Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Day in my life as a new mom, building a rhythm with my 2 month-old infant who started to coo & smile
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Traveling with a newborn baby for the first time, new mom vlog
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
First few weeks with our baby at home, REAL days in the life with a newborn, new mom vlog
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
My Birth Story Q&A l Labor & Delivery Tips, What I Learned About Hospital Birth
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
First 48 Hours With a Newborn In The Hospital, What to expect after a hospital birth VLOG 2024
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
MY BIRTH VLOG *Raw & Real* Successfully Induced Labor & Delivery of Our First Baby!
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Final Week of Pregnancy Vlog, Birth Prep, Getting Nursery Ready, Days before Induction
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Packing my first Hospital Bag for Labor & Delivery, Prenatal appointment at 37 weeks, Any Day Now?
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9 Months Pregnant Vlog, Vaginal Delivery? C-section? Induction? Nesting & Postpartum Meal Prep
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Our Maternity Photoshoot, Emotional fertility journey, Baby's coming this month!, Pregnancy vlog
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
3rd Trimester Vlog 🤰🏻 Will my baby come early? 34 weeks 3D ultrasound appointment, Pregnancy Updates
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3rd Trimester Vlog 🤰🏻 Ultrasound Appointment, Pregnancy Updates l Baby position, Nursery, Due date
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Unboxing My Baby Shower Gifts! What to have on baby registry, Newborn Essential List on Amazon
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Our First DIY Baby Shower & Baby Gender Reveal Party! Heartwarming pregnancy & IVF story
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
3rd Trimester Vlog 🤰🏻 Ultrasound Appointment, Pregnancy Update! Weight Gain, Glucose Test Results
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Pregnancy Vlog Second Trimester l Day in my life Pregnancy, Glucose Test, Met Opera, Pregnancy Diet
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
IVF cost breakdown, how to reduce IVF costs, Mini IVF, Shared Risk Program, How I paid for IVF
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
24 Weeks Pregnancy Vlog l Healing after rough weeks, Baby Kicks, Baby Moon Essentials, Birth Plans?
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Rough Week of My Pregnancy l Emergency Room Visit During 23 week Pregnancy, Amniocentesis results
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
21 Weeks Pregnancy update l Ultrasound Results, Seeing Pediatric Cardiologist, Skin allergies
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
1st time IVF success story, my IVF results, How many embryos did we get, Gender of our embryo?
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
19 Weeks Pregnancy Vlog, Productive Week in my Pregnancy Life, 2nd trimester updates and changes
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
18 Weeks Pregnancy Vlog l Baby Bump Starting to Show! 2nd trimester Pregnancy Essentials & Tips
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
15 - 17 Weeks Pregnancy Updates l Starting a New Chapter in Life as a 40 something year old
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
14 Weeks Pregnant l Babymoon in Aruba 2024 l Pregnancy Cravings l First trimester NT scan
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
My 1st time IVF Success Story | Tips on How to Choose a Good Fertility doctor & IVF Clinic
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
9 - 11 Weeks Pregnancy Updates & Symptoms! Graduating from IVF clinic, 1st OB appointment, 임신브이로그
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
7 Weeks Pregnant Road Trip Vlog l Break from IVF stress, Visiting parents-in-law in Miami 국제부부 미국일상
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Low HCG but Pregnant? Pregnancy Blood Tests kept us on our toes for a week! IVF over 40 vlog
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My Frozen Embryo Transfer Success Tips, Implantation Success Story #ttc #ivfsuccessfirsttime 배아이식성공
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
I'm pregnant at 41! IVF success pregnancy test, teary pregnancy journey 임밍아웃
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
IVF Egg Retrieval Day Vlog: How Many Eggs? What to Expect. IVF journey over 40, TTC over 40
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
IVF vlog: IVF stimulation & follicle count day by day, IVF journey, TTC over 40
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Frozen Embryo Transfer Day Vlog l What I ate before FET, What I did after FET, IVF journey update
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Days before Frozen Embryo Transfer vlog l What I ate before embryo transfer, IVF journey over 40
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
IVF update l How to choose which embryo to transfer? Ready for a FET? Emotional IVF journey over 40
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
IVF updates l How does Natural Embryo Transfer work? Scheduling FET and monitoring visits
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Hosting a dinner party, Table setting, What I cooked, IVF updates 미국일상 브이로그 l 40 something diaries
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
40 something diaries 🎄IVF Embryo results, Amazon Home Furniture Must Have, vlogmas 2023, 미국일상 브이로그
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
40 something diaries🎄 IVF journey, setting up living room, a new chapter in work & life in NYC
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
40 something diaries🎄 IKEA shopping, Furnishing living room, IVF journey, vlogmas 2023 국제부부 미국일상
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
40 something diaries🎄Home Improvement, Holiday shopping, IVF journey, vlogmas 2023 뉴욕 국제부부의 미국일상
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Being 40 Diaries l West Elm Shopping Vlog, IVF consultation, 40세 국제부부의 미국생활
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Being 40 Diaries l Weekend Retreat, Life Reset after cancelled IUI cycle, Fertility journey at 40
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
IUI with Gonal F injections - I documented my IUI journey and shared tips & info #ttcjourney at 40
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Being 40 Diaries l Weekend Chit Chat about Health, Cooking, First YouTube Sponsorship Cancelled 국제부부
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
I made $1,000 passive income this month as a YouTuber and an affiliate and a Content Creator.
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Hysteroscopy Vlog, Uterine Polyp Removal, Trying to Conceive at 40 after a miscarriage. Ovarian Cyst
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Trying to conceive at 40 after miscarriage, I finally chose to go with IVF or IUI?
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Being 40 Diaries l After miscarriage, Acupuncture works? Husband's Haircut at Home, Home Vlog
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Our Miscarriage Story at 9 weeks, Pregnancy Journey at 40, Missed Miscarriage, 미국 국제부부, 계류유산
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
$1000 Monthly Earnings Tips l YouTube Analytics, Affiliate, Poshmark, How to make extra $ online
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Being 40 Diaries l affiliate program, shopping with my husband in Woodbury Outlet, Bed Bath & Beyond
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Being 40 Diaries, shopping with my husband in HomeGoods, HomeDepot, IKEA, home gardening, unboxing
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Monthly Earnings l How much YouTube paid me with 5K subs, Poshmark sales, online seller journey
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Being 40 Diaries, productive weekend at home, putting together our house, cooking, reseller vlog미국일상
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Being 40 Diaries, busy week of a Poshmark reseller, chill day at Home, Marshalls haul, Peloton bike
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Being 40 Diaries, furniture shopping at West Elm outlet, organizing home, Asian supermarket
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
How to Steam Pork Belly in a Dutch Oven. Easy Recipe for Bossam - Korean Boiled Pork
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
[Eng cc] 미국 미친물가? 미국 대형 마트 세 곳 돌아다니며 50만원 장보기. 국제부부의 한인마트, 홀푸드, 동유럽 마트까지 세계음식 장보기 브이로그 및 추천템 알려드릴게요
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
[ENG cc] 르쿠르제 스타우브 주물냄비 10배 더주고 살 값어치가 있을까? 가성비 주물 무쇠 냄비 브랜드와 비교하여 르쿠르제 더치오븐 찐후기 공유해드릴게요.
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Korean Bathhouse Step by Step 한글자막 🛀 Korean Spa Tips & Tour from a Korean New Yorker
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Finally Getting My Dream Mercedes l All New Mercedes C300 l Best Car for Ladies (한글)
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
[ENG cc] 미국 홀푸드 🛒 밥상에 새로운 바람을, 삶의 질 높여주는 상품, 시도해보세요1 비싸도 홀푸드 마켓 가는 이유는 다른데서 찾아볼수 없는 홀푸드 찐템 때문이죠
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
[ENG cc] Marshalls Highend Beauty Brands 미국 가면 꼭 사야할 것 🛍마샬 화장품 쇼핑 미국 직구템 알아봐요
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Curacao Vacation Vlog. Best beaches in this beautiful Caribbean Dutch Island + our Curacao Airbnb
Juhui the New Yorker 뉴요커주희
Curacao Marriott - Birthday Beach Vacation Vlog (pt1)