Qing Dynasty Vs Ming Dynasty. Meme analysis. How accurate is it?
Sino Lit
Qing Dynasty Vs Ming Dynasty. Meme analysis. How accurate is it?
The Life and Legacy of  Shang Yang. Legalism. What were the Legalist Reforms of the Qin dynasty?
Sino Lit
The Life and Legacy of Shang Yang. Legalism. What were the Legalist Reforms of the Qin dynasty?
The Mozi or Mohism. Audio Book series. Part 1. Chapters 1-5.
Sino Lit
The Mozi or Mohism. Audio Book series. Part 1. Chapters 1-5.
The Mozi or Mohism stream. Audio Book recording. Part 2. Chapter 6 onwards
Sino Lit
The Mozi or Mohism stream. Audio Book recording. Part 2. Chapter 6 onwards
That time I appeared on the Chinese TV Emmy Awards show. 3 Body Problem.
Sino Lit
That time I appeared on the Chinese TV Emmy Awards show. 3 Body Problem.
Confucian vs legalist. Meme Analysis. How accurate is it?
Sino Lit
Confucian vs legalist. Meme Analysis. How accurate is it?
Confucian Vs Daoist (Zhuangzi). Meme Analysis. How accurate is it? Pipes of Heaven go whoosh.
Sino Lit
Confucian Vs Daoist (Zhuangzi). Meme Analysis. How accurate is it? Pipes of Heaven go whoosh.
Qin dynasty Vs Han Dynasty. Meme analysis. How accurate is it?
Sino Lit
Qin dynasty Vs Han Dynasty. Meme analysis. How accurate is it?
Confucianism Vs Mohism. Meme Analysis. How accurate is it?
Sino Lit
Confucianism Vs Mohism. Meme Analysis. How accurate is it?
The Emperor and the Assassin(1998). Character Analysis. The Emperor. Lady Zhao. Gong Li.  Jing Ke.
Sino Lit
The Emperor and the Assassin(1998). Character Analysis. The Emperor. Lady Zhao. Gong Li. Jing Ke.
The Life of the First Han Emperor. Liu Bang. Part 1. Rags to Riches. How did he win?
Sino Lit
The Life of the First Han Emperor. Liu Bang. Part 1. Rags to Riches. How did he win?
The Emperor and The Assassin (1998). 荆轲刺秦王. Film review.
Sino Lit
The Emperor and The Assassin (1998). 荆轲刺秦王. Film review.
Why did Liu Bang beat XiangYu? Chu-Han contention. Lessons from Chinese History. #chinahistory
Sino Lit
Why did Liu Bang beat XiangYu? Chu-Han contention. Lessons from Chinese History. #chinahistory
Hero (2002). 英雄. Zhang Yimou. A sympathetic portrayal of the first Emperor. Review.
Sino Lit
Hero (2002). 英雄. Zhang Yimou. A sympathetic portrayal of the first Emperor. Review.
The origins of the Chinese word for Chopsticks. Kuaizi.  筷子。 #chinahistory
Sino Lit
The origins of the Chinese word for Chopsticks. Kuaizi. 筷子。 #chinahistory
The origins of the Chinese word for ”Economy". How it became 经济? #chinahistory
Sino Lit
The origins of the Chinese word for ”Economy". How it became 经济? #chinahistory
4 problems with modern "China Historians".  Watch out for these traps when reading any history.
Sino Lit
4 problems with modern "China Historians". Watch out for these traps when reading any history.
What was the fall of the Ming dynasty like?  An Interview with Dr Lynn Struve. Ming-Qing Cataclysm.
Sino Lit
What was the fall of the Ming dynasty like? An Interview with Dr Lynn Struve. Ming-Qing Cataclysm.
3 Phrases about Xiang Yu. Top Chinese Phrases about the mighty warrior Xiangyu
Sino Lit
3 Phrases about Xiang Yu. Top Chinese Phrases about the mighty warrior Xiangyu
The Emperor's Shadow (1996). Final Scene Analysis. The assassination attempt by Gao Jian Li.
Sino Lit
The Emperor's Shadow (1996). Final Scene Analysis. The assassination attempt by Gao Jian Li.
Why did the Qin dynasty  fall? And why it never really fell.  #chinahistory
Sino Lit
Why did the Qin dynasty fall? And why it never really fell. #chinahistory
How did Confucius make enemies? Confucius in the state of Lu. Spring and Autumn China.
Sino Lit
How did Confucius make enemies? Confucius in the state of Lu. Spring and Autumn China.
Why was Xiangyu mocked? A monkey wearing a crown. 沐猴而冠. Kingswar. Episode 46. Analysis.#chinahistory
Sino Lit
Why was Xiangyu mocked? A monkey wearing a crown. 沐猴而冠. Kingswar. Episode 46. Analysis.#chinahistory
Why was ancient BaShu (Sichuan) a place for Earthworms? 巴蜀  KingsWar. #chinahistory
Sino Lit
Why was ancient BaShu (Sichuan) a place for Earthworms? 巴蜀 KingsWar. #chinahistory
The Terracotta Warriors and QinShihuang.  What was the First Emperor like? Sino Lit Session 2
Sino Lit
The Terracotta Warriors and QinShihuang. What was the First Emperor like? Sino Lit Session 2
Why does Liu Bang dance off into the night? The Emperor's Last Dance.   Kingswar. #chinahistory
Sino Lit
Why does Liu Bang dance off into the night? The Emperor's Last Dance. Kingswar. #chinahistory
How does Liu Bang inspire loyalty? Forgiveness. Lessons from #chinahistory
Sino Lit
How does Liu Bang inspire loyalty? Forgiveness. Lessons from #chinahistory
The humiliation of General Han Xin.  Kingswar. 胯下之辱 #chinahistory
Sino Lit
The humiliation of General Han Xin. Kingswar. 胯下之辱 #chinahistory
Why did XiangYu lose the war? Sharpen a knife too much and it will be blunt. Kingswar. #chinahistory
Sino Lit
Why did XiangYu lose the war? Sharpen a knife too much and it will be blunt. Kingswar. #chinahistory
What was the Manchu conquest of China like? Lynn Struve. Voices from the Ming-Qing . #chinahistory
Sino Lit
What was the Manchu conquest of China like? Lynn Struve. Voices from the Ming-Qing . #chinahistory
The opportunistic genius of Liu Bang.  Kingswar. Episode 55. Analysis. 楚汉传奇. #chinahistory
Sino Lit
The opportunistic genius of Liu Bang. Kingswar. Episode 55. Analysis. 楚汉传奇. #chinahistory
Wisdom of an Emperor.  Kingswar, 楚汉传奇 Final Episode. Final Scene Analysis. #chinahistory
Sino Lit
Wisdom of an Emperor. Kingswar, 楚汉传奇 Final Episode. Final Scene Analysis. #chinahistory
What is the meaning of to call a deer a Horse? Kingswar. Chinese Phrase analysis. 指鹿为马 #chinahistory
Sino Lit
What is the meaning of to call a deer a Horse? Kingswar. Chinese Phrase analysis. 指鹿为马 #chinahistory
3 Body Problem. The Universe flickers.Tencent. Episode 5. Scene analysis.
Sino Lit
3 Body Problem. The Universe flickers.Tencent. Episode 5. Scene analysis.
3 Body problem. Tencent .How to spot a cult? The ETO and Frontiers of Science. Episode 2 Analysis
Sino Lit
3 Body problem. Tencent .How to spot a cult? The ETO and Frontiers of Science. Episode 2 Analysis
How to win friends and allies? Lessons from the founder of the Han Dynasty. #chinahistory
Sino Lit
How to win friends and allies? Lessons from the founder of the Han Dynasty. #chinahistory
How might Wise men appear foolish? Lessons from Chinese History. Kingswar . 大巧若拙  #chinahistory
Sino Lit
How might Wise men appear foolish? Lessons from Chinese History. Kingswar . 大巧若拙 #chinahistory
How to Learn about Chinese History whilst on the go? China History podcast. #chinahistory
Sino Lit
How to Learn about Chinese History whilst on the go? China History podcast. #chinahistory
James Legge and The Chinese Classics. Dr Marilyn Bowman. Book Recommendation. #chinahistory
Sino Lit
James Legge and The Chinese Classics. Dr Marilyn Bowman. Book Recommendation. #chinahistory
How did the First Han Emperor get his name? Liu Ji becomes Liu Bang in  Kingswar. 天子万年。 安家定邦
Sino Lit
How did the First Han Emperor get his name? Liu Ji becomes Liu Bang in Kingswar. 天子万年。 安家定邦
Sun Tzu. The Art of War. How to live like a Warring states strategist?
Sino Lit
Sun Tzu. The Art of War. How to live like a Warring states strategist?
3 Body Problem.  三体. Tencent. Wang Miao and Da Shi. How to set up characters?
Sino Lit
3 Body Problem. 三体. Tencent. Wang Miao and Da Shi. How to set up characters?
3 Body Problem. 三体. The human Supercomputer. Why was Netflix's human computer so Anti-Historical?
Sino Lit
3 Body Problem. 三体. The human Supercomputer. Why was Netflix's human computer so Anti-Historical?
3 Body problem. The Philosophy of Mozi or Mohism. Mozi in a nutshell. 墨子.  PART 2
Sino Lit
3 Body problem. The Philosophy of Mozi or Mohism. Mozi in a nutshell. 墨子. PART 2
3 Body problem. The Philosophy of Confucius. Confucius in a nutshell. 孔子.
Sino Lit
3 Body problem. The Philosophy of Confucius. Confucius in a nutshell. 孔子.
3 Body problem. The Philosophy of Mozi or Mohism. Mozi in a nutshell. 墨子. Part 1
Sino Lit
3 Body problem. The Philosophy of Mozi or Mohism. Mozi in a nutshell. 墨子. Part 1
3 Body problem Netflix. The Good. The Bad and The Ugly. Friday with Mr Sino Lit Stream
Sino Lit
3 Body problem Netflix. The Good. The Bad and The Ugly. Friday with Mr Sino Lit Stream
The Best Chinese TV History Series available on Netflix. Qin Empire (2006) TV Recommendation. 大秦帝国
Sino Lit
The Best Chinese TV History Series available on Netflix. Qin Empire (2006) TV Recommendation. 大秦帝国
3 Body Problem. Netflix TV Series. Season Review + Book comparison.
Sino Lit
3 Body Problem. Netflix TV Series. Season Review + Book comparison.
3 Body Problem Netflix (Episode 1) Review + Book Comparison.
Sino Lit
3 Body Problem Netflix (Episode 1) Review + Book Comparison.
3 body problem. Netflix TV series Trailer Reaction. Due to be released in 8 days. 21 March
Sino Lit
3 body problem. Netflix TV series Trailer Reaction. Due to be released in 8 days. 21 March
The Xunzi audiobook chapter 23。 Part  2.  Man's nature is Evil . Burton Watson Translation.
Sino Lit
The Xunzi audiobook chapter 23。 Part 2. Man's nature is Evil . Burton Watson Translation.
The Xunzi audiobook chapter 23 Part  1.  Man's nature is Evil . Burton Watson Translation.
Sino Lit
The Xunzi audiobook chapter 23 Part 1. Man's nature is Evil . Burton Watson Translation.
Kingswar 楚汉传奇。Chinese TV series Recommendation. (for Chinese History Enthusiasts)
Sino Lit
Kingswar 楚汉传奇。Chinese TV series Recommendation. (for Chinese History Enthusiasts)
Comparing Three Body Problem's Mozi and Confucius to the Real Historical philosophers. Episode 12.
Sino Lit
Comparing Three Body Problem's Mozi and Confucius to the Real Historical philosophers. Episode 12.
The Xunzi audiobook chapter 22.  Rectifying names . Burton Watson Translation.
Sino Lit
The Xunzi audiobook chapter 22. Rectifying names . Burton Watson Translation.
3 body problem. Netflix TV series Trailer Reaction. Due to be released in March.
Sino Lit
3 body problem. Netflix TV series Trailer Reaction. Due to be released in March.
The Xunzi audiobook chapter 17.  A Discussion of Heaven. Burton Watson Translation.
Sino Lit
The Xunzi audiobook chapter 17. A Discussion of Heaven. Burton Watson Translation.
The Xunzi audiobook chapter 2.  Improving yourself. Burton Watson Translation.
Sino Lit
The Xunzi audiobook chapter 2. Improving yourself. Burton Watson Translation.
The Xunzi audiobook chapter 1.  Encouraging Learning. Burton Watson Translation.
Sino Lit
The Xunzi audiobook chapter 1. Encouraging Learning. Burton Watson Translation.
Chinese Film Recommendation. 30,000 miles from Chang'an. aka Chang'an. Animated Feature about Li Bai
Sino Lit
Chinese Film Recommendation. 30,000 miles from Chang'an. aka Chang'an. Animated Feature about Li Bai
3 Body Problem. Tencent. Wang Miao's cave of Shadows- Corridor scene is an understated masterpiece.
Sino Lit
3 Body Problem. Tencent. Wang Miao's cave of Shadows- Corridor scene is an understated masterpiece.
James Legge. The unknown and uncredited Genius. An Interview with His Biographer Dr Marilyn Bowman
Sino Lit
James Legge. The unknown and uncredited Genius. An Interview with His Biographer Dr Marilyn Bowman
Confucius (2010) The Court debate scene Analysis. Chow Yun Fat as Confucius.
Sino Lit
Confucius (2010) The Court debate scene Analysis. Chow Yun Fat as Confucius.
3 body Problem. A Tale of Two Trailers. Netflix VS Tencent trailer comparison. 中文字幕.
Sino Lit
3 body Problem. A Tale of Two Trailers. Netflix VS Tencent trailer comparison. 中文字幕.
3 Body Problem. In Two Minds. Tencent Episode 5 A Master Class of a TV scene.
Sino Lit
3 Body Problem. In Two Minds. Tencent Episode 5 A Master Class of a TV scene.
Three body: Netflix adaptation Trailer Reaction.
Sino Lit
Three body: Netflix adaptation Trailer Reaction.
跟着老外 Mr Sino Lit/英国大叔。 直播评论三体第二和第三·—三体年开始!YO3B (YEAR of 3 Body)
Sino Lit
跟着老外 Mr Sino Lit/英国大叔。 直播评论三体第二和第三·—三体年开始!YO3B (YEAR of 3 Body)
3 Body problem. Episode 2 REVIEW. What do you think of episode 2? 三体。YO3B (YEAR of 3 Body)
Sino Lit
3 Body problem. Episode 2 REVIEW. What do you think of episode 2? 三体。YO3B (YEAR of 3 Body)
3 Body problem. Episode 1 REVIEW. What do you think of episode 1? 三体第一。YO3B (YEAR of 3 Body)三体年开始!
Sino Lit
3 Body problem. Episode 1 REVIEW. What do you think of episode 1? 三体第一。YO3B (YEAR of 3 Body)三体年开始!
跟着老外 Mr Sino Lit 聊一下 三体第一。YO3B (YEAR of 3 Body)三体年开始!
Sino Lit
跟着老外 Mr Sino Lit 聊一下 三体第一。YO3B (YEAR of 3 Body)三体年开始!
三体 电视剧. 今天开始!新的 预告片 [LIVESTREAM]。游戏。看老外讲中国文化
Sino Lit
三体 电视剧. 今天开始!新的 预告片 [LIVESTREAM]。游戏。看老外讲中国文化
三体 Three Body problem. New Trailer about the game itself. Who are the characters in the poster?
Sino Lit
三体 Three Body problem. New Trailer about the game itself. Who are the characters in the poster?
BREAKING NEWS. 3 Body problem Chinese TV series Stream. Broadcast date. New Trailer, new poster. 三体
Sino Lit
BREAKING NEWS. 3 Body problem Chinese TV series Stream. Broadcast date. New Trailer, new poster. 三体
BREAKING NEWS. 3 Body problem Chinese TV Broadcast date announcement. New Trailer and  New Poster
Sino Lit
BREAKING NEWS. 3 Body problem Chinese TV Broadcast date announcement. New Trailer and New Poster
Three Body Problem 2nd Trailer. Impromptu Reaction to New trailer I just found![First time Steaming]
Sino Lit
Three Body Problem 2nd Trailer. Impromptu Reaction to New trailer I just found![First time Steaming]
三体动画! 看老外讲中国文化. Three Body Animation  EP 1. Reaction
Sino Lit
三体动画! 看老外讲中国文化. Three Body Animation EP 1. Reaction
They made a 3 Body problem Chinese Animation!  Opening Scene reaction.
Sino Lit
They made a 3 Body problem Chinese Animation! Opening Scene reaction.
3 body problem. TV series Trailer Reaction. Chinese TV series due to be released. 2023.
Sino Lit
3 body problem. TV series Trailer Reaction. Chinese TV series due to be released. 2023.
Sino Lit
Which translation of The Book of Lord Shang is best? Book of Lord Shang. Duyvendak translation.
Sino Lit
Which translation of The Book of Lord Shang is best? Book of Lord Shang. Duyvendak translation.
BOOK RECOMMENDATION. Red Sorghum. Mo Yan. (spoiler free review)
Sino Lit
BOOK RECOMMENDATION. Red Sorghum. Mo Yan. (spoiler free review)
听老外  讲 中国科幻小说。 三体。刘慈欣.
Sino Lit
听老外 讲 中国科幻小说。 三体。刘慈欣.
7 Steps poem. Cao Zhi . - That time he saved his life in seven lines.
Sino Lit
7 Steps poem. Cao Zhi . - That time he saved his life in seven lines.
Looking at photos of Imperial Chinese exam centre! 科举中心。
Sino Lit
Looking at photos of Imperial Chinese exam centre! 科举中心。
Chinese TV RECOMMENDATION. Da Qin Fu. Qin Dynasty Epic. 大秦赋. (TV show review).
Sino Lit
Chinese TV RECOMMENDATION. Da Qin Fu. Qin Dynasty Epic. 大秦赋. (TV show review).
How did the  Han dynasty copy the Qin ? and Who was Liu Bang  刘邦 ,汉高祖?  Qin and Han. Part 6
Sino Lit
How did the Han dynasty copy the Qin ? and Who was Liu Bang 刘邦 ,汉高祖? Qin and Han. Part 6
Book Recommendation.History of Imperial China Part 1, Qin and Han.  - By Mark Edward Lewis. (Review)
Sino Lit
Book Recommendation.History of Imperial China Part 1, Qin and Han. - By Mark Edward Lewis. (Review)
Which version of the "Art of War" by Sun Tzu should I read?  Bilingual Tuttle Edition  - Book Review
Sino Lit
Which version of the "Art of War" by Sun Tzu should I read? Bilingual Tuttle Edition - Book Review
What was the Soulstealing scare of 1768?。 叫魂。  SoulStealers. by Kuhn (book review). Part 2 of 2.
Sino Lit
What was the Soulstealing scare of 1768?。 叫魂。 SoulStealers. by Kuhn (book review). Part 2 of 2.
How on earth did they mark the  Imperial exam? 考官怎么该科举? Examinations hell. (book review)2/2
Sino Lit
How on earth did they mark the Imperial exam? 考官怎么该科举? Examinations hell. (book review)2/2
What was the Soulstealing scare of 1768?。 叫魂。  SoulStealers. by Kuhn (book review). Part 1 of 2.
Sino Lit
What was the Soulstealing scare of 1768?。 叫魂。 SoulStealers. by Kuhn (book review). Part 1 of 2.
Why did the Ming Dynasty fall? 1587.Ming Dynasty in Decline. 明朝衰落. By Ray Huang 黄仁宇(Book Review).
Sino Lit
Why did the Ming Dynasty fall? 1587.Ming Dynasty in Decline. 明朝衰落. By Ray Huang 黄仁宇(Book Review).
What was the Taiping Rebellion?  太平天谷的秋天. Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom (Book Review)
Sino Lit
What was the Taiping Rebellion? 太平天谷的秋天. Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom (Book Review)
What was life like for a Qing scholar? 在清代当生源怎么样? The man awakened from dreams. (Book Review)
Sino Lit
What was life like for a Qing scholar? 在清代当生源怎么样? The man awakened from dreams. (Book Review)