learn these american slang terms to sound like a native #english #americanslang #slang #largoanglais
learning english with Luc
learn these american slang terms to sound like a native #english #americanslang #slang #largoanglais
voici 2 manieres de dire je suis partant en anglais
learning english with Luc
voici 2 manieres de dire je suis partant en anglais
vocabulary linked tn the death...vocabulaire lie a la mort en anglais
learning english with Luc
vocabulary linked tn the death...vocabulaire lie a la mort en anglais
different ways of saying I don't care #englishvocabulary #foryou #americanenglish #english
learning english with Luc
different ways of saying I don't care #englishvocabulary #foryou #americanenglish #english
le secret de la prononciation américaine #englishvocabulary #americanenglish #foryou #english
learning english with Luc
le secret de la prononciation américaine #englishvocabulary #americanenglish #foryou #english
différentes manières de dire "tiens moi au courant"en anglais #englishvocabulary #vocabulaireanglais
learning english with Luc
différentes manières de dire "tiens moi au courant"en anglais #englishvocabulary #vocabulaireanglais
différentes manières de dire quel dommage en anglais #englishvocabulary #anglaisenligne #foryou
learning english with Luc
différentes manières de dire quel dommage en anglais #englishvocabulary #anglaisenligne #foryou
different alternatives to say I'm broke #englishvocabulary #americanenglish #anglaisenligne
learning english with Luc
different alternatives to say I'm broke #englishvocabulary #americanenglish #anglaisenligne
diversifie ta connaissance anglaise avec ceci  #englishvocabulary #anglaisenligne #americanenglish
learning english with Luc
diversifie ta connaissance anglaise avec ceci #englishvocabulary #anglaisenligne #americanenglish
diversify your English knowledge with these alternatives #englishvocabulary #americanenglish
learning english with Luc
diversify your English knowledge with these alternatives #englishvocabulary #americanenglish
extend your English vocabulary with these words #englishvocabulary #americanenglish #foryou
learning english with Luc
extend your English vocabulary with these words #englishvocabulary #americanenglish #foryou
American English vs British English #englishvocabulary #americanenglish #britishenglish
learning english with Luc
American English vs British English #englishvocabulary #americanenglish #britishenglish
basic English vs advance English #englishvocabulary #americanenglish #foryou
learning english with Luc
basic English vs advance English #englishvocabulary #americanenglish #foryou
American pronunciation vs British pronunciation #englishvocabulary #americanenglish #britishenglish
learning english with Luc
American pronunciation vs British pronunciation #englishvocabulary #americanenglish #britishenglish
parler l'anglais comme un natif #englishvocabulary #anglaisenligne #americanenglish
learning english with Luc
parler l'anglais comme un natif #englishvocabulary #anglaisenligne #americanenglish
boost your vocabulary with these words #englishvocabulary #anglaisenligne #americanenglish
learning english with Luc
boost your vocabulary with these words #englishvocabulary #anglaisenligne #americanenglish
l'anglais américain vs britannique #americanenglish #britishenglish #englishvocabulary
learning english with Luc
l'anglais américain vs britannique #americanenglish #britishenglish #englishvocabulary
apprends différentes manières de dire "you're welcome" en anglais #anglaisenligne #englishvocabulary
learning english with Luc
apprends différentes manières de dire "you're welcome" en anglais #anglaisenligne #englishvocabulary
augmentez votre connaissance en anglais avec ceci  #anglaisenligne #englishvocabulary #englishforyou
learning english with Luc
augmentez votre connaissance en anglais avec ceci #anglaisenligne #englishvocabulary #englishforyou
learn the British and American meaning of these things #english #foryou
learning english with Luc
learn the British and American meaning of these things #english #foryou
diversify your English knowledge with these words #englishvocabulary #anglaisenligne
learning english with Luc
diversify your English knowledge with these words #englishvocabulary #anglaisenligne
Learn this to diversify your English knowledge
learning english with Luc
Learn this to diversify your English knowledge
different ways of saying "I'm fine thank you",   différentes manières de dire "I'm fine thank you"
learning english with Luc
different ways of saying "I'm fine thank you", différentes manières de dire "I'm fine thank you"
basic English vs advance English
learning english with Luc
basic English vs advance English
stop saying "AND" all the time, use these alternatives instead
learning english with Luc
stop saying "AND" all the time, use these alternatives instead
different way of saying I'm tired
learning english with Luc
different way of saying I'm tired
use these alternatives to sound like a native speaker
learning english with Luc
use these alternatives to sound like a native speaker
the difference between to take and to bring
learning english with Luc
the difference between to take and to bring
start diversifying your speech with this
learning english with Luc
start diversifying your speech with this
here is an other way of saying can you make a room for me please?
learning english with Luc
here is an other way of saying can you make a room for me please?
raise your vocabulary with these words
learning english with Luc
raise your vocabulary with these words
here are some different ways of expressing your bad mood
learning english with Luc
here are some different ways of expressing your bad mood
this is the difference between trip and journey
learning english with Luc
this is the difference between trip and journey
a different way of saying "let's go"
learning english with Luc
a different way of saying "let's go"
here is an other way of saying "I'm traveling by plane
learning english with Luc
here is an other way of saying "I'm traveling by plane
learn these alternatives to sound like a native speaker
learning english with Luc
learn these alternatives to sound like a native speaker
instead of saying I'm scared use these alternatives
learning english with Luc
instead of saying I'm scared use these alternatives
learning American daily expressions, apprends les expressions américaines journalières
learning english with Luc
learning American daily expressions, apprends les expressions américaines journalières
diversify your English vocabulary with these expressions
learning english with Luc
diversify your English vocabulary with these expressions
five American expressions to sound like an American
learning english with Luc
five American expressions to sound like an American
learn five American expressions with Luc to sound like an American native speaker
learning english with Luc
learn five American expressions with Luc to sound like an American native speaker