Parashat Ki Tisa 5785 | Purim and the Golden Calf
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Ki Tisa 5785 | Purim and the Golden Calf
Parashat Tetzaveh 5785 | Recalibrating Our Relationship with the Creator
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Tetzaveh 5785 | Recalibrating Our Relationship with the Creator
The Power of the Priestly Garments
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Power of the Priestly Garments
Parashat Terumah 5785 | Living Inside and Out of Space and Time
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Terumah 5785 | Living Inside and Out of Space and Time
Making Room for God in Our Everyday Lives  (AUDIO ONLY)
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Making Room for God in Our Everyday Lives (AUDIO ONLY)
Parashat Mishpatim 5785 | The God who Weeps
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Mishpatim 5785 | The God who Weeps
The Path from Sinai to Everyday Life
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Path from Sinai to Everyday Life
Parashat Yitro 5785 | Torah for the Nations
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Yitro 5785 | Torah for the Nations
The Revolution of the Sinai Revelation
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Revolution of the Sinai Revelation
Parashat B'Shalach 5785 | What Really Happened at the Splitting of the Sea?
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat B'Shalach 5785 | What Really Happened at the Splitting of the Sea?
String Theory and the Song of the Universe
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
String Theory and the Song of the Universe
Parashat Bo 5785 | 'Sanctify to Me Every Firstborn'
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Bo 5785 | 'Sanctify to Me Every Firstborn'
Inner Dimensions of the Ten Plagues - Part II
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Inner Dimensions of the Ten Plagues - Part II
Inner Dimensions of the Ten Plagues
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Inner Dimensions of the Ten Plagues
Parashat Va'era 5785 | What is the Meaning of God's Name?
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Va'era 5785 | What is the Meaning of God's Name?
Parashat Shemot 5785 | The Toolkit of Miracles
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Shemot 5785 | The Toolkit of Miracles
The Children of Israel in Egypt: From Individuals to a Family to a Nation
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Children of Israel in Egypt: From Individuals to a Family to a Nation
Secrets of the Hebrew Alphabet - Part Two: Transformation
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Secrets of the Hebrew Alphabet - Part Two: Transformation
Parashat Va'yechi 5785 | Asking God for the Impossible
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Va'yechi 5785 | Asking God for the Impossible
Yaakov and Yosef's Final Days in Egypt and the Messianic Prophecy that Wasn't
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Yaakov and Yosef's Final Days in Egypt and the Messianic Prophecy that Wasn't
Parashat Va'yigash 5785 | What Really Happened When Joseph Revealed Himself?
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Va'yigash 5785 | What Really Happened When Joseph Revealed Himself?
Why Did They Outlaw Circumcision?
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Why Did They Outlaw Circumcision?
Parashat Miketz 5785 | Why Does God Choose the Outsider?
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Miketz 5785 | Why Does God Choose the Outsider?
Rectifying the Sin of the Sale of Joseph
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Rectifying the Sin of the Sale of Joseph
Parashat Va'yeshev 5785 | Two Paths to Messianic Redemption
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Va'yeshev 5785 | Two Paths to Messianic Redemption
The Secret of Clothing and the Chronicles of Jacob: Joseph...
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Secret of Clothing and the Chronicles of Jacob: Joseph...
Parashat Va'yishlach 5785 | The Transformation of Yaakov into Yisrael
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Va'yishlach 5785 | The Transformation of Yaakov into Yisrael
Yaakov's Life as Contemporary Reality
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Yaakov's Life as Contemporary Reality
Parashat Va'yetzei 5785 | Yaakov's Spiritual Battle with Lavan
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Va'yetzei 5785 | Yaakov's Spiritual Battle with Lavan
Climbing a Staircase to Heaven
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Climbing a Staircase to Heaven
Parashat Toldot 5785 | The Forces of History
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Toldot 5785 | The Forces of History
Parashat Chayei Sarah 5785 | A Torah Lesson On Soulmates
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Chayei Sarah 5785 | A Torah Lesson On Soulmates
How to Grow Old and Stay Young!
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
How to Grow Old and Stay Young!
Parashat Va'yera 5784 | Someone is at the Door
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Va'yera 5784 | Someone is at the Door
The Ten Trials of Abraham
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Ten Trials of Abraham
Parashat Lech Lecha 5785 | The Man Who Changed the World
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Lech Lecha 5785 | The Man Who Changed the World
Walking Before God on the Path of Infinity
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Walking Before God on the Path of Infinity
Parashat Noach 5785 | The Challenge and Mission of Humanity
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Noach 5785 | The Challenge and Mission of Humanity
The Spiritual Essence of the Noahide Covenant
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Spiritual Essence of the Noahide Covenant
Welcome to Our Sukkah!
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Welcome to Our Sukkah!
The Most Formative Days of the Year
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Most Formative Days of the Year
The Gift of Yom Kippur
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Gift of Yom Kippur
Why is Yom Kippur the Happiest Day of the Year?
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Why is Yom Kippur the Happiest Day of the Year?
Parashat Nitzavim/Vayelech 5784 | Return to Who You Are
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Nitzavim/Vayelech 5784 | Return to Who You Are
The Universal Day of Judgement for All Mankind
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Universal Day of Judgement for All Mankind
Tools For Serving God
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Tools For Serving God
The Many Varied Commandments of Parashat Ki Teitzei
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Many Varied Commandments of Parashat Ki Teitzei
Parashat Shoftim 5784 | The Law of the Accidental Killer
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Shoftim 5784 | The Law of the Accidental Killer
The Challenge of Israel's Spiritual Battles
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Challenge of Israel's Spiritual Battles
Parashat Re'eh 5784 | Does Prophecy Exist Today?
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Re'eh 5784 | Does Prophecy Exist Today?
Parashat Eikev 5784 | The Primordial Struggle: From the Garden of Eden to Messiah
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Eikev 5784 | The Primordial Struggle: From the Garden of Eden to Messiah
Moshe as Muse and the Spiritual Illumination of Tu B'Av
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Moshe as Muse and the Spiritual Illumination of Tu B'Av
Parashat Va'etchanan 5784 | Why Every Prayer is Important
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Va'etchanan 5784 | Why Every Prayer is Important
Parashat Devarim 5784 | Relationship and Responsibility
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Devarim 5784 | Relationship and Responsibility
The Month of Consolation and The Journeys of Our Lives
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Month of Consolation and The Journeys of Our Lives
The Philosophy of Evil and the Lesson of Mashiach
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Philosophy of Evil and the Lesson of Mashiach
Secrets of the Hebrew Alphabet: Origins
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Secrets of the Hebrew Alphabet: Origins
Parashat Pinchas 5784 | Who Were the Daughters of Tzelafchad?
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Pinchas 5784 | Who Were the Daughters of Tzelafchad?
Parashat Chukat 5784 | The Hidden Book of Healing and the Fiery Serpents
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Chukat 5784 | The Hidden Book of Healing and the Fiery Serpents
A Generational Shift and The Secret of Purity
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
A Generational Shift and The Secret of Purity
Parashat Korach 5784: | Devoured by Ambition
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Korach 5784: | Devoured by Ambition
The Living Hell of Ego and Aaron's Staff of Eternal Life
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Living Hell of Ego and Aaron's Staff of Eternal Life
Parashat Shelach 5784 | Elevating the Divine Sparks
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Shelach 5784 | Elevating the Divine Sparks
The Fallen Angels and the Sin of the Spies
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Fallen Angels and the Sin of the Spies
Parashat Behalotcha 5784 | The Illusion of Desire
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Behalotcha 5784 | The Illusion of Desire
Standing Up for the Truth
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Standing Up for the Truth
Parashat Naso 5784 | Living with Intention
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Naso 5784 | Living with Intention
Parashat Bamidbar/Shavuot 5784 | The Desert Camp: A Cosmic Pattern
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Bamidbar/Shavuot 5784 | The Desert Camp: A Cosmic Pattern
Finding Love as a Noahide, Two Conversion Attempts and Making Aliyah
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Finding Love as a Noahide, Two Conversion Attempts and Making Aliyah
Parashat Bechukotei 5784 | The Art of Perpetual Movement
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Bechukotei 5784 | The Art of Perpetual Movement
Walking The Tightrope of Free Choice
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Walking The Tightrope of Free Choice
Parashat Behar 5784 | The Secret of the Sabbatical Year
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Behar 5784 | The Secret of the Sabbatical Year
Parashat Emor 5784 | The Infinite Value of Each Moment
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Emor 5784 | The Infinite Value of Each Moment
The Prophetic Days We Are Living In: How Do We All Fit In?
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Prophetic Days We Are Living In: How Do We All Fit In?
What Are Molten Gods? l Parashat Kedoshim 5784
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
What Are Molten Gods? l Parashat Kedoshim 5784
Sanctioning Beliefs and Protestors on the Payroll
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Sanctioning Beliefs and Protestors on the Payroll
Reconnecting with Life | Parashat Acharei Mot 5784
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Reconnecting with Life | Parashat Acharei Mot 5784
The Seventh Day of Passover
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Seventh Day of Passover
The Words of Our Lives | Parashat Metzora 5784
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Words of Our Lives | Parashat Metzora 5784
Iranian Missiles, the Passover Experience, and Biblical Integrity
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Iranian Missiles, the Passover Experience, and Biblical Integrity
The Interconnectedness of All Things | Parashat Tazria 5784
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Interconnectedness of All Things | Parashat Tazria 5784
The Amazing Month of Redemption and the Mystery of Joseph's Children
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Amazing Month of Redemption and the Mystery of Joseph's Children
Get Ready for Miracles
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Get Ready for Miracles
A Bridge Between Worlds | Parashat Shemini 5784
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
A Bridge Between Worlds | Parashat Shemini 5784
Man's Responsibility and Dualistic Nature
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Man's Responsibility and Dualistic Nature
The Power of Gratitude | Parashat Tzav 5784
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Power of Gratitude | Parashat Tzav 5784
The Balancing Act of Creation | Parashat Vayikra 5784
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Balancing Act of Creation | Parashat Vayikra 5784
Who is Amalek?   #torah #Purim #Megila #Esther #anti-Semitism
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Who is Amalek? #torah #Purim #Megila #Esther #anti-Semitism
Contemporary Parallels and Purim's Modern-Day Wakeup Call
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Contemporary Parallels and Purim's Modern-Day Wakeup Call
# 195 Megila short #podcast #torah #Purim #Megila #Esther #love #history
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
# 195 Megila short #podcast #torah #Purim #Megila #Esther #love #history
Why Do We Need To Build the Holy Temple Today? | Parashat Pekudei 5784
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Why Do We Need To Build the Holy Temple Today? | Parashat Pekudei 5784
Joy in G-d's Concealment, Sanctifying Time and Shabbat for Non-Jews
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Joy in G-d's Concealment, Sanctifying Time and Shabbat for Non-Jews
Parashat Va'yahkel 5784 : The Knowing Heart
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Va'yahkel 5784 : The Knowing Heart
Jerusalem Lights Podcast # 194 : Walk Your Path
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Jerusalem Lights Podcast # 194 : Walk Your Path
Parashat Ki Tisa 5784 : Why Did Moses Break the Tablets?
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Ki Tisa 5784 : Why Did Moses Break the Tablets?
Jerusalem Lights Podcast  # 193 : Making Room for G-d in Alaska
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Jerusalem Lights Podcast # 193 : Making Room for G-d in Alaska
Parashat Tetzaveh 5784 : The Secret of the Priestly Garments
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Tetzaveh 5784 : The Secret of the Priestly Garments
Jerusalem Lights Podcast # 192 : Channeling the Divine
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Jerusalem Lights Podcast # 192 : Channeling the Divine
The Truth Behind the Israel Hamas War
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
The Truth Behind the Israel Hamas War
Parashat Teruma 5784 : Israel's War for the Holy Temple
Jerusalem Lights - Rabbi Chaim Richman
Parashat Teruma 5784 : Israel's War for the Holy Temple