[2025]: Appium Mobile App iOS Automation Testing: iOS 📱⚙️
Ace Automation Academy
[2025]: Appium Mobile App iOS Automation Testing: iOS 📱⚙️
[2025]: API Automation Testing - Interview questions & answers in 30 mins 🚀 🌐 🔒
Ace Automation Academy
[2025]: API Automation Testing - Interview questions & answers in 30 mins 🚀 🌐 🔒
[2025]: Appium Automation - Interview questions in 20 mins 🤖🚀📱
Ace Automation Academy
[2025]: Appium Automation - Interview questions in 20 mins 🤖🚀📱
Software Testing || No Code or Low code testing market reality
Ace Automation Academy
Software Testing || No Code or Low code testing market reality
[2025]: Appium Mobile App Automation Testing: Android Emulator + BDD (Cucumber) 📱⚙️
Ace Automation Academy
[2025]: Appium Mobile App Automation Testing: Android Emulator + BDD (Cucumber) 📱⚙️
Jira + Xray + Testautomation + CICD Devops concepts
Ace Automation Academy
Jira + Xray + Testautomation + CICD Devops concepts
Jira + Zephyr + Testautomation + CICD Devops concepts
Ace Automation Academy
Jira + Zephyr + Testautomation + CICD Devops concepts
[2024]: Appium Mobile App Automation testing , Most practical Android, device app- UBER REDDIT 📱⚙️
Ace Automation Academy
[2024]: Appium Mobile App Automation testing , Most practical Android, device app- UBER REDDIT 📱⚙️
[2024]: Allure reporting configuration in BDD Cucumber framework
Ace Automation Academy
[2024]: Allure reporting configuration in BDD Cucumber framework
[2024][Updated]: Selenium + BDD Cucumber + Java  + Web Driver manager + Allure reporting + POM
Ace Automation Academy
[2024][Updated]: Selenium + BDD Cucumber + Java + Web Driver manager + Allure reporting + POM
Selenium + BDD Cucumber + Java  + Web Driver manager + Allure reporting + Page Object Model
Ace Automation Academy
Selenium + BDD Cucumber + Java + Web Driver manager + Allure reporting + Page Object Model
API Testing Automation | Access tokens | Authorization | Security | Rest Assured | Java -BDD
Ace Automation Academy
API Testing Automation | Access tokens | Authorization | Security | Rest Assured | Java -BDD
API Testing Automation + Java + BDD Framework + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Maven in Intellij
Ace Automation Academy
API Testing Automation + Java + BDD Framework + Cucumber + Rest Assured + Maven in Intellij
Selenium + Java + Extent Reporting + Jenkins + TestNG - Page Object Model - Intellij Setup
Ace Automation Academy
Selenium + Java + Extent Reporting + Jenkins + TestNG - Page Object Model - Intellij Setup
[Playwright - Test Automation Tool -Setup + Comparison Selenium + Reporting
Ace Automation Academy
[Playwright - Test Automation Tool -Setup + Comparison Selenium + Reporting
Selenium + Cucumber + Java  + Maven in BDD Framework with Page Object Model - Intellij setup
Ace Automation Academy
Selenium + Cucumber + Java + Maven in BDD Framework with Page Object Model - Intellij setup
Selenium + Java + Maven +  TestNg in Intellij setup
Ace Automation Academy
Selenium + Java + Maven + TestNg in Intellij setup
MVC Model Vew Controller
Ace Automation Academy
MVC Model Vew Controller
Introduction to Web APIs
Ace Automation Academy
Introduction to Web APIs
Docker - Installation  & verification in Windows
Ace Automation Academy
Docker - Installation & verification in Windows
Azure DevOps with Selenium for Automation Testers CI CD concepts
Ace Automation Academy
Azure DevOps with Selenium for Automation Testers CI CD concepts
Ace Automation Academy - Worldclass online professional courses - free & paid - at your finger tips
Ace Automation Academy
Ace Automation Academy - Worldclass online professional courses - free & paid - at your finger tips
Web Development | ASP.NET Core Web & APIs | MVC | Entity framework - CRUD | Step by Step - Practical
Ace Automation Academy
Web Development | ASP.NET Core Web & APIs | MVC | Entity framework - CRUD | Step by Step - Practical
Introduction to this Course
Ace Automation Academy
Introduction to this Course
Ace Automation Academy - World class professional online courses at your finger tips
Ace Automation Academy
Ace Automation Academy - World class professional online courses at your finger tips
Page Object Model Concept in context of an Application under Test - Part 2
Ace Automation Academy
Page Object Model Concept in context of an Application under Test - Part 2
Page Object Model - Concepts for Test Automation
Ace Automation Academy
Page Object Model - Concepts for Test Automation
Whats GIT? GIT Source code management explained in plain simple manner
Ace Automation Academy
Whats GIT? GIT Source code management explained in plain simple manner
Introduction to DevOps. Why DevOps?
Ace Automation Academy
Introduction to DevOps. Why DevOps?
Tricentis Tosca (Beginner to Intermediate) in easy steps - User Defined Modules
Ace Automation Academy
Tricentis Tosca (Beginner to Intermediate) in easy steps - User Defined Modules