경주 감은사 지 삼층석탑 #해봄체험 #전국투어 #역사공부#경주 #감은사지 #문무왕 #신문왕 #절터
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경주 감은사 지 삼층석탑 #해봄체험 #전국투어 #역사공부#경주 #감은사지 #문무왕 #신문왕 #절터
#경주 #황룡사지 #Gyeongju #Hwangryongsaji
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#경주 #황룡사지 #Gyeongju #Hwangryongsaji
일상속 CG #CG속일상
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일상속 CG #CG속일상
[moment]울산 몽돌해수욕장
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[moment]울산 몽돌해수욕장
[moment] 서울행 KTX와 봄
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[moment] 서울행 KTX와 봄
힐링의 숲으로 놀러오세요-경북힐링포레스트 영양 죽파리 자작나무 숲-BTS도 반하다 / [drone]The birch forest that BTS fell in love with
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힐링의 숲으로 놀러오세요-경북힐링포레스트 영양 죽파리 자작나무 숲-BTS도 반하다 / [drone]The birch forest that BTS fell in love with
제주 성 이시돌 목장의 오후 (제주 관광 핫플)The afternoon of St. Isidol's ranch (2019 Jeju's appearance) 핫플레이스
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제주 성 이시돌 목장의 오후 (제주 관광 핫플)The afternoon of St. Isidol's ranch (2019 Jeju's appearance) 핫플레이스
청명한 하늘아래 바람부는 제주 함덕서우봉 해변의 모습은?(코로나전) Jeju Hamdeok Seowoobong Beach with a clear sky and wind
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청명한 하늘아래 바람부는 제주 함덕서우봉 해변의 모습은?(코로나전) Jeju Hamdeok Seowoobong Beach with a clear sky and wind
아..비행기 진짜 타고 싶다/6분 동안 몇대의 비행기가 착륙했을까?/제주공항 근접촬영 Records of latent close-up shots around Jeju Airport
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아..비행기 진짜 타고 싶다/6분 동안 몇대의 비행기가 착륙했을까?/제주공항 근접촬영 Records of latent close-up shots around Jeju Airport
How many times did Pharaoh pour water in 10minutes? Ocean World, Hongcheon, Gangwon. Spacing out
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How many times did Pharaoh pour water in 10minutes? Ocean World, Hongcheon, Gangwon. Spacing out
벚꽂구경 시켜드릴게요. 벚꽃길 드라이브 스루 로드 투어 청도 각북면 Cherry Blossom Road Drive-Through Road Tour
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벚꽂구경 시켜드릴게요. 벚꽃길 드라이브 스루 로드 투어 청도 각북면 Cherry Blossom Road Drive-Through Road Tour
준피디의 평범한 일상 #봄의 시작 junePD's Normal daily life # 1 Beginning of spring
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준피디의 평범한 일상 #봄의 시작 junePD's Normal daily life # 1 Beginning of spring
코로나에 대처하는 우리의 자세 / Letter to Scary People by COVID19 Virus / The Korean Position to Overcome COVID19
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코로나에 대처하는 우리의 자세 / Letter to Scary People by COVID19 Virus / The Korean Position to Overcome COVID19
동해안 최대 해변, 포항 영일대해수욕장 Yeongildae Beach 힘내요 대구, 힘내요 경북
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동해안 최대 해변, 포항 영일대해수욕장 Yeongildae Beach 힘내요 대구, 힘내요 경북
동화같은 숲속 마을, 경북 포항 대잠동 영일대 Healing Place Fairytale Forest Village, Pohang Daejam Yeongildae, Pohang
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동화같은 숲속 마을, 경북 포항 대잠동 영일대 Healing Place Fairytale Forest Village, Pohang Daejam Yeongildae, Pohang
지구에서 우주를 만나다! 보현산 천문대 /경북 영천 Meet the Universe on Earth! Bohyunsan Observatory Yeongcheon, Gyeongbuk
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지구에서 우주를 만나다! 보현산 천문대 /경북 영천 Meet the Universe on Earth! Bohyunsan Observatory Yeongcheon, Gyeongbuk
힐링여행 영천 보현산 천문대 가는길 / 천수누림 데크로드 / Bohyunsan Yeongcheon Cheonsu Nurim-gil Deck Road
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힐링여행 영천 보현산 천문대 가는길 / 천수누림 데크로드 / Bohyunsan Yeongcheon Cheonsu Nurim-gil Deck Road
대한민국 가장 아름다운 해돋이 '제주 성산일출봉' (UNESCO) Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak(UNESCO) 城山日出峰 đỉnh thành của Jeju
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대한민국 가장 아름다운 해돋이 '제주 성산일출봉' (UNESCO) Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak(UNESCO) 城山日出峰 đỉnh thành của Jeju
[Sub] '이게 말이야' / 제주 애월 말 목장 말 초근접 촬영 Jeju Aewol Horse Ranch / 济州涯月末牧场/ 済州愛月末牧場 healing movie
junePD 준피디
[Sub] '이게 말이야' / 제주 애월 말 목장 말 초근접 촬영 Jeju Aewol Horse Ranch / 济州涯月末牧场/ 済州愛月末牧場 healing movie
제주도에서 가장 시원한 바다 곽지과물해변 / Gwakji Gwamul Beach 郭支海水浴場 제주 애월 하이엔드제주
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제주도에서 가장 시원한 바다 곽지과물해변 / Gwakji Gwamul Beach 郭支海水浴場 제주 애월 하이엔드제주
태국 방콕의 아침 ตอนเช้าในกรุงเทพประเทศไทย Morning in bangkok thai 早上在泰国曼谷 / Buổi sáng ở bangkok thái lan
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태국 방콕의 아침 ตอนเช้าในกรุงเทพประเทศไทย Morning in bangkok thai 早上在泰国曼谷 / Buổi sáng ở bangkok thái lan
juneTrip 태국 방콕가는 길 / Way to Bangkok Thailand / ถนนสู่กรุงเทพ (BGM คนไม่จำเป็น)
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juneTrip 태국 방콕가는 길 / Way to Bangkok Thailand / ถนนสู่กรุงเทพ (BGM คนไม่จำเป็น)
Jinjuseong Fortress / Chokseongnu was recommended as one of 50 must-visit world in Korea by CNN GO
junePD 준피디
Jinjuseong Fortress / Chokseongnu was recommended as one of 50 must-visit world in Korea by CNN GO
ASMR Gyeongju Hwangryongsa Temple Night View / UNESCO KOREA
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ASMR Gyeongju Hwangryongsa Temple Night View / UNESCO KOREA
ASMR Dokdo / The first sun rise in Korea / Takeshima? Dokdo! / No Japan No Abe
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ASMR Dokdo / The first sun rise in Korea / Takeshima? Dokdo! / No Japan No Abe
(Video source) ASMR Yeongnam-daero old road Mungyeong Saejae / old man's scholars go to Hanyang
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(Video source) ASMR Yeongnam-daero old road Mungyeong Saejae / old man's scholars go to Hanyang
Walk barefoot in the rainy Mungyeong Saejae / Clear and beautiful valley / Extreme refreshing Korea
junePD 준피디
Walk barefoot in the rainy Mungyeong Saejae / Clear and beautiful valley / Extreme refreshing Korea
[eng] 5:27am, meet the real Haeundae, Busan summer vacation/1st place foreigners want to go in Korea
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[eng] 5:27am, meet the real Haeundae, Busan summer vacation/1st place foreigners want to go in Korea
Have you ever had eye contact with an otter?
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Have you ever had eye contact with an otter?
ASMR Foreigner's most wanted beach in Korea, Haeundae (feat.Busan Gull) / summer vacation
junePD 준피디
ASMR Foreigner's most wanted beach in Korea, Haeundae (feat.Busan Gull) / summer vacation
(Video source) ASMR East Sea Summer Erode sunrise / morning of a tranquil fishing village
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(Video source) ASMR East Sea Summer Erode sunrise / morning of a tranquil fishing village
An endangered species ot live in the city?
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An endangered species ot live in the city?
Asmr tour donghae the beach? - Korea Uljin, North Kyongsang Province. / Beach for children
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Asmr tour donghae the beach? - Korea Uljin, North Kyongsang Province. / Beach for children
What sound do you hear when the wind generator is back? - Youngduk-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do
junePD 준피디
What sound do you hear when the wind generator is back? - Youngduk-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do
[june Street] Most popular photo spot in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City Hall
junePD 준피디
[june Street] Most popular photo spot in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City Hall
[june Trip]RBW  A small garden in the heart of Mamamu, Ho Chi Minh Sala Park
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[june Trip]RBW A small garden in the heart of Mamamu, Ho Chi Minh Sala Park
[june Street] When it rains suddenly, Ho Chi Minh City changes like this.
junePD 준피디
[june Street] When it rains suddenly, Ho Chi Minh City changes like this.
[juneTrip] I took a walk at the center of Ho Chi Minh City at 6 am
junePD 준피디
[juneTrip] I took a walk at the center of Ho Chi Minh City at 6 am
[june Trip] #1 Hochimin, Vitetnam I Do you want to come with me? 저와 같이 갈까요?
junePD 준피디
[june Trip] #1 Hochimin, Vitetnam I Do you want to come with me? 저와 같이 갈까요?
[running ASMR]14 sounds you will hear when you take a walk, dawn in Korea
junePD 준피디
[running ASMR]14 sounds you will hear when you take a walk, dawn in Korea
This is how refreshing a walk after the rain – Can You Feel The Love Tonight
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This is how refreshing a walk after the rain – Can You Feel The Love Tonight
ASMR TOUR 'Donggung and Wolji' Anapji Korea Gyeongsangbuk-do Gyeongju-si (feat. Harley-Davidson)
junePD 준피디
ASMR TOUR 'Donggung and Wolji' Anapji Korea Gyeongsangbuk-do Gyeongju-si (feat. Harley-Davidson)
What happens when you run on the day of the landing of Typhoon ᅵHillings ASMR ᅵKorea
junePD 준피디
What happens when you run on the day of the landing of Typhoon ᅵHillings ASMR ᅵKorea
[juneRunning] You can see the foreground ᅵHealing ASMR korea natural sound
junePD 준피디
[juneRunning] You can see the foreground ᅵHealing ASMR korea natural sound
ASMR Gyeongju Cheomseongdae(Cheomseongdae Observatory in Gyeongju) Korea to Viewed by Sound
junePD 준피디
ASMR Gyeongju Cheomseongdae(Cheomseongdae Observatory in Gyeongju) Korea to Viewed by Sound
ASMR TOUR 'Gyeongju Gyeongju Gameunsaji' natural sound of Gyeongju, KOREA
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ASMR TOUR 'Gyeongju Gyeongju Gameunsaji' natural sound of Gyeongju, KOREA
'Why I Started Running'
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'Why I Started Running'