 16 - 22] Astrology Numerology Forecast *Lunar ECLIPSE in Pisces*
Tania Gabrielle
[Sep 16 - 22] Astrology Numerology Forecast *Lunar ECLIPSE in Pisces*
VENUS Trine JUPITER: Alchemy and Abundance! [9.15.2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
VENUS Trine JUPITER: Alchemy and Abundance! [9.15.2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
LUNAR ECLIPSE in Pisces on Sep 17-18, 2024: Expansive ABUNDANCE [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
Tania Gabrielle
LUNAR ECLIPSE in Pisces on Sep 17-18, 2024: Expansive ABUNDANCE [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
[Sep 9 - 15] Astrology Numerology Forecast *VENUS Trine JUPITER*
Tania Gabrielle
[Sep 9 - 15] Astrology Numerology Forecast *VENUS Trine JUPITER*
[Sep 2 - 8] Astrology Numerology Forecast *VIRGO NEW MOON*
Tania Gabrielle
[Sep 2 - 8] Astrology Numerology Forecast *VIRGO NEW MOON*
11:11 Virgo NEW MOON [9.2-3.2024] Strength, Healing, Achievement  [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
Tania Gabrielle
11:11 Virgo NEW MOON [9.2-3.2024] Strength, Healing, Achievement [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
{Aug 26- Sep 1] Astrology Numerology Forecast *VENUS Blessings Week*
Tania Gabrielle
{Aug 26- Sep 1] Astrology Numerology Forecast *VENUS Blessings Week*
MEGA Week in the STARS! Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
MEGA Week in the STARS! Astrology Numerology Forecast
[Aug 19 - 25] Astrology Numerology Forecast *AQUARIUS FULL MOON!*
Tania Gabrielle
[Aug 19 - 25] Astrology Numerology Forecast *AQUARIUS FULL MOON!*
27:27:27 Aquarius FULL MOON [Aug 19, 2024] 8 Planets in T-Squares! Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
27:27:27 Aquarius FULL MOON [Aug 19, 2024] 8 Planets in T-Squares! Astrology Numerology Forecast
[Aug 12 - 18] Astrology Numerology Forecast *JUPITER CONJUNCT MARS*
Tania Gabrielle
[Aug 12 - 18] Astrology Numerology Forecast *JUPITER CONJUNCT MARS*
Jupiter Square Saturn * NEW Reality! [exact on Aug 19, 2024] Astrology Numerology FORECAST
Tania Gabrielle
Jupiter Square Saturn * NEW Reality! [exact on Aug 19, 2024] Astrology Numerology FORECAST
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology Forecast [Aug 5 - 11] *MERCURY Retrograde in Virgo*
Tania Gabrielle
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology Forecast [Aug 5 - 11] *MERCURY Retrograde in Virgo*
Mercury Retrogrades in Virgo/Leo *Fortunate + Fun* [Aug 5 - 28] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
Mercury Retrogrades in Virgo/Leo *Fortunate + Fun* [Aug 5 - 28] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology Forecast [July 29 - Aug 4] *LEO FULL MOON*
Tania Gabrielle
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology Forecast [July 29 - Aug 4] *LEO FULL MOON*
LEO NEW MOON *Positive + Powerful* [Aug 4, 2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
LEO NEW MOON *Positive + Powerful* [Aug 4, 2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology Forecast [July 22 - 28] *Sun Opposite Pluto*
Tania Gabrielle
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology Forecast [July 22 - 28] *Sun Opposite Pluto*
Capricorn FULL MOON #2 [July 21, 2024] Trump Assassination Attempt Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
Capricorn FULL MOON #2 [July 21, 2024] Trump Assassination Attempt Astrology Numerology Forecast
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology Forecast [July 15 - 21] *URANUS/MARS Conjunction*
Tania Gabrielle
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology Forecast [July 15 - 21] *URANUS/MARS Conjunction*
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology Forecast July 8 - 14 *VENUS WEEK*
Tania Gabrielle
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology Forecast July 8 - 14 *VENUS WEEK*
15:15 Mars/Uranus Conjunction [July 15] Break Free From Limitations! Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
15:15 Mars/Uranus Conjunction [July 15] Break Free From Limitations! Astrology Numerology Forecast
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology Forecast July 1 - 7 *Beautiful Cancer NEW MOON*
Tania Gabrielle
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology Forecast July 1 - 7 *Beautiful Cancer NEW MOON*
NEW MOON in Cancer *Passion Love Home* [July 5, 2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
NEW MOON in Cancer *Passion Love Home* [July 5, 2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology June 24 - 30 *Venus trine Mars*
Tania Gabrielle
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology June 24 - 30 *Venus trine Mars*
*Summer Solstice* Sun Square Moon [6.20.24] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
*Summer Solstice* Sun Square Moon [6.20.24] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology June 17 - 23 * Capricorn Full Moon, Neptune T-Square
Tania Gabrielle
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology June 17 - 23 * Capricorn Full Moon, Neptune T-Square
Capricorn Full Moon - Commit to Your Dreams and Your Spiritual Purpose - June 2024
Tania Gabrielle
Capricorn Full Moon - Commit to Your Dreams and Your Spiritual Purpose - June 2024
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology June 10 - 16 * Triple Intensity, Mars square Pluto
Tania Gabrielle
Weekly Intuitive Astrology-Numerology June 10 - 16 * Triple Intensity, Mars square Pluto
[June 3 - 9] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
[June 3 - 9] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Gemini New Moon: Fortunate Stellium! [6.6.24] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
Gemini New Moon: Fortunate Stellium! [6.6.24] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[May 27 - June 2] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
[May 27 - June 2] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
JUPITER Moves Into GEMIN!I [May 25 '24 - June 9 '25] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
JUPITER Moves Into GEMIN!I [May 25 '24 - June 9 '25] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[May 20 - 26] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
[May 20 - 26] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
FULL MOON in Sagittarius [May 23, 2024] Fortunate Activations! Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
FULL MOON in Sagittarius [May 23, 2024] Fortunate Activations! Astrology Numerology Forecast
[May 13 - 19] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
[May 13 - 19] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
[May 6 - 12] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
[May 6 - 12] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Taurus NEW MOON Forecast: Brilliant Blessings! [May 7-8, 2024] Astrology Numerology
Tania Gabrielle
Taurus NEW MOON Forecast: Brilliant Blessings! [May 7-8, 2024] Astrology Numerology
[April 29 - May 5] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
[April 29 - May 5] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
[April 22 - 28] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast [Scorpio FULL MOON]
Tania Gabrielle
[April 22 - 28] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast [Scorpio FULL MOON]
FULL MOON in SCORPIO: Pluto Power! [April 23-24, 2024]
Tania Gabrielle
FULL MOON in SCORPIO: Pluto Power! [April 23-24, 2024]
[April 15 - 21] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast [JUPITER conjunct URANUS]
Tania Gabrielle
[April 15 - 21] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast [JUPITER conjunct URANUS]
21:21:21 Jupiter conjunct Uranus: LUCKY BREAKTHROUGHS [4.20-21.24] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
21:21:21 Jupiter conjunct Uranus: LUCKY BREAKTHROUGHS [4.20-21.24] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[April 8 - 14] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast [TOTAL Solar ECLIPSE]
Tania Gabrielle
[April 8 - 14] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast [TOTAL Solar ECLIPSE]
TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in Aries [April 8, 2024] Upheaval + Upgrade [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
Tania Gabrielle
TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in Aries [April 8, 2024] Upheaval + Upgrade [Astrology Numerology Forecast]
[April 1 - 7, 2024] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
[April 1 - 7, 2024] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
[March 25 - 31, 2024] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
[March 25 - 31, 2024] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
LIBRA LUNAR ECLIPSE! Listening Love Liberation [March 25, 2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
LIBRA LUNAR ECLIPSE! Listening Love Liberation [March 25, 2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[March 18 - 24, 2024] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
[March 18 - 24, 2024] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
EQUINOX at 00° Aries [March 19-20, 2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
EQUINOX at 00° Aries [March 19-20, 2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[March 11 - 17, 2024] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
[March 11 - 17, 2024] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
[March 4 - 10, 2024] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
[March 4 - 10, 2024] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
PISCES New Moon [March 10, 2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
PISCES New Moon [March 10, 2024] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Sun Saturn Mercury STELLIUM [2.28.24] Astrology Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
Sun Saturn Mercury STELLIUM [2.28.24] Astrology Numerology Forecast
[Feb 26 - March 3 2024] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast
Tania Gabrielle
[Feb 26 - March 3 2024] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast