275孝順父母要趁早不要等到失去了才懂得珍惜Be filial to your parents as early as possible
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275孝順父母要趁早不要等到失去了才懂得珍惜Be filial to your parents as early as possible
273創業其實不需要錢你只要明白這三件事Starting a business doesn’t actually require money,understand these three things
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273創業其實不需要錢你只要明白這三件事Starting a business doesn’t actually require money,understand these three things
272我伴侶的房子和汽車都是我用吸引力法則建造的My partner's house and car are all made by me. using the law of attraction.
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272我伴侶的房子和汽車都是我用吸引力法則建造的My partner's house and car are all made by me. using the law of attraction.
271 在這個主播流行的時代,如何快速成為主播?In this era of popular broadcasters, how to quickly become an anchor?
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271 在這個主播流行的時代,如何快速成為主播?In this era of popular broadcasters, how to quickly become an anchor?
270 如何讓你不起情緒的三大秘訣情緒修行周文強 Three secrets on how to stop yourself from emotions Emotional practice
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270 如何讓你不起情緒的三大秘訣情緒修行周文強 Three secrets on how to stop yourself from emotions Emotional practice
269開悟三部曲: 如何確定念頭是高我的人生感悟吸引力法則 Higher Self’s Life Insights on the Law of Attraction
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269開悟三部曲: 如何確定念頭是高我的人生感悟吸引力法則 Higher Self’s Life Insights on the Law of Attraction
268只有解除大腦的限制,才能走向富人圈馬雲思維趨勢 Lifting the limitations of the brain to move towards the rich circle
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268只有解除大腦的限制,才能走向富人圈馬雲思維趨勢 Lifting the limitations of the brain to move towards the rich circle
267 要過好這一生其實沒那麼複雜,活在就好了 I's not that complicated to live a good life, just live in the present
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267 要過好這一生其實沒那麼複雜,活在就好了 I's not that complicated to live a good life, just live in the present
266不與夏蟲談冰不與井蛙談海 潛在意識與決心Don't talk about ice with summer insects,don't talk about sea with well frogs
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266不與夏蟲談冰不與井蛙談海 潛在意識與決心Don't talk about ice with summer insects,don't talk about sea with well frogs
265 為什麼你的吸引力法則不起作用 Why your law of attraction doesn't Work Law of attraction
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265 為什麼你的吸引力法則不起作用 Why your law of attraction doesn't Work Law of attraction
264 日本人如何奪取財富、收割財富?如果是你,你會怎麼奪取財富?吸引力法則財富密 How do the Japanese seize wealth and harvest wealth?
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264 日本人如何奪取財富、收割財富?如果是你,你會怎麼奪取財富?吸引力法則財富密 How do the Japanese seize wealth and harvest wealth?
274 一般人該如何應對當下的股市是否該入手又如何去入手How should ordinary people respond to the current stock market?
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274 一般人該如何應對當下的股市是否該入手又如何去入手How should ordinary people respond to the current stock market?
263 想要什麼樣的人生就為自己設計什麼樣的體驗 Design the kind of experience you want for yourself
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263 想要什麼樣的人生就為自己設計什麼樣的體驗 Design the kind of experience you want for yourself
262 已婚女兒潑出去的水?孝順父母 Is the fact that your daughter is married is like throwing away water?
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262 已婚女兒潑出去的水?孝順父母 Is the fact that your daughter is married is like throwing away water?
260#潛意識#激發正能量成長知識#解除限制 #subconscious#inspiring positive energy#increased knowledge#lift restrictions
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260#潛意識#激發正能量成長知識#解除限制 #subconscious#inspiring positive energy#increased knowledge#lift restrictions
259 南极生命之旅 Antarctic life journey
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259 南极生命之旅 Antarctic life journey
258一生必來一次周文強老師線下課 A must come once in a lifetime
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258一生必來一次周文強老師線下課 A must come once in a lifetime
257 你有思考過 你是誰 你在哪 你來世間的任務嗎 Have you ever thought about who you are, where you are, and your mission
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257 你有思考過 你是誰 你在哪 你來世間的任務嗎 Have you ever thought about who you are, where you are, and your mission
256 錢比你大 還是你比錢大 Money is bigger than you or converse?
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256 錢比你大 還是你比錢大 Money is bigger than you or converse?
255  喜悅感無所不在 不要活在頭腦給你製造的幻相裡 Joy is everywhere_Don't live in the illusions created by your mind
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255 喜悅感無所不在 不要活在頭腦給你製造的幻相裡 Joy is everywhere_Don't live in the illusions created by your mind
254 順著變化 Follow the changes
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254 順著變化 Follow the changes
253 浪子回頭金不換 悔過自新綻光芒 The prodigal son returns with gold and repentance shines brightly
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253 浪子回頭金不換 悔過自新綻光芒 The prodigal son returns with gold and repentance shines brightly
251 而有些人從選擇上就領先了 Some people are ahead in their choices
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251 而有些人從選擇上就領先了 Some people are ahead in their choices
250 所思所言所行 決定人生的好壞境遇 What we think, say, and do actually determines the good or bad situation.
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250 所思所言所行 決定人生的好壞境遇 What we think, say, and do actually determines the good or bad situation.
249 20241103 這個方法讓每個人都能創業成功 This method allows everyone to start a successful business
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249 20241103 這個方法讓每個人都能創業成功 This method allows everyone to start a successful business
248 未來二十年最有趨勢的產業 The most trending industries in the next twenty years
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248 未來二十年最有趨勢的產業 The most trending industries in the next twenty years
247 揭秘人生如何修行取真經 All living beings possess the wisdom and virtue of the Tathagata.
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247 揭秘人生如何修行取真經 All living beings possess the wisdom and virtue of the Tathagata.
246 孝順父母要趁早 Be filial to your parents as early as possible.
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246 孝順父母要趁早 Be filial to your parents as early as possible.
245 20241029送你一句話讓你痛苦擊碎 Send you a word to relieve your pain
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245 20241029送你一句話讓你痛苦擊碎 Send you a word to relieve your pain
244 為什麼巴菲特可以成為投資界的神話?Why can Buffett become a myth in the investment world?
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244 為什麼巴菲特可以成為投資界的神話?Why can Buffett become a myth in the investment world?
243 很多的疾病都來自情緒 Many diseases come from emotions.
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243 很多的疾病都來自情緒 Many diseases come from emotions.
242 男人有了老婆以後 就不該再做這三件事 After a man has a wife, he should no longer do these three things
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242 男人有了老婆以後 就不該再做這三件事 After a man has a wife, he should no longer do these three things
241 每天心情好就運氣好 If you are in a good mood every day, you will have good luck.
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241 每天心情好就運氣好 If you are in a good mood every day, you will have good luck.
240 你越缺什麼就越給父母什麼 The more you lack something, the more you will give to your parents.
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240 你越缺什麼就越給父母什麼 The more you lack something, the more you will give to your parents.
238 如何提升說話技巧和影響力 How to improve your speaking skills and influence
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238 如何提升說話技巧和影響力 How to improve your speaking skills and influence
237 如何從窮到富的秘訣 The secret of how to go from poor to rich
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237 如何從窮到富的秘訣 The secret of how to go from poor to rich
236 乾隆明知道和珅是小人 卻為何還要重用和珅呢 Qianlong knew He Shen was a villain, but why did he still reuse He Shen?
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236 乾隆明知道和珅是小人 卻為何還要重用和珅呢 Qianlong knew He Shen was a villain, but why did he still reuse He Shen?
235 因果真實存在 揭露人生修行的真相 Cause and Effect Really Exists_Revealing the Truth of Life Cultivation
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235 因果真實存在 揭露人生修行的真相 Cause and Effect Really Exists_Revealing the Truth of Life Cultivation
234 讓我們在孩子成長的道路上 多一份耐心 多一份理解 Let us be more patient and understanding as our children grow up.
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234 讓我們在孩子成長的道路上 多一份耐心 多一份理解 Let us be more patient and understanding as our children grow up.
233 就這麼一句話 拯救了無數人 In one sentence_saved countless people
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233 就這麼一句話 拯救了無數人 In one sentence_saved countless people
232 你有多孝順父母 就有多少財富 The more filial you are to your parents, the more wealth you will have.
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232 你有多孝順父母 就有多少財富 The more filial you are to your parents, the more wealth you will have.
231 善惡終有報因果真實不虛 Good and evil will eventually be rewarded. Cause and effect is true.
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231 善惡終有報因果真實不虛 Good and evil will eventually be rewarded. Cause and effect is true.
230 人生價值排序 人活著的意義是什麼?Ranking of life values_What is the meaning of life?
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230 人生價值排序 人活著的意義是什麼?Ranking of life values_What is the meaning of life?
228 這句話拯救無數人 因為這句話太有能量了This sentence has saved countless people_because this sentence is so powerful
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228 這句話拯救無數人 因為這句話太有能量了This sentence has saved countless people_because this sentence is so powerful
227 默念這5句話 讓你能量越來越高 Recite these 5 sentences silently to make your energy higher and higher
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227 默念這5句話 讓你能量越來越高 Recite these 5 sentences silently to make your energy higher and higher
226 這是生命覺醒的一刻 This is the moment when life awakens.
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226 這是生命覺醒的一刻 This is the moment when life awakens.
225 積德行善自有天知! God knows how to accumulate virtue and do good!
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225 積德行善自有天知! God knows how to accumulate virtue and do good!
224 從此沒有人能讓你生氣 沒有事能讓你發火 no one can make you angry and nothing can make you angry.
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224 從此沒有人能讓你生氣 沒有事能讓你發火 no one can make you angry and nothing can make you angry.
239 讓孩子在規則的框架內自由地探索和成長 allow children to explore and grow freely within the framework of the rules
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239 讓孩子在規則的框架內自由地探索和成長 allow children to explore and grow freely within the framework of the rules
229 為天地立心 Establish a heart for heaven and earth
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229 為天地立心 Establish a heart for heaven and earth
223 帶著覺知的活著 能看懂這個影片的不一般 Living with Awareness_It’s extraordinary to be able to understand this video
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223 帶著覺知的活著 能看懂這個影片的不一般 Living with Awareness_It’s extraordinary to be able to understand this video
222 往後餘生請記得好好愛自己 Please remember to love yourself for the rest of your life
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222 往後餘生請記得好好愛自己 Please remember to love yourself for the rest of your life
221 絕處重生 你也能創造奇蹟 一起迎接潑天的富貴 Rebirth from despair_You can also create miracles and wealth.
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221 絕處重生 你也能創造奇蹟 一起迎接潑天的富貴 Rebirth from despair_You can also create miracles and wealth.
220 中秋節的由來 祝大家閔家團圓 喜樂常伴 The origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Wish you all a happy reunion!
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220 中秋節的由來 祝大家閔家團圓 喜樂常伴 The origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Wish you all a happy reunion!
219 順道者昌 逆道者亡 Those who follow the path will prosper, and those who go against the path will perish.
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219 順道者昌 逆道者亡 Those who follow the path will prosper, and those who go against the path will perish.
218 人生遊戲打通關很簡單 做你生命的創造者 It's easy to clear the game of life. Be the creator of your life
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218 人生遊戲打通關很簡單 做你生命的創造者 It's easy to clear the game of life. Be the creator of your life
217 20241001人生如戲 戲如人生 看開一切都會都會過去的 Life is just a game, it will all pass
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217 20241001人生如戲 戲如人生 看開一切都會都會過去的 Life is just a game, it will all pass
216 傾聽“浪花與大海”的故事吧 listen to the story of "the waves and the sea"
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216 傾聽“浪花與大海”的故事吧 listen to the story of "the waves and the sea"
215 20240929花錢是一種智慧 富人不會想著怎麼省錢 只研究怎麼賺錢
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215 20240929花錢是一種智慧 富人不會想著怎麼省錢 只研究怎麼賺錢
214 男人有三怕 女人們知道是哪三怕嘛 Men have three fears_Do women know which ones they are?
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214 男人有三怕 女人們知道是哪三怕嘛 Men have three fears_Do women know which ones they are?
213 你看看馬雲多聰明 馬老闆才是高手 Look how smart Jack Ma is
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213 你看看馬雲多聰明 馬老闆才是高手 Look how smart Jack Ma is
212 與你同在 With you
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212 與你同在 With you
211 善心善念對待每一個人 Treat everyone with kind hearts and thoughts.
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211 善心善念對待每一個人 Treat everyone with kind hearts and thoughts.
210 這是生命覺醒的一刻 耐心看完 看懂了將讓你受益一輩子 This is the moment of life’s awakening. Be patient and read it.
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210 這是生命覺醒的一刻 耐心看完 看懂了將讓你受益一輩子 This is the moment of life’s awakening. Be patient and read it.
209 素食是很好的一種生活方式 吃素等於放生 Vegetarianism is a good way of life_Being vegetarian is equal to safe life
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209 素食是很好的一種生活方式 吃素等於放生 Vegetarianism is a good way of life_Being vegetarian is equal to safe life
208 往後餘生請記得好好愛自己 Please remember to love yourself for the rest of your life
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208 往後餘生請記得好好愛自己 Please remember to love yourself for the rest of your life
207 讓你看懂一切因果 將讓你受益一輩子Let you understand cause and effect, which will benefit you for a lifetime
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207 讓你看懂一切因果 將讓你受益一輩子Let you understand cause and effect, which will benefit you for a lifetime
206 人越是沒有錢 越是要改掉這3個壞習慣 The less money people have,  they need to get rid of these 3 bad habits.
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206 人越是沒有錢 越是要改掉這3個壞習慣 The less money people have, they need to get rid of these 3 bad habits.
205 無知者無畏呀 出來混早晚要還的 You'll have to pay it back sooner or later if you go out for fun.
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205 無知者無畏呀 出來混早晚要還的 You'll have to pay it back sooner or later if you go out for fun.
204 想知道男人愛不愛你 Want to know if a man loves you?
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204 想知道男人愛不愛你 Want to know if a man loves you?
203 感覺好一切都好 Feel good everything is fine
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203 感覺好一切都好 Feel good everything is fine
202 馬雲揭曉未來三次巨大機會 Jack Ma reveals three huge opportunities in the future
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202 馬雲揭曉未來三次巨大機會 Jack Ma reveals three huge opportunities in the future
201 原來這就是宇宙的真相 It turns out that this is the truth of the universe
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201 原來這就是宇宙的真相 It turns out that this is the truth of the universe
200 為什麼物質那麼豐盛 但我們的​​人生卻過不好 Why are we so rich in material things but not living a good life?
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200 為什麼物質那麼豐盛 但我們的​​人生卻過不好 Why are we so rich in material things but not living a good life?
199 擁抱變化才有未來 Only by embracing change can we have a future
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199 擁抱變化才有未來 Only by embracing change can we have a future
198 除了你自己沒有人可以傷害你!No one can hurt you except yourself!
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198 除了你自己沒有人可以傷害你!No one can hurt you except yourself!
197 富人不會想著怎麼省錢 只研究怎麼賺錢 Rich people don’t think how to save money. They only study how to make money
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197 富人不會想著怎麼省錢 只研究怎麼賺錢 Rich people don’t think how to save money. They only study how to make money
196 我們人活著為什麼 不就為了找一個家嗎 Why do we live? Isn’t it just to find a home?
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196 我們人活著為什麼 不就為了找一個家嗎 Why do we live? Isn’t it just to find a home?
195 你信不信上帝是存在的 Do you believe that God exists?
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195 你信不信上帝是存在的 Do you believe that God exists?
194 你此生為什麼沒有錢你此生為什麼沒有成就 Why do you have no money in this life and have no achievements in this life?
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194 你此生為什麼沒有錢你此生為什麼沒有成就 Why do you have no money in this life and have no achievements in this life?
193 你有想過 你是誰?存在的意義是什麼? Have you ever thought about who you are? What is the meaning of existence?
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193 你有想過 你是誰?存在的意義是什麼? Have you ever thought about who you are? What is the meaning of existence?
192 你有財商思維 如果生病了都能賺錢 You have a financial mindset_You can make money even if you are sick
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192 你有財商思維 如果生病了都能賺錢 You have a financial mindset_You can make money even if you are sick
191 負面念頭比正面的顯化的更快 Negative thoughts manifest faster than positive ones
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191 負面念頭比正面的顯化的更快 Negative thoughts manifest faster than positive ones
190 多給自己的子孫積​​點德吧 Let’s accumulate more virtue for our descendants
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190 多給自己的子孫積​​點德吧 Let’s accumulate more virtue for our descendants
189 未來二十年做什麼產業最有趨勢 What industry will have the most trend in the next twenty years?
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189 未來二十年做什麼產業最有趨勢 What industry will have the most trend in the next twenty years?
188 無形的決定有形的 The laws of the world are intangible to determine the tangible
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188 無形的決定有形的 The laws of the world are intangible to determine the tangible
187 什麼是資產 What is an asset
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187 什麼是資產 What is an asset
186 你當下沒有結果 只是你沒有軌道 You have no results at the moment. It's just that you haven't found your track.
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186 你當下沒有結果 只是你沒有軌道 You have no results at the moment. It's just that you haven't found your track.
185 創業的兩個目的 Two purposes of starting a business
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185 創業的兩個目的 Two purposes of starting a business
184 為什麼我們要向聖賢學習 Why we should learn from sages
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184 為什麼我們要向聖賢學習 Why we should learn from sages
183 不管你正在經歷什麼 你在回過頭來看 那都不是事 No matter what happen, when you look back, everything is a piece of cake
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183 不管你正在經歷什麼 你在回過頭來看 那都不是事 No matter what happen, when you look back, everything is a piece of cake
182 人活著是為了什麼 What do people live for?
周子解密 Chau's Decrypt
182 人活著是為了什麼 What do people live for?
181 人生如戲 演好當下的角色就好 Make good friends, plant good causes
周子解密 Chau's Decrypt
181 人生如戲 演好當下的角色就好 Make good friends, plant good causes
180 一般人如何實現階層躍遷 How do ordinary people achieve a class jump?
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180 一般人如何實現階層躍遷 How do ordinary people achieve a class jump?
179 意識創造一切 只聽對自己有用的話 Consciousness creates everything. Only listen to words that are useful to you
周子解密 Chau's Decrypt
179 意識創造一切 只聽對自己有用的話 Consciousness creates everything. Only listen to words that are useful to you
178 教你一招讓你迅速實現財富自由 Teach you a trick to quickly achieve financial freedom
周子解密 Chau's Decrypt
178 教你一招讓你迅速實現財富自由 Teach you a trick to quickly achieve financial freedom
177 真相赤裸裸很難受的 你敢聽嗎 The truth is naked and painful_Do you dare to listen?
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177 真相赤裸裸很難受的 你敢聽嗎 The truth is naked and painful_Do you dare to listen?
176 明確自己心裡的目標 聚焦並行動 Clarify your goals_focus and act
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176 明確自己心裡的目標 聚焦並行動 Clarify your goals_focus and act
175 學習成長讓自己變得值錢 Learn and grow to make yourself valuable
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175 學習成長讓自己變得值錢 Learn and grow to make yourself valuable
174 財富也是一種能量 Wealth is also a kind of energy
周子解密 Chau's Decrypt
174 財富也是一種能量 Wealth is also a kind of energy