Listening to new music so you don’t have to Pt.1 #listeningtomusic #2023song #2023music #newmusic
Kris Music
Listening to new music so you don’t have to Pt.1 #listeningtomusic #2023song #2023music #newmusic
Over 11,000 of you listen to my music on Spotify! I’m so honoued by each of you 💜 #spotifystreams
Kris Music
Over 11,000 of you listen to my music on Spotify! I’m so honoued by each of you 💜 #spotifystreams
Playing Canon in D until I get to 1st place of Opening Act!
Kris Music
Playing Canon in D until I get to 1st place of Opening Act!
Kris Music Live Stream
Kris Music
Kris Music Live Stream
Singing your requests if you vote!
Kris Music
Singing your requests if you vote!
Singing your requests if you vote for me!
Kris Music
Singing your requests if you vote for me!
I can confirm Stevie still twirls #stevienicks #edgeofseventeen #concert
Kris Music
I can confirm Stevie still twirls #stevienicks #edgeofseventeen #concert
Why did I put my fingers down most of these don’t apply to me #putafingerdown #challenge
Kris Music
Why did I put my fingers down most of these don’t apply to me #putafingerdown #challenge
Listen to ‘Where do I Begin?’ Now! #newmusic #kris #album #wheredoibegin? #newrelease #newalbum
Kris Music
Listen to ‘Where do I Begin?’ Now! #newmusic #kris #album #wheredoibegin? #newrelease #newalbum
‘Where do I begin?’ Is out on all platforms! #newmusic #newalbum #wheredoibegin? #kris #newrelease
Kris Music
‘Where do I begin?’ Is out on all platforms! #newmusic #newalbum #wheredoibegin? #kris #newrelease
‘Where do I begin?’ Is out everywhere, you can’t miss it!(and you don’t want to!) #newmusic #album
Kris Music
‘Where do I begin?’ Is out everywhere, you can’t miss it!(and you don’t want to!) #newmusic #album
L!nk in b!0, you cant miss it(and you dont want to)! #newmusic #newalbum #ep #musicrelease
Kris Music
L!nk in b!0, you cant miss it(and you dont want to)! #newmusic #newalbum #ep #musicrelease
‘Where do I begin?’ Is unlocked and out everywhere! L!nktree in comments to listen #newmusic #album
Kris Music
‘Where do I begin?’ Is unlocked and out everywhere! L!nktree in comments to listen #newmusic #album
Staring contest! #staringcontest #challenge
Kris Music
Staring contest! #staringcontest #challenge
Trying the voice filter on my song “The Man” #voicefilter #effects
Kris Music
Trying the voice filter on my song “The Man” #voicefilter #effects
(roygbiv) #roygbiv #rainbow #rainbowpride
Kris Music
(roygbiv) #roygbiv #rainbow #rainbowpride
(roygbiv) #roygbiv #rainbow #rainbowpride #pride
Kris Music
(roygbiv) #roygbiv #rainbow #rainbowpride #pride
shawty fire burnin on the dance floor #chargeyourphone #phonebattery
Kris Music
shawty fire burnin on the dance floor #chargeyourphone #phonebattery
Ya know what I mean? #imissyou #imy
Kris Music
Ya know what I mean? #imissyou #imy
Cry 😭 #songstocryto #sadsongs #sadsongssaysomuch #yourmemory #kris
Kris Music
Cry 😭 #songstocryto #sadsongs #sadsongssaysomuch #yourmemory #kris
Alexa play “sad Girl Hours” playlist🗣️🗣️ #sadsong #yourmemory #kris #sadsongs
Kris Music
Alexa play “sad Girl Hours” playlist🗣️🗣️ #sadsong #yourmemory #kris #sadsongs
Staring contest #staringcontest #dontblink
Kris Music
Staring contest #staringcontest #dontblink
Cry #sadsongs #songstocryto
Kris Music
Cry #sadsongs #songstocryto
Menitoba❌ Manitoba✅🙋‍♂️ #manitoba #canada #yeswehavemoose #manitova
Kris Music
Menitoba❌ Manitoba✅🙋‍♂️ #manitoba #canada #yeswehavemoose #manitova
Do you vear vigs? #doyouwearwigs #doyouvearvigs #elijahwood
Kris Music
Do you vear vigs? #doyouwearwigs #doyouvearvigs #elijahwood
Except for the fact that “Your Memory” is really released, this is satire #newsongrelease #kris
Kris Music
Except for the fact that “Your Memory” is really released, this is satire #newsongrelease #kris
Name that tune! #songgame #namethattune
Kris Music
Name that tune! #songgame #namethattune
New song “Your Memory” is out now! #newsongrelease #newmusic #bestmusic #newmusicfriday #yourmemory
Kris Music
New song “Your Memory” is out now! #newsongrelease #newmusic #bestmusic #newmusicfriday #yourmemory
This is memory from Cats… #andrewlloydwebber #catsmusical #memory
Kris Music
This is memory from Cats… #andrewlloydwebber #catsmusical #memory
A little tune for the sad girlies #songsaboutgrief #songsaboutloss #sadsongs #sadsongssaysomuch
Kris Music
A little tune for the sad girlies #songsaboutgrief #songsaboutloss #sadsongs #sadsongssaysomuch
Who does this song sound like?
Kris Music
Who does this song sound like?
Do you listen to lyrics or music more? #lyrics #lyricinterpretation #lyricmeaning
Kris Music
Do you listen to lyrics or music more? #lyrics #lyricinterpretation #lyricmeaning
Earth song for Earth Day #michaeljackson #earthsong #earthday #earthday2023
Kris Music
Earth song for Earth Day #michaeljackson #earthsong #earthday #earthday2023
Do you experience synesthesia when listening to music? #synesthesia
Kris Music
Do you experience synesthesia when listening to music? #synesthesia
Are you even hearing these lyrics? #lyrics #lipsynch #newmusic #theman #kris
Kris Music
Are you even hearing these lyrics? #lyrics #lipsynch #newmusic #theman #kris
Alexa play my Spring song playlist 🗣️🗣️ #springsongs #songsforspring #springplaylist #newmusic
Kris Music
Alexa play my Spring song playlist 🗣️🗣️ #springsongs #songsforspring #springplaylist #newmusic
When you discover new music # #newmusic #discovernewmusic #kris #theman
Kris Music
When you discover new music # #newmusic #discovernewmusic #kris #theman
Ruining songs pt.1 #ruiningsongs #favouritesongs #kris #fallinasusual #trendingsong
Kris Music
Ruining songs pt.1 #ruiningsongs #favouritesongs #kris #fallinasusual #trendingsong
Just look at them dance #dancesong #dancetrend #tiktokdancevideo #kris
Kris Music
Just look at them dance #dancesong #dancetrend #tiktokdancevideo #kris
I love the Smiths #ilovethesmiths #thesmiths #kris
Kris Music
I love the Smiths #ilovethesmiths #thesmiths #kris
Elite song #bestmusic #latesthits #newsongrelease #bestnewmusic
Kris Music
Elite song #bestmusic #latesthits #newsongrelease #bestnewmusic
When you discover new music #discovernewmusic
Kris Music
When you discover new music #discovernewmusic
Lem’n’Honey is out everywhere! 🍋🍯🎧 #newsongrelease #bestmusic #newmusic #trendingsong
Kris Music
Lem’n’Honey is out everywhere! 🍋🍯🎧 #newsongrelease #bestmusic #newmusic #trendingsong
You can listen to Lem’n’Honey now just click the l!nktree in my b!0 #newmusic #newsongrelease
Kris Music
You can listen to Lem’n’Honey now just click the l!nktree in my b!0 #newmusic #newsongrelease
Wilson is proud to announce my song ‘Lem’n’Honey’ is released on all platforms #newsongrelease
Kris Music
Wilson is proud to announce my song ‘Lem’n’Honey’ is released on all platforms #newsongrelease
Lem’n’Honey just dropped! Linktree in bi0 to listen to it😂🍋🍯 #newmusic #newrelease #newsonghits
Kris Music
Lem’n’Honey just dropped! Linktree in bi0 to listen to it😂🍋🍯 #newmusic #newrelease #newsonghits
Send this to your best friend and ask them which of you is Howard and Wilson #newmusic #springsong
Kris Music
Send this to your best friend and ask them which of you is Howard and Wilson #newmusic #springsong
Wilson is here to keep you updates on all the best new music #newmusic #bestmusic #newsongrelease
Kris Music
Wilson is here to keep you updates on all the best new music #newmusic #bestmusic #newsongrelease
Wilson knows where to find all the best new music #newmusic #bestmusic #newsongrelease #newsong
Kris Music
Wilson knows where to find all the best new music #newmusic #bestmusic #newsongrelease #newsong
Wilson would like to share his new favourite song with you #announcement  #newmusic #newsongrelease
Kris Music
Wilson would like to share his new favourite song with you #announcement #newmusic #newsongrelease
Shoppers drug mart care to sponsor me? #canadians #canadalife #shoppersdrugmart
Kris Music
Shoppers drug mart care to sponsor me? #canadians #canadalife #shoppersdrugmart
Synesthesia song challenge round 2 reveal #songchallenge #colourchallenge #synesthesia
Kris Music
Synesthesia song challenge round 2 reveal #songchallenge #colourchallenge #synesthesia
What colour do you associate with the song ‘The Man’ by Kris? #songchallenge #synesthesia
Kris Music
What colour do you associate with the song ‘The Man’ by Kris? #songchallenge #synesthesia
Perfect song for a late night drive through the city #newmusic #carsongs #latenightdrive
Kris Music
Perfect song for a late night drive through the city #newmusic #carsongs #latenightdrive
This song ‘The Man’ really rocks, if I do say so myself #newmusic #bestmusic #independentartist
Kris Music
This song ‘The Man’ really rocks, if I do say so myself #newmusic #bestmusic #independentartist
Remember this? #worldrecordegg #mostliked #instagramegg #likedegg
Kris Music
Remember this? #worldrecordegg #mostliked #instagramegg #likedegg
By now you guys should know the product is based on the consumer #newmusic #independentartist
Kris Music
By now you guys should know the product is based on the consumer #newmusic #independentartist
Baddies listen to ‘The Man’ #newmusic #womenempowerment #musicbywomen
Kris Music
Baddies listen to ‘The Man’ #newmusic #womenempowerment #musicbywomen
Empowered women let out their feminine rage to “The Man” by Kris #newmusic #womeninmusic
Kris Music
Empowered women let out their feminine rage to “The Man” by Kris #newmusic #womeninmusic
Let me put you on rq to my elite music taste #newmusic #bestmusic
Kris Music
Let me put you on rq to my elite music taste #newmusic #bestmusic
Best song for a late night drive through the city 🌃 🚙 🎶  #latenightdrive #carsongs
Kris Music
Best song for a late night drive through the city 🌃 🚙 🎶 #latenightdrive #carsongs
Music for motivation
Kris Music
Music for motivation
A song for International Women’s Day. Send this to a woman who you cherish! #internationalwomensday
Kris Music
A song for International Women’s Day. Send this to a woman who you cherish! #internationalwomensday
(TW) The message behind this song is a conversation people of all genders should be involved in.
Kris Music
(TW) The message behind this song is a conversation people of all genders should be involved in.
Let out your anger on my new song ‘The Man’…he can take it #newmusic #kris #theman #newsong
Kris Music
Let out your anger on my new song ‘The Man’…he can take it #newmusic #kris #theman #newsong
Only a powerful woman could write such powerful lyrics…these are from my song ‘The Man’ #lyrics
Kris Music
Only a powerful woman could write such powerful lyrics…these are from my song ‘The Man’ #lyrics
‘The Man’ is out on all platforms, just pick your poison: linktree in bio and comments #newmusic
Kris Music
‘The Man’ is out on all platforms, just pick your poison: linktree in bio and comments #newmusic
‘The Man’ is now out on all platforms, linktree is in the comments and in my bio to listen!
Kris Music
‘The Man’ is now out on all platforms, linktree is in the comments and in my bio to listen!
‘The Man’ is finally released on all platforms! Linktree in bio and comments to listen!
Kris Music
‘The Man’ is finally released on all platforms! Linktree in bio and comments to listen!
Day 21 of playing a bit more of “The Man” each day until it comes out…TOMORROW (March 3rd)
Kris Music
Day 21 of playing a bit more of “The Man” each day until it comes out…TOMORROW (March 3rd)
Day 20 of playing a bit more of “The Man” each day until release on March 3rd #daily #songchallenge
Kris Music
Day 20 of playing a bit more of “The Man” each day until release on March 3rd #daily #songchallenge
Day 19 of my daily play and then it comes out this Friday! (March 3rd) #daily #songchallenge
Kris Music
Day 19 of my daily play and then it comes out this Friday! (March 3rd) #daily #songchallenge
Day 18 of playing a bit of my song every day until it releases #newmusic #songchallenge #daily
Kris Music
Day 18 of playing a bit of my song every day until it releases #newmusic #songchallenge #daily
Day 17 of the daily play challenge
Kris Music
Day 17 of the daily play challenge
Day 16 of playing more of “The Man” every day until March 3rd
Kris Music
Day 16 of playing more of “The Man” every day until March 3rd
Day 15 of playing more of my song “The Man” each day until March 3rd
Kris Music
Day 15 of playing more of my song “The Man” each day until March 3rd
Day 14 of my daily song play
Kris Music
Day 14 of my daily song play
Day 13 of my daily song play!
Kris Music
Day 13 of my daily song play!
A lot can change in a year and nobody believes me when I say I began singing just this May ‘22
Kris Music
A lot can change in a year and nobody believes me when I say I began singing just this May ‘22
Jk I don’t think you have to just have synesthesia to do this
Kris Music
Jk I don’t think you have to just have synesthesia to do this
Day 12 of my series of playing a bit of “The Man” each day until March 3rd
Kris Music
Day 12 of my series of playing a bit of “The Man” each day until March 3rd
Day 11 of playing a bit more of “The Man” every day until it releases (March 3rd)
Kris Music
Day 11 of playing a bit more of “The Man” every day until it releases (March 3rd)
Day 10 of playing a bit of “The Man” every day until it comes out March 3rd
Kris Music
Day 10 of playing a bit of “The Man” every day until it comes out March 3rd
Day 9 of playing a bit of “The Man” every day until it comes out on March 3rd
Kris Music
Day 9 of playing a bit of “The Man” every day until it comes out on March 3rd
Rating the lines of my song with the voice filter
Kris Music
Rating the lines of my song with the voice filter
Day 8 of playing you “The Man” a bit more every day until it releases March 3rd
Kris Music
Day 8 of playing you “The Man” a bit more every day until it releases March 3rd
Day 7 of playing a bit of “the Man” every day until it comes out March 3rd
Kris Music
Day 7 of playing a bit of “the Man” every day until it comes out March 3rd
Day 6 of playing a bit of ‘The Man’ every day until March 3rd
Kris Music
Day 6 of playing a bit of ‘The Man’ every day until March 3rd
Day 5 of playing a bit of “The Man” every day until it comes out (March 3)
Kris Music
Day 5 of playing a bit of “The Man” every day until it comes out (March 3)
Day 4 of playing you a bit of ‘The Man’ each day until release on March 3rd
Kris Music
Day 4 of playing you a bit of ‘The Man’ each day until release on March 3rd
All Canadians are actually named Daniel, little known fact
Kris Music
All Canadians are actually named Daniel, little known fact
“Hi is this Patrick Star?”📞
Kris Music
“Hi is this Patrick Star?”📞
Your airpods:
Kris Music
Your airpods:
Day 3 of playing a bit of ‘The Man’ each day until March 3rd when it comes out
Kris Music
Day 3 of playing a bit of ‘The Man’ each day until March 3rd when it comes out
Day 2 of playing “The Man” little by little until it comes out (on MARCH 3rd)
Kris Music
Day 2 of playing “The Man” little by little until it comes out (on MARCH 3rd)
Can you guess what city this is? 🌃
Kris Music
Can you guess what city this is? 🌃
Day 1- Playing a bit of my song each day until it comes out (on March 3rd)
Kris Music
Day 1- Playing a bit of my song each day until it comes out (on March 3rd)
Do you guys like my cover art for my new song “Fallin’ as Usual?”
Kris Music
Do you guys like my cover art for my new song “Fallin’ as Usual?”
Link in bio to listen to ‘Fallin’ as Usual’ by Kris☺️🎧
Kris Music
Link in bio to listen to ‘Fallin’ as Usual’ by Kris☺️🎧
Link in bio to listen to ‘Fallin’ as usual’ by Kris
Kris Music
Link in bio to listen to ‘Fallin’ as usual’ by Kris