Why Most Kubernetes Dashboards Are Failing You (and What's The Future)
DevOps Toolkit
Why Most Kubernetes Dashboards Are Failing You (and What's The Future)
Ep13 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
DevOps Toolkit
Ep13 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
Miscellaneous - Feat. Dapr, KusionStack, and OpenFeature (You Choose!, Ch. 05, Ep. 06)
DevOps Toolkit
Miscellaneous - Feat. Dapr, KusionStack, and OpenFeature (You Choose!, Ch. 05, Ep. 06)
Neon - Never Share Databases Again!
DevOps Toolkit
Neon - Never Share Databases Again!
Ep12 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
DevOps Toolkit
Ep12 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
Specialized Templating - Feat. Porter, Werf, Radius, Score, PipeCD (You Choose!, Ch. 05, Ep. 05)
DevOps Toolkit
Specialized Templating - Feat. Porter, Werf, Radius, Score, PipeCD (You Choose!, Ch. 05, Ep. 05)
Past, Present, and Future of Internal Developer Platforms (IDP)
DevOps Toolkit
Past, Present, and Future of Internal Developer Platforms (IDP)
Graphical User Interface - Feat. Backstage and Port (You Choose!, Ch. 05, Ep. 04)
DevOps Toolkit
Graphical User Interface - Feat. Backstage and Port (You Choose!, Ch. 05, Ep. 04)
Say Goodbye to Tedious Docker Commands: Embrace Docker to Bake Images
DevOps Toolkit
Say Goodbye to Tedious Docker Commands: Embrace Docker to Bake Images
Ep11 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
DevOps Toolkit
Ep11 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
One-Shot Actions (CI) - Feat. GitHub Actions, Argo Workflows, Tekton (You Choose!, Ch. 05, Ep. 03)
DevOps Toolkit
One-Shot Actions (CI) - Feat. GitHub Actions, Argo Workflows, Tekton (You Choose!, Ch. 05, Ep. 03)
From Zero to Fully Operational Developer Platform in 5 Steps!
DevOps Toolkit
From Zero to Fully Operational Developer Platform in 5 Steps!
Ep10 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
DevOps Toolkit
Ep10 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
Policies & State Synchronization (GitOps) - Feat. Kyverno & Argo CD (You Choose!, Ch. 05, Ep. 02)
DevOps Toolkit
Policies & State Synchronization (GitOps) - Feat. Kyverno & Argo CD (You Choose!, Ch. 05, Ep. 02)
Why I Changed My Mind About Backstage? A Brutally Honest Opinion
DevOps Toolkit
Why I Changed My Mind About Backstage? A Brutally Honest Opinion
Ep09 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
DevOps Toolkit
Ep09 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
API & State Management - Feat. Crossplane, KubeVela, & Kratix (You Choose!, Ch. 05, Ep. 01)
DevOps Toolkit
API & State Management - Feat. Crossplane, KubeVela, & Kratix (You Choose!, Ch. 05, Ep. 01)
From UX to API: Mastering Platform Validations with Kubernetes Validating Admission Policies
DevOps Toolkit
From UX to API: Mastering Platform Validations with Kubernetes Validating Admission Policies
Ep08 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
DevOps Toolkit
Ep08 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
Internal Developer Platforms Intro (You Choose! Ch. 5, Ep. 0)
DevOps Toolkit
Internal Developer Platforms Intro (You Choose! Ch. 5, Ep. 0)
Full Application Setup in Internal Developer Platform (IDP) with Crossplane
DevOps Toolkit
Full Application Setup in Internal Developer Platform (IDP) with Crossplane
Ep07 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
DevOps Toolkit
Ep07 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
How to Create Custom CLIs for Internal Developer Platforms with Nushell
DevOps Toolkit
How to Create Custom CLIs for Internal Developer Platforms with Nushell
How Kubernetes API Works? RBAC, Admission Controllers, Schema Validation, etc.
DevOps Toolkit
How Kubernetes API Works? RBAC, Admission Controllers, Schema Validation, etc.
Ep06 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
DevOps Toolkit
Ep06 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
Top 10 DevOps Tools You MUST Use in 2025!
DevOps Toolkit
Top 10 DevOps Tools You MUST Use in 2025!
Ep05 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
DevOps Toolkit
Ep05 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
Should We Extend Kubernetes API with CRDs?
DevOps Toolkit
Should We Extend Kubernetes API with CRDs?
Kubernetes Helm - What's Wrong with It? Why Do You Dislike It?
DevOps Toolkit
Kubernetes Helm - What's Wrong with It? Why Do You Dislike It?
Is This the End of Crossplane? Compose Kubernetes Resources with kro
DevOps Toolkit
Is This the End of Crossplane? Compose Kubernetes Resources with kro
Kubernetes - What Are the Most Important Design Patterns and Principles?
DevOps Toolkit
Kubernetes - What Are the Most Important Design Patterns and Principles?
Ep04 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
DevOps Toolkit
Ep04 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
Secrets in Kubernetes - How to Transfer Secrets from One Cluster to Another?
DevOps Toolkit
Secrets in Kubernetes - How to Transfer Secrets from One Cluster to Another?
Mastering Kubernetes: Volumes (Persistent Volumes and Claims, ConfigMaps, Secrets, etc)
DevOps Toolkit
Mastering Kubernetes: Volumes (Persistent Volumes and Claims, ConfigMaps, Secrets, etc)
Control Plane - What Are The Main Benefits of Implementing It?
DevOps Toolkit
Control Plane - What Are The Main Benefits of Implementing It?
Crossplane - What Are Examples Where It Can Be Used Other Than for Cloud Resources?
DevOps Toolkit
Crossplane - What Are Examples Where It Can Be Used Other Than for Cloud Resources?
Ep03 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
DevOps Toolkit
Ep03 - Ask Me Anything About DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
Canary Deployments - Is It a Good Practice to Combine Argo Rollouts with Ingress and Istio?
DevOps Toolkit
Canary Deployments - Is It a Good Practice to Combine Argo Rollouts with Ingress and Istio?
What Do I Hate About Kubernetes?
DevOps Toolkit
What Do I Hate About Kubernetes?
Are Databases in Kubernetes Production-Ready?
DevOps Toolkit
Are Databases in Kubernetes Production-Ready?
Your Kubernetes Cluster Isn't Safe - The Dark Side of Backups
DevOps Toolkit
Your Kubernetes Cluster Isn't Safe - The Dark Side of Backups
Ep02 - Ask Me Anything about DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
DevOps Toolkit
Ep02 - Ask Me Anything about DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering,... w/Scott Rosenberg
Master Kubernetes Backups with Velero: Step-by-Step Guide
DevOps Toolkit
Master Kubernetes Backups with Velero: Step-by-Step Guide
Ask Me Anything about DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetses, or anything else
DevOps Toolkit
Ask Me Anything about DevOps, Cloud, Kubernetses, or anything else
Say Goodbye to Direct Communication! Event-Driven Pub/Sub With NATS
DevOps Toolkit
Say Goodbye to Direct Communication! Event-Driven Pub/Sub With NATS
Argo CD GitOps Promotions with Kargo (by Akuity): A Brilliant Idea with Flawed Execution?
DevOps Toolkit
Argo CD GitOps Promotions with Kargo (by Akuity): A Brilliant Idea with Flawed Execution?
Grand Finale - End to End Demo of the Observability Chosen Tech (You Choose!, Ch. 4, Ep. 10)
DevOps Toolkit
Grand Finale - End to End Demo of the Observability Chosen Tech (You Choose!, Ch. 4, Ep. 10)
Developer Experience for Crossplane
DevOps Toolkit
Developer Experience for Crossplane
Testing in Production! Progressive Delivery with Canary Deployments Explained!
DevOps Toolkit
Testing in Production! Progressive Delivery with Canary Deployments Explained!
Misc - Feat. Kepler, Inspektor Gadget, k8sgpt, Perses, and Pixie (You Choose!, Ch. 04, Ep. 09)
DevOps Toolkit
Misc - Feat. Kepler, Inspektor Gadget, k8sgpt, Perses, and Pixie (You Choose!, Ch. 04, Ep. 09)
GitOps: How To Use _____ (Not YAML) To Manage Kubernetes Resources With GitOps?
DevOps Toolkit
GitOps: How To Use _____ (Not YAML) To Manage Kubernetes Resources With GitOps?
Service Mesh - Feat. Cilium, Istio, Linkerd, and Kuma (You Choose!, Ch. 04, Ep. 08)
DevOps Toolkit
Service Mesh - Feat. Cilium, Istio, Linkerd, and Kuma (You Choose!, Ch. 04, Ep. 08)
CI vs. CD vs. GitOps vs. State Management: What's the Real Difference?
DevOps Toolkit
CI vs. CD vs. GitOps vs. State Management: What's the Real Difference?
Promoting Apps to Production: How To Ensure That a Change Only Deploys to Lower Environments?
DevOps Toolkit
Promoting Apps to Production: How To Ensure That a Change Only Deploys to Lower Environments?
Cloud Cost - Feat. OpenCost, StormForge, and CAST AI (You Choose!, Ch. 04, Ep. 07)
DevOps Toolkit
Cloud Cost - Feat. OpenCost, StormForge, and CAST AI (You Choose!, Ch. 04, Ep. 07)
Day 2 Operations Solved for Internal Developer Platforms with Kubernetes and Crossplane
DevOps Toolkit
Day 2 Operations Solved for Internal Developer Platforms with Kubernetes and Crossplane
GitOps: How Many GitOps (ArgoCD) Instances Are Recommended for Multiple Environments?
DevOps Toolkit
GitOps: How Many GitOps (ArgoCD) Instances Are Recommended for Multiple Environments?
Progressive Delivery - Feat. Argo Rollouts and Flagger (You Choose!, Ch. 04, Ep. 06)
DevOps Toolkit
Progressive Delivery - Feat. Argo Rollouts and Flagger (You Choose!, Ch. 04, Ep. 06)
Getting Started with Backstage: From Zero to Operational Dev Portal
DevOps Toolkit
Getting Started with Backstage: From Zero to Operational Dev Portal
Crossplane: How can we manage resources that were not created by Crossplane?
DevOps Toolkit
Crossplane: How can we manage resources that were not created by Crossplane?
Data Pipelines - Feat. Fluent Bit, Otel Collector, Logging Operator (You Choose!, Ch. 04, Ep. 05)
DevOps Toolkit
Data Pipelines - Feat. Fluent Bit, Otel Collector, Logging Operator (You Choose!, Ch. 04, Ep. 05)
GPUs in Kubernetes for AI Workloads
DevOps Toolkit
GPUs in Kubernetes for AI Workloads
GitOps: Branches, directories, or different repositories for the desired state of environments?
DevOps Toolkit
GitOps: Branches, directories, or different repositories for the desired state of environments?
Tracing - Feat. Jaeger and Zipkin (You Choose!, Ch. 04, Ep. 04)
DevOps Toolkit
Tracing - Feat. Jaeger and Zipkin (You Choose!, Ch. 04, Ep. 04)
The Future of Shells with Nushell! Shell + Data + Programming Language
DevOps Toolkit
The Future of Shells with Nushell! Shell + Data + Programming Language
Observability Metrics - Feat. Prometheus, Cortex, and Thanos (You Choose!, Ch. 4, Ep. 03)
DevOps Toolkit
Observability Metrics - Feat. Prometheus, Cortex, and Thanos (You Choose!, Ch. 4, Ep. 03)
Stop Writing Tedious Security Rules! Let Kubescape Do the Work
DevOps Toolkit
Stop Writing Tedious Security Rules! Let Kubescape Do the Work
Open Standards - Feat. OpenTelemetry, Prometheus (You Choose!, Ch. 4, Ep. 02)
DevOps Toolkit
Open Standards - Feat. OpenTelemetry, Prometheus (You Choose!, Ch. 4, Ep. 02)
Stop Losing Requests! Learn Graceful Shutdown Techniques
DevOps Toolkit
Stop Losing Requests! Learn Graceful Shutdown Techniques
Surviving Backstage with Roadie: A Developer's Nightmare or Dream?
DevOps Toolkit
Surviving Backstage with Roadie: A Developer's Nightmare or Dream?
Dashboards - Feat. Kubernetes Dashboard, Headlamp, Meshery (You Choose!, Ch. 4, Ep. 01)
DevOps Toolkit
Dashboards - Feat. Kubernetes Dashboard, Headlamp, Meshery (You Choose!, Ch. 4, Ep. 01)
Master Terminal Multiplexing with Zellij in Minutes!
DevOps Toolkit
Master Terminal Multiplexing with Zellij in Minutes!
The Observability Odyssey (You Choose! Ch. 4, Ep. 0)
DevOps Toolkit
The Observability Odyssey (You Choose! Ch. 4, Ep. 0)
Automate Everything: How One Manifest Powers Your Entire DevOps Pipeline
DevOps Toolkit
Automate Everything: How One Manifest Powers Your Entire DevOps Pipeline
The Dark Side of Open Source: Are We All Just Selfish?
DevOps Toolkit
The Dark Side of Open Source: Are We All Just Selfish?
Master Your New Laptop Setup: Tools, Configs (dot Files), and Secrets!
DevOps Toolkit
Master Your New Laptop Setup: Tools, Configs (dot Files), and Secrets!
10 CLIs I Can Not Live Without!
DevOps Toolkit
10 CLIs I Can Not Live Without!
Transform Your Terminal: 3 Must-Have Zsh Plugins!
DevOps Toolkit
Transform Your Terminal: 3 Must-Have Zsh Plugins!
From Boring to Productive: Customize Your Shell Prompt with Starship
DevOps Toolkit
From Boring to Productive: Customize Your Shell Prompt with Starship
GitOps Broke CI/CD! Here's How to Fix It With Argo Events
DevOps Toolkit
GitOps Broke CI/CD! Here's How to Fix It With Argo Events
If Dockerfile and Makefile Had a Baby... Earthly and Earthfile
DevOps Toolkit
If Dockerfile and Makefile Had a Baby... Earthly and Earthfile
Scaling Explained Through Kubernetes HPA, VPA, KEDA & Cluster Autoscaler
DevOps Toolkit
Scaling Explained Through Kubernetes HPA, VPA, KEDA & Cluster Autoscaler
Mastering Developer Portals: Discover & Integrate API Schemas with Port
DevOps Toolkit
Mastering Developer Portals: Discover & Integrate API Schemas with Port
Single Pane of Glass for Everything (AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes, ...) with Steampipe
DevOps Toolkit
Single Pane of Glass for Everything (AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes, ...) with Steampipe
Unleashing WebAssembly in Kubernetes with Kwasm
DevOps Toolkit
Unleashing WebAssembly in Kubernetes with Kwasm
From Makefile to Justfile (or Taskfile): Recipe Runner Replacement
DevOps Toolkit
From Makefile to Justfile (or Taskfile): Recipe Runner Replacement
Terraform vs. Crossplane vs. Ansible - Rivals or Allies?
DevOps Toolkit
Terraform vs. Crossplane vs. Ansible - Rivals or Allies?
Debug Kubernetes with eBPF and Inspektor Gadget
DevOps Toolkit
Debug Kubernetes with eBPF and Inspektor Gadget
Mastering Kubernetes: Service and Network APIs (Service, Ingress, GatewayAPI)
DevOps Toolkit
Mastering Kubernetes: Service and Network APIs (Service, Ingress, GatewayAPI)
Single Pane of Glass for Kubernetes Clusters with Clusterpedia
DevOps Toolkit
Single Pane of Glass for Kubernetes Clusters with Clusterpedia
How Platform Engineering Compares to Running a Restaurant
DevOps Toolkit
How Platform Engineering Compares to Running a Restaurant
Exploring KCL: Configuration and Data Structure Language; CUE and Pkl Replacement?
DevOps Toolkit
Exploring KCL: Configuration and Data Structure Language; CUE and Pkl Replacement?
Mastering Kubernetes: Workloads APIs (Deployment, StatefulSet, ReplicaSet, Pod, etc.)
DevOps Toolkit
Mastering Kubernetes: Workloads APIs (Deployment, StatefulSet, ReplicaSet, Pod, etc.)
Mastering Kubernetes Testing with Kyverno Chainsaw!
DevOps Toolkit
Mastering Kubernetes Testing with Kyverno Chainsaw!
Grand Finale - End to End Demo of the Chosen Tech (You Choose!, Ch. 3, Ep. 11)
DevOps Toolkit
Grand Finale - End to End Demo of the Chosen Tech (You Choose!, Ch. 3, Ep. 11)
Nix for Everyone: Unleash Devbox for Simplified Development
DevOps Toolkit
Nix for Everyone: Unleash Devbox for Simplified Development
Crossplane Composition Functions | Tutorial (Part 5)
DevOps Toolkit
Crossplane Composition Functions | Tutorial (Part 5)
Is Pkl the Ultimate Data Format? Unveiling the Challenger to YAML, JSON, and CUE
DevOps Toolkit
Is Pkl the Ultimate Data Format? Unveiling the Challenger to YAML, JSON, and CUE
Crossplane Configuration Packages | Tutorial (Part 4)
DevOps Toolkit
Crossplane Configuration Packages | Tutorial (Part 4)