🌟🍽️ Easy mango sticky rice at home with simple ingredients. Give it a try! #thaifoodlover #thai
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
🌟🍽️ Easy mango sticky rice at home with simple ingredients. Give it a try! #thaifoodlover #thai
Taste of 🇹🇭:Talad Noi’s Authentic Thai Treasures!😋 #thaifood #thaifoodies #thailiian #travelthai
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
Taste of 🇹🇭:Talad Noi’s Authentic Thai Treasures!😋 #thaifood #thaifoodies #thailiian #travelthai
Easy recipe for MALA Hotpot 🥵
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
Easy recipe for MALA Hotpot 🥵
Make cherry 🍒 jam in summer 🌞
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
Make cherry 🍒 jam in summer 🌞
🍻Tavern 13 is average but BBQ Chicken Melt Sandwich 🥪 is super delicious 😋#pub #chickensandwich
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
🍻Tavern 13 is average but BBQ Chicken Melt Sandwich 🥪 is super delicious 😋#pub #chickensandwich
We waited an hour just to try this viral Kunafa 🧀…  Would you give it a try?@KunafaCrisp
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
We waited an hour just to try this viral Kunafa 🧀… Would you give it a try?@KunafaCrisp
#coffeeshop #coffeeshopmusic #coffeeshopjazz #coffeeshopjazzmusic #anime #lofi #music #cute
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
#coffeeshop #coffeeshopmusic #coffeeshopjazz #coffeeshopjazzmusic #anime #lofi #music #cute
[Vlog #14] Weekend Vlog 周末Vlog | Bank Negara| Tavern 13 🍻| Thean Hou Temple 天后宫
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #14] Weekend Vlog 周末Vlog | Bank Negara| Tavern 13 🍻| Thean Hou Temple 天后宫
[Vlog #13] 你试过三色奶茶? | Do you ever try three layers of milk tea with Apong sugar ☕
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #13] 你试过三色奶茶? | Do you ever try three layers of milk tea with Apong sugar ☕
[Vlog #12] 来杯浓浓的咖啡加上鸡蛋面包|One cup of Kopi Kaw Kaw ☕ with Butter 🧈 Kaya toast, Perfect!
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #12] 来杯浓浓的咖啡加上鸡蛋面包|One cup of Kopi Kaw Kaw ☕ with Butter 🧈 Kaya toast, Perfect!
[Food Vlog #6] 在PJ的泰餐真的跟泰国吃到一样的泰餐🥰 | The food really tastes the same as in Thailand🤤.Location at PJ.
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Food Vlog #6] 在PJ的泰餐真的跟泰国吃到一样的泰餐🥰 | The food really tastes the same as in Thailand🤤.Location at PJ.
[Vlog #11] 生活要🈶点仪式感~ 🥰 | Let's DIY diffuser~
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #11] 生活要🈶点仪式感~ 🥰 | Let's DIY diffuser~
[Vlog #10] 那些大牌小样好用到想用正装⁉️🥰 | What skincare products make me want to purchase more after tried?
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #10] 那些大牌小样好用到想用正装⁉️🥰 | What skincare products make me want to purchase more after tried?
[Food Vlog #5 ] 🇲🇾芯の一日,芯の日常|美食真实评价~ 福建莆田 PUTIEN | Real Comments on PUTIEN~
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Food Vlog #5 ] 🇲🇾芯の一日,芯の日常|美食真实评价~ 福建莆田 PUTIEN | Real Comments on PUTIEN~
[Food Vlog #4] 陪爸妈去吃一碗热腾腾的咖哩面早餐~再累也要好好吃早餐
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Food Vlog #4] 陪爸妈去吃一碗热腾腾的咖哩面早餐~再累也要好好吃早餐
[Food Vlog #3]平价好吃卤肉饭,鸡煲饭 & 台湾锉冰|Cheap Tasty Braised Pork Rice, Chicken Claypot Rice & Shaved Ice
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Food Vlog #3]平价好吃卤肉饭,鸡煲饭 & 台湾锉冰|Cheap Tasty Braised Pork Rice, Chicken Claypot Rice & Shaved Ice
[Vlog #8] 🇲🇾芯の一日,芯の日常| 收集护肤大牌小样,一起耗羊毛~ | Collect Famous Skincare Sample
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #8] 🇲🇾芯の一日,芯の日常| 收集护肤大牌小样,一起耗羊毛~ | Collect Famous Skincare Sample
[Vlog #7] 🇲🇾芯の一日,芯の日常| 周末出去走走~去天后庙| 上上仟麻辣烫| Muji 展 | Thean Hou Temple| Mala Hotpots| Muji Exhibition
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #7] 🇲🇾芯の一日,芯の日常| 周末出去走走~去天后庙| 上上仟麻辣烫| Muji 展 | Thean Hou Temple| Mala Hotpots| Muji Exhibition
[Food Vlog #2 ] 周末出去吃好吃的麻辣烫~🔥🌶️ Weekend let's go eat Mala Hotpot Soup🍲
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Food Vlog #2 ] 周末出去吃好吃的麻辣烫~🔥🌶️ Weekend let's go eat Mala Hotpot Soup🍲
[Vlog #7 ] 🇲🇾 芯の一日,芯の日常| 最新免费打卡地点~ Muji 展🎏 The latest popular spot to take photo ~ Muji's Exhibition
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #7 ] 🇲🇾 芯の一日,芯の日常| 最新免费打卡地点~ Muji 展🎏 The latest popular spot to take photo ~ Muji's Exhibition
[Vlog #7 ] 🇲🇾 芯の一日,芯の日常| 周末出去吃好吃的麻辣烫~🔥🌶️ Weekend let's go eat Mala Hotpot Soup🍲
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #7 ] 🇲🇾 芯の一日,芯の日常| 周末出去吃好吃的麻辣烫~🔥🌶️ Weekend let's go eat Mala Hotpot Soup🍲
[Vlog #7 ] 🇲🇾 芯の一日,芯の日常| 最新免费打卡地点~ Muji 展🎏 The latest popular spot to take photo ~ Muji's Exhibition
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #7 ] 🇲🇾 芯の一日,芯の日常| 最新免费打卡地点~ Muji 展🎏 The latest popular spot to take photo ~ Muji's Exhibition
倒数计时,抓住夏日的尾巴!一起出席盆舞节 🎐The clock is ticking,catching the summer's tail to attend Bon Odori together!
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
倒数计时,抓住夏日的尾巴!一起出席盆舞节 🎐The clock is ticking,catching the summer's tail to attend Bon Odori together!
[Food Vlog#1] Thai Food 泰餐🇨🇷Sawadikap~Ka~Ka at Setapak
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Food Vlog#1] Thai Food 泰餐🇨🇷Sawadikap~Ka~Ka at Setapak
Walking through a Songline with Multiple-sensory digital installation #vlog #art #gallery
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
Walking through a Songline with Multiple-sensory digital installation #vlog #art #gallery
[Vlog #6] 芯の一日,芯の日常|国家艺术馆|日本盆舞节 |泰国食物🍲 Notional Art Gallery| Bon Odori | Thai Food
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #6] 芯の一日,芯の日常|国家艺术馆|日本盆舞节 |泰国食物🍲 Notional Art Gallery| Bon Odori | Thai Food
[Vlog #5] 芯の一日,芯の日常|多久没吃过好吃的红龟糕? How long has it been since you had a delicious red turtle cake? 🐢🍰
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #5] 芯の一日,芯の日常|多久没吃过好吃的红龟糕? How long has it been since you had a delicious red turtle cake? 🐢🍰
[Vlog #5] 芯の一日,芯の日常| 多久没吃过好吃的红龟糕?🐢🍰 How long has it been since you had a delicious red turtle cake?
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #5] 芯の一日,芯の日常| 多久没吃过好吃的红龟糕?🐢🍰 How long has it been since you had a delicious red turtle cake?
[Vlog #4] 芯の一日,芯の日常| 夏日炎炎,来场电影吧~🎥🎞️ Summer days with a movie
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #4] 芯の一日,芯の日常| 夏日炎炎,来场电影吧~🎥🎞️ Summer days with a movie
[Vlog #4] 芯の一日,芯の日常| 夏日炎炎,来场电影吧~🎥🎞️ Summer days with a movie
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #4] 芯の一日,芯の日常| 夏日炎炎,来场电影吧~🎥🎞️ Summer days with a movie
[Vlog #3] 芯の一日,芯の日常| BA Work Vlog 🙈
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #3] 芯の一日,芯の日常| BA Work Vlog 🙈
[Vlog #2] 芯の一日,芯の日常| P.Ramlee Vlog P.Ramlee的展览会
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #2] 芯の一日,芯の日常| P.Ramlee Vlog P.Ramlee的展览会
[Vlog #1] 芯の一日,芯の日常| Cousin's Wedding Vlog 表姐的婚礼💒
芯の日常 Asera+Nikki🎃
[Vlog #1] 芯の一日,芯の日常| Cousin's Wedding Vlog 表姐的婚礼💒