Skillist Podcast EP 14 Tropical Survival
Roots School
Skillist Podcast EP 14 Tropical Survival
Knapping with stone and antler percussors is the way....
Roots School
Knapping with stone and antler percussors is the way....
Learning to knap requires you get a lot of stone to break....
Roots School
Learning to knap requires you get a lot of stone to break....
Brad is not always right?!?! Antler on obsidian....gross.
Roots School
Brad is not always right?!?! Antler on obsidian....gross.
Dont take the easy way out! Knapping with copper boppers nerfs your skills.
Roots School
Dont take the easy way out! Knapping with copper boppers nerfs your skills.
Flaking that hard stone!
Roots School
Flaking that hard stone!
Skillist EP 13 Flint Knapping - Copper Bopper Haters (How to approach learning to knap)
Roots School
Skillist EP 13 Flint Knapping - Copper Bopper Haters (How to approach learning to knap)
Brad hating on micro pressure releases, AGAIN.
Roots School
Brad hating on micro pressure releases, AGAIN.
Tracking is HARD
Roots School
Tracking is HARD
The best trailing for trackers- the 10 step drill.
Roots School
The best trailing for trackers- the 10 step drill.
Master the BASICS of tracking or the rest is USELESS
Roots School
Master the BASICS of tracking or the rest is USELESS
The value of building solid proficiency with tracking fundamentals.
Roots School
The value of building solid proficiency with tracking fundamentals.
Tracking IS NOT REAL?!?!?
Roots School
Tracking IS NOT REAL?!?!?
Micro Pressure Releases...useful or not? Doable or not?
Roots School
Micro Pressure Releases...useful or not? Doable or not?
Skillist Podcast EP 12 Tracking Fact Vs Fiction
Roots School
Skillist Podcast EP 12 Tracking Fact Vs Fiction
Purpose beyond self can lock you into higher levels of your own potential!
Roots School
Purpose beyond self can lock you into higher levels of your own potential!
Most people FAIL at this.... being a group member in team survival...
Roots School
Most people FAIL at this.... being a group member in team survival...
Survival is harder than you think...Don't do it alone.
Roots School
Survival is harder than you think...Don't do it alone.
Being a leader and a peer within a group is a powerful way to lead.
Roots School
Being a leader and a peer within a group is a powerful way to lead.
Peak Performance is also Peak FUN.
Roots School
Peak Performance is also Peak FUN.
Isolation is one of the hardest parts of survival...if you are alone!
Roots School
Isolation is one of the hardest parts of survival...if you are alone!
Can you rise above yourself to meet the needs of the group?
Roots School
Can you rise above yourself to meet the needs of the group?
Sometimes it takes two!
Roots School
Sometimes it takes two!
During the Alone survival trip one of the hardest things was...
Roots School
During the Alone survival trip one of the hardest things was...
Skillist Podcast EP 11 Surviving Alone (The Myth of the Lone Survivalist)
Roots School
Skillist Podcast EP 11 Surviving Alone (The Myth of the Lone Survivalist)
Caretaking the land to protect it from Topical Hurricanes
Roots School
Caretaking the land to protect it from Topical Hurricanes
Taking from a landscape can improve that landscape.
Roots School
Taking from a landscape can improve that landscape.
Living off the land alone doesn't solve the problem...
Roots School
Living off the land alone doesn't solve the problem...
How to positively impact a landscape, first steps.
Roots School
How to positively impact a landscape, first steps.
Direct connections build real relationships with the land.
Roots School
Direct connections build real relationships with the land.
Beyond Leave No Trace
Roots School
Beyond Leave No Trace
Sometimes disturbance in the wild can help bring biodiversity...with education, balance, and care.
Roots School
Sometimes disturbance in the wild can help bring biodiversity...with education, balance, and care.
Caretaking land can be heartbreaking!
Roots School
Caretaking land can be heartbreaking!
Security requires working in teams!
Roots School
Security requires working in teams!
Skillist Podcast EP 10 Caretaking The Land (Stewardship and Why Leave No Trace Doesn't Make Sense)
Roots School
Skillist Podcast EP 10 Caretaking The Land (Stewardship and Why Leave No Trace Doesn't Make Sense)
A well functioning team is greater than the sum of its parts.
Roots School
A well functioning team is greater than the sum of its parts.
Life lessons from survival and scout skills.
Roots School
Life lessons from survival and scout skills.
Thinking like a threat is a key to being secure.
Roots School
Thinking like a threat is a key to being secure.
Fish hook made from coral!
Roots School
Fish hook made from coral!
Ego is a double edged sword.
Roots School
Ego is a double edged sword.
Awareness is the fundamental skill of the scout!
Roots School
Awareness is the fundamental skill of the scout!
EP 9 Scout Skills- The What and Why (No, NOT Boyscouts) Awareness, Stealth, Self Defense, Survival
Roots School
EP 9 Scout Skills- The What and Why (No, NOT Boyscouts) Awareness, Stealth, Self Defense, Survival
Bow Drill Hand Hold Lubrication
Roots School
Bow Drill Hand Hold Lubrication
Birch Bark is Cheating!
Roots School
Birch Bark is Cheating!
Quiver full of Cockroaches!
Roots School
Quiver full of Cockroaches!
Bow Drill Teaches Everything You Need to Know about Carving (almost)
Roots School
Bow Drill Teaches Everything You Need to Know about Carving (almost)
Rock boiling is harder than you think!
Roots School
Rock boiling is harder than you think!
Fire Doesn't Protect You From Hypothermia
Roots School
Fire Doesn't Protect You From Hypothermia
Become a Fire Master! Or A bad way to learn a lot about fire: Smoke Cigarettes!
Roots School
Become a Fire Master! Or A bad way to learn a lot about fire: Smoke Cigarettes!
Skillist Podcast EP 8 Wilderness Survival Fire Skills (Friction Fire, Fire Building, Survival Uses)
Roots School
Skillist Podcast EP 8 Wilderness Survival Fire Skills (Friction Fire, Fire Building, Survival Uses)
What the hell is a "lightening groove" on a primitive arrow? (Do they do anything?)
Roots School
What the hell is a "lightening groove" on a primitive arrow? (Do they do anything?)
Cutting and heating arrow nocks in primitive arrows? (So they stay on the string)
Roots School
Cutting and heating arrow nocks in primitive arrows? (So they stay on the string)
To glue or not??? Sinew wraps on primitive arrows for fletching and hafting. #primitivehunting
Roots School
To glue or not??? Sinew wraps on primitive arrows for fletching and hafting. #primitivehunting
How I test spine weight on homemade arrow shafts to make them fly straight without a spine tester...
Roots School
How I test spine weight on homemade arrow shafts to make them fly straight without a spine tester...
How to fix ragged feathers for fletching (Arrow Making Tip)
Roots School
How to fix ragged feathers for fletching (Arrow Making Tip)
Skillist Podcast EP 7 Primitive Arrow Making Rants (Tips and Tricks)
Roots School
Skillist Podcast EP 7 Primitive Arrow Making Rants (Tips and Tricks)
Rapid weight loss in survival is hard on the body! Skillist Podcast EP 3   #survivalskills
Roots School
Rapid weight loss in survival is hard on the body! Skillist Podcast EP 3 #survivalskills
Hard truths about survival skills and fitness... Skillist EP 3 Clips
Roots School
Hard truths about survival skills and fitness... Skillist EP 3 Clips
Pushing Comfort Zones for Wilderness Survival  Skillist EP 5 Survival Priorities Clip
Roots School
Pushing Comfort Zones for Wilderness Survival Skillist EP 5 Survival Priorities Clip
Relationships Have to Be Built Skillist Podcast EP 6 Teaching Kids Wilderness Skills CLIP
Roots School
Relationships Have to Be Built Skillist Podcast EP 6 Teaching Kids Wilderness Skills CLIP
Skillist Podcast EP 6 Teaching Wilderness Skills  to Kids (Your Own and Other Peoples')
Roots School
Skillist Podcast EP 6 Teaching Wilderness Skills to Kids (Your Own and Other Peoples')
Skillist Podcast EP 5 Wilderness Survival Priorities (Is the "Sacred Order" sacrosanct?)
Roots School
Skillist Podcast EP 5 Wilderness Survival Priorities (Is the "Sacred Order" sacrosanct?)
Skillist Podcast EP 4 Bow Making Fails and Tips
Roots School
Skillist Podcast EP 4 Bow Making Fails and Tips
Skillist Podcast EP 3 Survival Skills and Fitness
Roots School
Skillist Podcast EP 3 Survival Skills and Fitness
Skillist Podcast EP 2 Debris Huts (AND WHY THEY SUCK)
Roots School
Skillist Podcast EP 2 Debris Huts (AND WHY THEY SUCK)
Skillist Podcast Ep 1 Stone vs Steel (For Survival and Primitive Skills)
Roots School
Skillist Podcast Ep 1 Stone vs Steel (For Survival and Primitive Skills)
Pelt Tanning Online Course (Free Chapter) Dressing and Stretching I
Roots School
Pelt Tanning Online Course (Free Chapter) Dressing and Stretching I
Bow Drill Essentials - (Free Chapter) Lighting the Coal and Igniting the Tinder
Roots School
Bow Drill Essentials - (Free Chapter) Lighting the Coal and Igniting the Tinder
Tinder for Friction Fire (A Lesson from Bow Drill Essentials Video Series)
Roots School
Tinder for Friction Fire (A Lesson from Bow Drill Essentials Video Series)
Bow Drill Essentials Online Tutorial Trailer (24 Video Series)
Roots School
Bow Drill Essentials Online Tutorial Trailer (24 Video Series)
Something Every Birder Needs to Know: Birding Code of Ethics (Pishing, Play Back, and Movement)
Roots School
Something Every Birder Needs to Know: Birding Code of Ethics (Pishing, Play Back, and Movement)
Binos for Birding - How, Why, and What (Birding Series #1)(Nikon Monarch)
Roots School
Binos for Birding - How, Why, and What (Birding Series #1)(Nikon Monarch)
Ramp Harvesting - How and Why to Sustainably Forage for Wild Leeks (aka Dont Be Rude)
Roots School
Ramp Harvesting - How and Why to Sustainably Forage for Wild Leeks (aka Dont Be Rude)
Morel Mushroom Hunting, Harvesting, and Identification (In Vermont)
Roots School
Morel Mushroom Hunting, Harvesting, and Identification (In Vermont)
Foraging and Fermenting Jerusalem Artichoke aka Sunchoke (aka Fartachoke)
Roots School
Foraging and Fermenting Jerusalem Artichoke aka Sunchoke (aka Fartachoke)
Wilderness Survival- Hand Drill Tips - Less Effort, More Coals (3 Simple Ways to Improve)
Roots School
Wilderness Survival- Hand Drill Tips - Less Effort, More Coals (3 Simple Ways to Improve)
Three Easy to Forage Potent Spring Plants - Nettle, Dandelion, & Yellow Dock (Eat Your Weeds!)
Roots School
Three Easy to Forage Potent Spring Plants - Nettle, Dandelion, & Yellow Dock (Eat Your Weeds!)
Foraging for Trout Lily - Harvesting Spring Ephemerals
Roots School
Foraging for Trout Lily - Harvesting Spring Ephemerals
Tree Identification - Balsam Fir [Conifer Series]
Roots School
Tree Identification - Balsam Fir [Conifer Series]
Shooting Primitive Bows - Osage - 3 Spring Archery Tips [Bonus Reflex Deflex]
Roots School
Shooting Primitive Bows - Osage - 3 Spring Archery Tips [Bonus Reflex Deflex]
Tropical Foraging and Survival in STX (The WildLife Ep 1 Part 3) Matt Corradino & Carmen Corradino
Roots School
Tropical Foraging and Survival in STX (The WildLife Ep 1 Part 3) Matt Corradino & Carmen Corradino
Tropical Foraging and Survival in STX (The WildLife  Ep 1 Part 2) Matt Corradino & Carmen Corradino
Roots School
Tropical Foraging and Survival in STX (The WildLife Ep 1 Part 2) Matt Corradino & Carmen Corradino
Tropical Foraging and Survival in St Croix (WildLife Ep 1 Part 1) Matt Corradino & Carmen Corradino
Roots School
Tropical Foraging and Survival in St Croix (WildLife Ep 1 Part 1) Matt Corradino & Carmen Corradino
Black Ash Basketry at Roots School
Roots School
Black Ash Basketry at Roots School
Ribbed Willow Basketry
Roots School
Ribbed Willow Basketry
Green Willow Weaving With Nick Neddo- WildLife Series - Episode 0
Roots School
Green Willow Weaving With Nick Neddo- WildLife Series - Episode 0
Winter Foraging for Sweet Burls 1950's (Are they Real?)
Roots School
Winter Foraging for Sweet Burls 1950's (Are they Real?)
How To Harvest and Process Dogbane For Natural Fibers
Roots School
How To Harvest and Process Dogbane For Natural Fibers
Ancient Scout at Roots
Roots School
Ancient Scout at Roots
Roots Rendezvous Traditional Skills Gathering
Roots School
Roots Rendezvous Traditional Skills Gathering
Roots School Piglets and Mama
Roots School
Roots School Piglets and Mama
Winter Survival-Fire from The Land- Bow Drill
Roots School
Winter Survival-Fire from The Land- Bow Drill
Light and the Pines
Roots School
Light and the Pines
Core Skills- Wilderness Survival Skills at Roots
Roots School
Core Skills- Wilderness Survival Skills at Roots
Aerial Shots Around Roots School
Roots School
Aerial Shots Around Roots School
Baby goats in summer.
Roots School
Baby goats in summer.
Archery and Bow Making for Teens- The Way of the Bow
Roots School
Archery and Bow Making for Teens- The Way of the Bow
Origins Program at Roots School
Roots School
Origins Program at Roots School
River Time Lapse Vermont
Roots School
River Time Lapse Vermont