Christine Mundy - Language as a medium for inclusivity
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Christine Mundy - Language as a medium for inclusivity
Maxine Gillway - the languages of chemistry and chemists
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Maxine Gillway - the languages of chemistry and chemists
Naomi Hennah - “What are they talking about?”: Developing rubrics for multimodal discourse analysis
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Naomi Hennah - “What are they talking about?”: Developing rubrics for multimodal discourse analysis
Silvija Markic - Learning of Scientific Language and How Much We Really Know About It
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Silvija Markic - Learning of Scientific Language and How Much We Really Know About It
Paul Martin - Beyond language barriers
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Paul Martin - Beyond language barriers
Marvin Roski Exploring Data Mining in Chemistry Education
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Marvin Roski Exploring Data Mining in Chemistry Education
Marcus Kubsch Using AI for science education
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Marcus Kubsch Using AI for science education
Amber Dood Trusting the machine
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Amber Dood Trusting the machine
Marcy Towns - Engaging Students in Meaningful Laboratory Learning - RSC Nyholm Prize Presentation
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Marcy Towns - Engaging Students in Meaningful Laboratory Learning - RSC Nyholm Prize Presentation
Alena Moon - Epistemic cognition: Explaining peer review for knowledge-building activity
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Alena Moon - Epistemic cognition: Explaining peer review for knowledge-building activity
Hendra Agustian: On feelings and desires: Epistemic affect in the laboratory
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Hendra Agustian: On feelings and desires: Epistemic affect in the laboratory
Nicole Graulich - When a machine detects students’ learning-Applying machine learning in chemistry e
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Nicole Graulich - When a machine detects students’ learning-Applying machine learning in chemistry e
Nikita Burrows - Beyond the Bench: A Qualitative Journey into Upper-Level Undergraduates’ Perspectiv
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Nikita Burrows - Beyond the Bench: A Qualitative Journey into Upper-Level Undergraduates’ Perspectiv
MICER21-Elizabeth Coppard-Using ethnographic participation and documentary analysis
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
MICER21-Elizabeth Coppard-Using ethnographic participation and documentary analysis
MICER21-Kathryn Kloepper-Laura Simon-The Power of Interdisciplinary Collaborations
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
MICER21-Kathryn Kloepper-Laura Simon-The Power of Interdisciplinary Collaborations
MICER21-Solaire Finkenstaedt-Quinn Field Watts-Establishing reliability in qualitative CER
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
MICER21-Solaire Finkenstaedt-Quinn Field Watts-Establishing reliability in qualitative CER
MICER21-Anna Wood-Conducting Qualitative Interviews through Instant Messaging and E-mail
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
MICER21-Anna Wood-Conducting Qualitative Interviews through Instant Messaging and E-mail
MICER21-Russell Pearson-Online Crossword Puzzle Tasks to Encourage Remote Engagement
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
MICER21-Russell Pearson-Online Crossword Puzzle Tasks to Encourage Remote Engagement
MICER21-Elizabeth-Yuriev- Mixed-methods research into metacognition in problem solving
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
MICER21-Elizabeth-Yuriev- Mixed-methods research into metacognition in problem solving
MICER21-Michael Seery-Lee Ferguson-Managing undergraduate chemistry education research
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
MICER21-Michael Seery-Lee Ferguson-Managing undergraduate chemistry education research
MICER21-Paulette Vincent-Ruz-My Journey to QuantCrit: How the Scientist Met The Fugitive
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
MICER21-Paulette Vincent-Ruz-My Journey to QuantCrit: How the Scientist Met The Fugitive
MICER21-Kristy Turner-Chemistry Education Research for busy people
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
MICER21-Kristy Turner-Chemistry Education Research for busy people
SUSChem - Dr Eleanor Crabb - Structuring online studentengagement
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
SUSChem - Dr Eleanor Crabb - Structuring online studentengagement
SUSChem - Dr Chris Mowat - Building Student Communities
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
SUSChem - Dr Chris Mowat - Building Student Communities
SUSChem - Dr Claire Mc Donnell - Supporting University Students in Chemistry During Hybrid Teaching
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
SUSChem - Dr Claire Mc Donnell - Supporting University Students in Chemistry During Hybrid Teaching
SUSChem - Dr Kristy Turner - Transition to UG studya dual perspective
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
SUSChem - Dr Kristy Turner - Transition to UG studya dual perspective
SUSChem - Dr Katherine Haxton - Developing a StudentSupport Plan
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
SUSChem - Dr Katherine Haxton - Developing a StudentSupport Plan
Lynda Dunlop - Capabilities approach and chemistry education
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Lynda Dunlop - Capabilities approach and chemistry education
Ryan Stowe - The role of models of cognition in interpreting assessment evidence
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Ryan Stowe - The role of models of cognition in interpreting assessment evidence
Nicole Graulich - Challenging student intuition with item design
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Nicole Graulich - Challenging student intuition with item design
Silvija Markic and Lilith Rüschenpöhler - The quest for chemistry capital
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Silvija Markic and Lilith Rüschenpöhler - The quest for chemistry capital
Ginger Shultz and Megan Connor - Cued retrospective think aloud interviewing to capture thinking dur
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Ginger Shultz and Megan Connor - Cued retrospective think aloud interviewing to capture thinking dur
Katy Hosbein - Alignment of affective measures with theory
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Katy Hosbein - Alignment of affective measures with theory
Resa Kelly: Exploring theoretical framework flavours to spice up analysis of students’ atomic level
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Resa Kelly: Exploring theoretical framework flavours to spice up analysis of students’ atomic level
Stacey Lowery Bretz: Iterating Instrument Development and Data Visualization: The Case of Meaningful
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Stacey Lowery Bretz: Iterating Instrument Development and Data Visualization: The Case of Meaningful
Marcy Towns: Focusing on Interdisciplinary Areas and Boundaries: Fruitful Frameworks and Ideas
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Marcy Towns: Focusing on Interdisciplinary Areas and Boundaries: Fruitful Frameworks and Ideas
Vanessa Ralph - Predict, Describe, and Explain: The practical relevance of pragmatism as a research
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Vanessa Ralph - Predict, Describe, and Explain: The practical relevance of pragmatism as a research
Nimesh Mistry: Factor analysis as a tool for analysing survey structure
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Nimesh Mistry: Factor analysis as a tool for analysing survey structure
Gwen Lawrie - Design-Based Research as a framework to enable research at the nexus with practice
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Gwen Lawrie - Design-Based Research as a framework to enable research at the nexus with practice
CLEAR20-Keynote 2-Marcy Towns-Purdue University
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
CLEAR20-Keynote 2-Marcy Towns-Purdue University
CLEAR20-Invited Talk 4-Anna Bertram-University of Nottingham
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
CLEAR20-Invited Talk 4-Anna Bertram-University of Nottingham
CLEAR20-Learning Science Demonstration
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
CLEAR20-Learning Science Demonstration
CLEAR20-Invited Talk 2-Reyne Pullen-The University of Sydney
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
CLEAR20-Invited Talk 2-Reyne Pullen-The University of Sydney
CLEAR20-Invited Talk 1-Sarah Cresswell and Wendy Loughlin-Griffith University
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
CLEAR20-Invited Talk 1-Sarah Cresswell and Wendy Loughlin-Griffith University
CLEAR20 Keynote 1- Stephen George-Williams-The University of Sydney
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
CLEAR20 Keynote 1- Stephen George-Williams-The University of Sydney
Stacey Lowery Bretz Webinar - Measuring Students’ Understandings of Multiple Representations
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Stacey Lowery Bretz Webinar - Measuring Students’ Understandings of Multiple Representations
Sam Pazicni Webinar - Tackling the Textbook: The Use and Usefulness of Chemistry’s Most Ubiquitous
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Sam Pazicni Webinar - Tackling the Textbook: The Use and Usefulness of Chemistry’s Most Ubiquitous
Gwen Lawrie Webinar - scaffolding learning with multiple representations in hybrid environments
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Gwen Lawrie Webinar - scaffolding learning with multiple representations in hybrid environments
Renée Cole webinar - Characterizing the nature of classroom discourse
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Renée Cole webinar - Characterizing the nature of classroom discourse
Maia Popova webinar - Organic chemistry students’ challenges with coherence formation between reacti
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Maia Popova webinar - Organic chemistry students’ challenges with coherence formation between reacti
Kinsey Bain webinar - Investigating undergraduate student understanding of chemical kinetics
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Kinsey Bain webinar - Investigating undergraduate student understanding of chemical kinetics
CERG Showcase video: Niki Kaiser - Threshold Concepts in Chemistry
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
CERG Showcase video: Niki Kaiser - Threshold Concepts in Chemistry
Scott Lewis Webinar - At-Risk Students and Equity in Post-Secondary Introductory Chemistry
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Scott Lewis Webinar - At-Risk Students and Equity in Post-Secondary Introductory Chemistry
Santiago Sandi-Ureña webinar: learning in the chemistry laboratory
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Santiago Sandi-Ureña webinar: learning in the chemistry laboratory
CERG Showcase series: Nimesh Mistry - Identifying misconceptions
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
CERG Showcase series: Nimesh Mistry - Identifying misconceptions
Vanessa Kind Webinar - Pedagogical Content Knowledge
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Vanessa Kind Webinar - Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Vicente Talanquer webinar – Controlling Intuition
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Vicente Talanquer webinar – Controlling Intuition
The flipped learning environment in chemistry
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
The flipped learning environment in chemistry
Ginger Shultz Webinar: Writing to Learn Science
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Ginger Shultz Webinar: Writing to Learn Science
Prof Nicole Graulich: Capturing students’ organic mechanistic reasoning
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Prof Nicole Graulich: Capturing students’ organic mechanistic reasoning
Prof Donald Wink: The role and process of case studies
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Prof Donald Wink: The role and process of case studies
CERG Showcase Series: David Read - 'Partial Flipping'
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
CERG Showcase Series: David Read - 'Partial Flipping'
Dr Nathaniel Grove: What can cognitive science teach us about Lewis structures?
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Dr Nathaniel Grove: What can cognitive science teach us about Lewis structures?
CERG Showcase Series: Simon Rees - Language and Literacy in Chemistry Education
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
CERG Showcase Series: Simon Rees - Language and Literacy in Chemistry Education
Prof Keith Taber: The challenge of doing experimental studies in science education research
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Prof Keith Taber: The challenge of doing experimental studies in science education research
Prof Alison Flynn: "Organic reaction mechanisms: symbolism, patterns, and explanations"
RSC Chemical Education Research Group
Prof Alison Flynn: "Organic reaction mechanisms: symbolism, patterns, and explanations"