親密良友 Dear Friend #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
親密良友 Dear Friend #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Dear Friend | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Dear Friend | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
保守我腳步 Guard My Steps #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
保守我腳步 Guard My Steps #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Guard My Steps | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Guard My Steps | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
安慰我 Comfort Me #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
安慰我 Comfort Me #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Comfort Me | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Comfort Me | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
不動搖的信心 Unshakable Faith #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
不動搖的信心 Unshakable Faith #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Unshakable Faith | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Unshakable Faith | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
超過所求所想的祝福 The Blessing That Exceeds All We Ask Or Imagine #music #soakinginstrumentals #詩歌 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
超過所求所想的祝福 The Blessing That Exceeds All We Ask Or Imagine #music #soakinginstrumentals #詩歌 #shorts
The Blessing That Exceeds All We Ask Or Imagine | Soaking Music |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
The Blessing That Exceeds All We Ask Or Imagine | Soaking Music |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
孩子,我一直都在 My Child, I Have Always Been Here #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
孩子,我一直都在 My Child, I Have Always Been Here #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
My Child, I Have Always Been Here | Soaking Music | Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
My Child, I Have Always Been Here | Soaking Music | Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
我們是神的兒女 We Are The Children Of God #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
我們是神的兒女 We Are The Children Of God #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
We Are The Children Of God | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
We Are The Children Of God | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
我的心哪,你為何憂悶? Why, My Soul, Are You Downcast? #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
我的心哪,你為何憂悶? Why, My Soul, Are You Downcast? #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Why, My Soul, Are You Downcast? | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Why, My Soul, Are You Downcast? | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
更深經歷你 Deeper Experience Of God's Goodness #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
更深經歷你 Deeper Experience Of God's Goodness #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Deeper Experience Of God's Goodness | Soaking Music|Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Deeper Experience Of God's Goodness | Soaking Music|Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
安然躺臥 (助眠版) Rest Securely #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
安然躺臥 (助眠版) Rest Securely #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Rest Securely (Sleep Version) | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Rest Securely (Sleep Version) | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
平靜一切風浪 Calm All The Storms #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
平靜一切風浪 Calm All The Storms #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Calm All The Storms | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Calm All The Storms | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
恢復我的心 Restore My Heart #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
恢復我的心 Restore My Heart #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Restore My Heart | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Restore My Heart | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
尋找,就尋見 Seek And You Will Find #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
尋找,就尋見 Seek And You Will Find #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Seek And You Will Find | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Seek And You Will Find | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
永恆不變的愛 Eternal And Unchanging Love #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
永恆不變的愛 Eternal And Unchanging Love #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Eternal And Unchanging Love | Soaking Music | Piano Music|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Eternal And Unchanging Love | Soaking Music | Piano Music|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
平安的祝福 The Blessing Of Peace #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
平安的祝福 The Blessing Of Peace #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
The Blessing Of Peace | Soaking Music | Piano Music|Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
The Blessing Of Peace | Soaking Music | Piano Music|Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
神以恩典為年歲的冠冕 God Crowns The Year With His Bounty #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
神以恩典為年歲的冠冕 God Crowns The Year With His Bounty #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
God Crowns The Year With His Bounty | Soaking Music|Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Crowns The Year With His Bounty | Soaking Music|Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
從迷惘到確信 From Confusion To Conviction #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
從迷惘到確信 From Confusion To Conviction #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
From Confusion To Conviction | Soaking Music|Piano Music |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
From Confusion To Conviction | Soaking Music|Piano Music |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
更新我的心 Renew My Heart #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
更新我的心 Renew My Heart #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Renew My Heart | Soaking Music | Piano Music |Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Renew My Heart | Soaking Music | Piano Music |Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
困境中仍有盼望 Hope In The Midst Of Adversity #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
困境中仍有盼望 Hope In The Midst Of Adversity #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Hope In The Midst Of Adversity | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Hope In The Midst Of Adversity | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
將一切重擔交給神 Surrender All Your Burdens To God #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
將一切重擔交給神 Surrender All Your Burdens To God #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Surrender All Your Burdens To God | Soaking Music |Piano |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Surrender All Your Burdens To God | Soaking Music |Piano |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
舊事已過,一切都是新的 The Old Has Gone, The New Is Here #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
舊事已過,一切都是新的 The Old Has Gone, The New Is Here #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
The Old Has Gone, The New Is Here | Soaking Music | Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
The Old Has Gone, The New Is Here | Soaking Music | Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
平安充滿我心 Peace Fills My Heart #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
平安充滿我心 Peace Fills My Heart #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Peace Fills My Heart | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Peace Fills My Heart | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
新的一年,新的祝福 A New Year, A New Blessing #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
新的一年,新的祝福 A New Year, A New Blessing #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
A New Year, A New Blessing | Soaking Music|Piano Music| Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
A New Year, A New Blessing | Soaking Music|Piano Music| Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
天父都看顧 Father Watches Over All #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
天父都看顧 Father Watches Over All #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Father Watches Over All | Soaking Music|Piano Music|Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Father Watches Over All | Soaking Music|Piano Music|Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
全然的愛 God's Perfect Love #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
全然的愛 God's Perfect Love #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
God's Perfect Love | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God's Perfect Love | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
平安夜|為我降臨的愛Silent Night|The Love That Came For Me #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
平安夜|為我降臨的愛Silent Night|The Love That Came For Me #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Silent Night|The Love That Came For Me | Soaking Music | Piano | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Silent Night|The Love That Came For Me | Soaking Music | Piano | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
主啊!帶領我! Lord! Lead Me! #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
主啊!帶領我! Lord! Lead Me! #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Lord! Lead Me! | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Lord! Lead Me! | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
誠心求告神 Call On God In Truth #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
誠心求告神 Call On God In Truth #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Call On God In Truth | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Call On God In Truth | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
無盡的恩典與慈愛 Endless Grace And Love #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
無盡的恩典與慈愛 Endless Grace And Love #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Endless Grace And Love | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Endless Grace And Love | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
我們是天父的孩子 We Are The Children Of God #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
Light Music 唯光音樂
我們是天父的孩子 We Are The Children Of God #music #soakinginstrumentals #piano #詩歌 #敬拜 #shorts
We Are The Children Of God | Soaking Music | Piano Music |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
We Are The Children Of God | Soaking Music | Piano Music |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Hope That Does Not Lose Faith | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Hope That Does Not Lose Faith | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
My Child, You Are Not Alone | Soaking Music | Piano Music|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
My Child, You Are Not Alone | Soaking Music | Piano Music|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
True Peace From God | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
True Peace From God | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
The Complete Protection Of God | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
The Complete Protection Of God | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Following In God's Footsteps | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Following In God's Footsteps | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
The Wonderful Grace Of God | Soaking Music | Piano Music |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
The Wonderful Grace Of God | Soaking Music | Piano Music |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God Gives Strength In Weakness | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Gives Strength In Weakness | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Help In Times Of Difficulty | Soaking Music | Piano Music|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Help In Times Of Difficulty | Soaking Music | Piano Music|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Pray Continually | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Pray Continually | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
The Blessings Given By God | Soaking Music | Piano Music |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
The Blessings Given By God | Soaking Music | Piano Music |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
My Lord, Please Increase My Faith | Soaking Music | Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
My Lord, Please Increase My Faith | Soaking Music | Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God Is With Me | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Is With Me | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God Has Never Given Up On You | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Has Never Given Up On You | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
My Child, You Do Not Need To Worry | Soaking Music |Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
My Child, You Do Not Need To Worry | Soaking Music |Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God Will Accomplish Good Things | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Will Accomplish Good Things | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God Has The Best Plan | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Has The Best Plan | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Your Grace Is Sufficient For Me | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Your Grace Is Sufficient For Me | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
My Child, I Love You With All My Heart | Soaking Music | Piano | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
My Child, I Love You With All My Heart | Soaking Music | Piano | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
The Only Strength In Helplessness | Soaking Music | Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
The Only Strength In Helplessness | Soaking Music | Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God's Love Fills Me | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God's Love Fills Me | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
My Lord, Give Me Strength! | Soaking Music | Piano Music |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
My Lord, Give Me Strength! | Soaking Music | Piano Music |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God Is My Comforter | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Is My Comforter | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
The Prayer In My Heart | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
The Prayer In My Heart | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
My Soul Finds Peace | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
My Soul Finds Peace | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
My Heart Finds Peace | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
My Heart Finds Peace | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God Is Always Protecting Me | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Is Always Protecting Me | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God Has Heard My Prayer | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer  |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Has Heard My Prayer | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
My Child, I Am With You | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
My Child, I Am With You | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer |1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Cast Your Anxiety On God |Soaking Music|Piano Music|Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
Cast Your Anxiety On God |Soaking Music|Piano Music|Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
My Soul Rejoices In My God | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
My Soul Rejoices In My God | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God Leads Me Beside Quiet Waters | Soaking Music | Piano |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Leads Me Beside Quiet Waters | Soaking Music | Piano |Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
I Don't Have To Be Afraid Anymore | Soaking Music | Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
I Don't Have To Be Afraid Anymore | Soaking Music | Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
My Child, I Know Your Struggles | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
My Child, I Know Your Struggles | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God's Wonderful Will | Soaking Music | Piano Music |Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God's Wonderful Will | Soaking Music | Piano Music |Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God Guards My Steps | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Guards My Steps | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God Who Helps Us To Victory | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Who Helps Us To Victory | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God Who Overcomes The World | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Who Overcomes The World | Soaking Music | Piano | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
My Child, Do Not Doubt! | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
My Child, Do Not Doubt! | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
I Deeply Know That God Is Everywhere |Soaking Music|Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
I Deeply Know That God Is Everywhere |Soaking Music|Piano|Prayer|1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
God Protect Me | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music  | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship
Light Music 唯光音樂
God Protect Me | Soaking Music | Piano Music | Prayer Music | 1 HOUR Instrumental Soaking Worship