Why I need a virtual dollar account in Nigeria
Kelvin Omereshone
Why I need a virtual dollar account in Nigeria
Using AI to improve the SEO for your products #podcast #KooNation #hustle
Kelvin Omereshone
Using AI to improve the SEO for your products #podcast #KooNation #hustle
Do not quit your job to pursue indie hacking #podcast #KooNation
Kelvin Omereshone
Do not quit your job to pursue indie hacking #podcast #KooNation
Simplicity and transparency are great for bootstrapped founders #KooNation #podcast
Kelvin Omereshone
Simplicity and transparency are great for bootstrapped founders #KooNation #podcast
Don’t listen to the advice of build it and they will come. #KooNation #dominuskelvin #podcast
Kelvin Omereshone
Don’t listen to the advice of build it and they will come. #KooNation #dominuskelvin #podcast
The reality of starting a business #podcast #KooNation #bbojs
Kelvin Omereshone
The reality of starting a business #podcast #KooNation #bbojs
Marie Martens: Scaling a Google Forms alternative to 450,000 users and $150,000 in MRR | BBoJS #7
Kelvin Omereshone
Marie Martens: Scaling a Google Forms alternative to 450,000 users and $150,000 in MRR | BBoJS #7
Stop posting your MRR #KooNation #podcast
Kelvin Omereshone
Stop posting your MRR #KooNation #podcast
Why Product Hunt has lost it’s relevance #podcast #KooNation
Kelvin Omereshone
Why Product Hunt has lost it’s relevance #podcast #KooNation
Why indie hacking doesn’t sound serious anymore #podcast #KooNation
Kelvin Omereshone
Why indie hacking doesn’t sound serious anymore #podcast #KooNation
Why indie hackers should stop selling to themselves #KooNation #podcast
Kelvin Omereshone
Why indie hackers should stop selling to themselves #KooNation #podcast
Your product idea doesn’t suck you just need to put in the work #bbojs #podcast
Kelvin Omereshone
Your product idea doesn’t suck you just need to put in the work #bbojs #podcast
“If you always quit too early then the only way to succeed is to be lucky” #dominuskelvin #podcast
Kelvin Omereshone
“If you always quit too early then the only way to succeed is to be lucky” #dominuskelvin #podcast
Why indie hackers should focus on quality #podcast #startup #ycombinator
Kelvin Omereshone
Why indie hackers should focus on quality #podcast #startup #ycombinator
Low price tag attract customers that do not need your product #entrepreneur
Kelvin Omereshone
Low price tag attract customers that do not need your product #entrepreneur
John Rush: Buying an $800k product, SEO, & why indie hackers should not quit their jobs | BBoJS #6
Kelvin Omereshone
John Rush: Buying an $800k product, SEO, & why indie hackers should not quit their jobs | BBoJS #6
Test email sending with Mailtrap API in Sails.js #webdevelopment
Kelvin Omereshone
Test email sending with Mailtrap API in Sails.js #webdevelopment
Send email in Sails and The Boring JavaScript Stack
Kelvin Omereshone
Send email in Sails and The Boring JavaScript Stack
How and when to use React Server Component #webdevelopment #podcast
Kelvin Omereshone
How and when to use React Server Component #webdevelopment #podcast
Building a waitlist in React and The Boring JavaScript Stack
Kelvin Omereshone
Building a waitlist in React and The Boring JavaScript Stack
Kelvin Omereshone Live Stream
Kelvin Omereshone
Kelvin Omereshone Live Stream
When did you fall in love with #reactjs? #webdevelopment #podcast
Kelvin Omereshone
When did you fall in love with #reactjs? #webdevelopment #podcast
The biggest misconception of React Server Component #tkyt #podcast #nextjs #react
Kelvin Omereshone
The biggest misconception of React Server Component #tkyt #podcast #nextjs #react
🔥 Controversial coding take? Big files over tiny components. Yes or No? 🤔 #CodingTips #DevLife
Kelvin Omereshone
🔥 Controversial coding take? Big files over tiny components. Yes or No? 🤔 #CodingTips #DevLife
TKYT #65: Next.js 15, React Sever Components misconceptions, Self-hosting myths, Next.js ORM?
Kelvin Omereshone
TKYT #65: Next.js 15, React Sever Components misconceptions, Self-hosting myths, Next.js ORM?
File upload in Sails.js and The Boring JavaScript Stack
Kelvin Omereshone
File upload in Sails.js and The Boring JavaScript Stack
Project-based versus Theory-based learning #podcast
Kelvin Omereshone
Project-based versus Theory-based learning #podcast
Why you should charge as early as possible for your products #podcast #shorts
Kelvin Omereshone
Why you should charge as early as possible for your products #podcast #shorts
If you are learning how to code watch this #podcast #dayinthelifeofanentrepreneur #computerscience
Kelvin Omereshone
If you are learning how to code watch this #podcast #dayinthelifeofanentrepreneur #computerscience
Per Borgen: Educating 1.5M Users: How Scrimba is Reinventing Online Learning | BBoJS #5
Kelvin Omereshone
Per Borgen: Educating 1.5M Users: How Scrimba is Reinventing Online Learning | BBoJS #5
Tamagui has been a side project for 3 years & used in production by Uniswap. #tkyt #podcast #css
Kelvin Omereshone
Tamagui has been a side project for 3 years & used in production by Uniswap. #tkyt #podcast #css
Is frontend really harder than backend? #podcast #coding
Kelvin Omereshone
Is frontend really harder than backend? #podcast #coding
TKYT #64: The Future of CSS-in-JS & Universal React Apps with One | Nathan Weinert
Kelvin Omereshone
TKYT #64: The Future of CSS-in-JS & Universal React Apps with One | Nathan Weinert
I have the status bar, minimap and line numbers turned off in VS Code. #webdevelopment #programming
Kelvin Omereshone
I have the status bar, minimap and line numbers turned off in VS Code. #webdevelopment #programming
Master VS Code shortcuts in 60 seconds! 🚀 Explorer, Git, and, more! #VSCode #CodingTips
Kelvin Omereshone
Master VS Code shortcuts in 60 seconds! 🚀 Explorer, Git, and, more! #VSCode #CodingTips
💰Millions from Epic React! New launch hits 6 figures in a week. 🚀💰 #techeducation #podcast
Kelvin Omereshone
💰Millions from Epic React! New launch hits 6 figures in a week. 🚀💰 #techeducation #podcast
Do you prefer light 💡 or dark ⚫️ mode for #coding. I prefer both!
Kelvin Omereshone
Do you prefer light 💡 or dark ⚫️ mode for #coding. I prefer both!
My Minimalist and Attractive VSCode Setup
Kelvin Omereshone
My Minimalist and Attractive VSCode Setup
Volunteering → Conference speaking → Paid course creation #podcast #website
Kelvin Omereshone
Volunteering → Conference speaking → Paid course creation #podcast #website
Your next career move might be hiding in your “boring” tasks #coding #programmerlife #podcast
Kelvin Omereshone
Your next career move might be hiding in your “boring” tasks #coding #programmerlife #podcast
Kent C. Dodds: Leaving $150K at PayPal to Build Epic Million-Dollar Courses | BBoJS #4
Kelvin Omereshone
Kent C. Dodds: Leaving $150K at PayPal to Build Epic Million-Dollar Courses | BBoJS #4
Folks don’t get started because they are not willing to embrace the beginner’s mindset #entrepreneur
Kelvin Omereshone
Folks don’t get started because they are not willing to embrace the beginner’s mindset #entrepreneur
SDwK: Checking out the Mellow templates for The Boring JavaScript Stack
Kelvin Omereshone
SDwK: Checking out the Mellow templates for The Boring JavaScript Stack
Stop making this single most common mistake as an #entrepreneur or indie hacker #podcast
Kelvin Omereshone
Stop making this single most common mistake as an #entrepreneur or indie hacker #podcast
John O'Nolan: Ghost, $7M Blog Platform, Bootstrapping Without Profit-Chasing | BBoJS #3
Kelvin Omereshone
John O'Nolan: Ghost, $7M Blog Platform, Bootstrapping Without Profit-Chasing | BBoJS #3
Advice for #codenewbie: stop thinking and start building always have a side project #webdevelopment
Kelvin Omereshone
Advice for #codenewbie: stop thinking and start building always have a side project #webdevelopment
What's new in Inertia.js 2.0
Kelvin Omereshone
What's new in Inertia.js 2.0
The tech stack enabling Roadmap.sh to serve 1.2M users #coding #javascriptdev
Kelvin Omereshone
The tech stack enabling Roadmap.sh to serve 1.2M users #coding #javascriptdev
The $0 design hack for your next website 😱 #webdesign #coding #webprogramming
Kelvin Omereshone
The $0 design hack for your next website 😱 #webdesign #coding #webprogramming
Top books recommendation by Kamran Ahmed, creator of Roadmap.sh. What's your favorite read?
Kelvin Omereshone
Top books recommendation by Kamran Ahmed, creator of Roadmap.sh. What's your favorite read?
If free resources are so good, why do beginners still choose expensive bootcamps? #coding
Kelvin Omereshone
If free resources are so good, why do beginners still choose expensive bootcamps? #coding
Kamran Ahmed: Roadmap.sh, 1.25M-User Developer Learning Platform | BBoJS #2
Kelvin Omereshone
Kamran Ahmed: Roadmap.sh, 1.25M-User Developer Learning Platform | BBoJS #2
Making browsers is definitely harder than web development #webdev #webdevelopment
Kelvin Omereshone
Making browsers is definitely harder than web development #webdev #webdevelopment
TKYT #63: Progressive Enhancement for HTML using Unpoly  with Henning Koch
Kelvin Omereshone
TKYT #63: Progressive Enhancement for HTML using Unpoly with Henning Koch
Kelvin Omereshone Live Stream
Kelvin Omereshone
Kelvin Omereshone Live Stream
TypeScript can be so frustrating 😖 #typescript #webdev #programming #javascript
Kelvin Omereshone
TypeScript can be so frustrating 😖 #typescript #webdev #programming #javascript
What makes a good ORM #webdev #podcast #programming #javascript #coding
Kelvin Omereshone
What makes a good ORM #webdev #podcast #programming #javascript #coding
Here is why ORM migration files can be painful #webdev #programming #javascript #coding
Kelvin Omereshone
Here is why ORM migration files can be painful #webdev #programming #javascript #coding
A $50,000 try/catch mistake 😭 #webdev #coding #javascript
Kelvin Omereshone
A $50,000 try/catch mistake 😭 #webdev #coding #javascript
TKYT #62 Orange ORM: The TypeScript ORM for the browser & server
Kelvin Omereshone
TKYT #62 Orange ORM: The TypeScript ORM for the browser & server
Rsbuild is 3x faster than Vite
Kelvin Omereshone
Rsbuild is 3x faster than Vite
My perfect home office and desk setup
Kelvin Omereshone
My perfect home office and desk setup
The Theo Problem
Kelvin Omereshone
The Theo Problem
The creator of htmx reveals what htmx isn’t good at despite it’s strengths #webdev
Kelvin Omereshone
The creator of htmx reveals what htmx isn’t good at despite it’s strengths #webdev
Creator of htmx answers the question: what is hypermedia & hypermedia controls? #webdeveloper
Kelvin Omereshone
Creator of htmx answers the question: what is hypermedia & hypermedia controls? #webdeveloper
Why frontend devs should not be scared of the backend #webdev #webdevcommunity
Kelvin Omereshone
Why frontend devs should not be scared of the backend #webdev #webdevcommunity
TKYT #61 The Truth about htmx from Its creator
Kelvin Omereshone
TKYT #61 The Truth about htmx from Its creator
Why you should choose stable, tried and tested technologies #javascript #podcast #developer #webdev
Kelvin Omereshone
Why you should choose stable, tried and tested technologies #javascript #podcast #developer #webdev
TKYT #60 Build a Linear clone that works offline with React & ElectricSQL
Kelvin Omereshone
TKYT #60 Build a Linear clone that works offline with React & ElectricSQL
What are local-first web applications? #javascript #webdevelopment #coding
Kelvin Omereshone
What are local-first web applications? #javascript #webdevelopment #coding
My home office is finally ready in time for Project 50 #webdev #homeoffice
Kelvin Omereshone
My home office is finally ready in time for Project 50 #webdev #homeoffice
Learn what PWAs are in 60 seconds #webdev #developer
Kelvin Omereshone
Learn what PWAs are in 60 seconds #webdev #developer
Progressive web apps explained in 270 seconds
Kelvin Omereshone
Progressive web apps explained in 270 seconds
Get all the gists on why Apple disabled PWAs #webdev #podcast #developer
Kelvin Omereshone
Get all the gists on why Apple disabled PWAs #webdev #podcast #developer
Why Apple disabled PWAs
Kelvin Omereshone
Why Apple disabled PWAs
TKYT #59 The State of PWAs with a PWA Specialist
Kelvin Omereshone
TKYT #59 The State of PWAs with a PWA Specialist
Can you really build quality JavaScript software without TypeScript? #webdev #developer
Kelvin Omereshone
Can you really build quality JavaScript software without TypeScript? #webdev #developer
Can you really build quality JavaScript software without TypeScript?
Kelvin Omereshone
Can you really build quality JavaScript software without TypeScript?
TKYT #58 A principle programmer at 37Signals taught me Rails Turbo
Kelvin Omereshone
TKYT #58 A principle programmer at 37Signals taught me Rails Turbo
SDwK: Fixing a bug in The Boring JavaScript Stack
Kelvin Omereshone
SDwK: Fixing a bug in The Boring JavaScript Stack
You focus on tools because your ideas suck 👎🏾 #webdev #developer #coding #podcast
Kelvin Omereshone
You focus on tools because your ideas suck 👎🏾 #webdev #developer #coding #podcast
TKYT #57 PrimeVue is the only Vue UI component library that got me excited
Kelvin Omereshone
TKYT #57 PrimeVue is the only Vue UI component library that got me excited
What makes a great SaaS template? Spoiler: it’s not the shiny things #webdev #developer #coding
Kelvin Omereshone
What makes a great SaaS template? Spoiler: it’s not the shiny things #webdev #developer #coding
S1E2 Sunday Stream with Tobiloba & K.O.O
Kelvin Omereshone
S1E2 Sunday Stream with Tobiloba & K.O.O
No one can master CSS? 😭 #webdev
Kelvin Omereshone
No one can master CSS? 😭 #webdev
How to get better at CSS
Kelvin Omereshone
How to get better at CSS
The change @levelsio did to speed up SQLite in his app #webdev #developer #coderlife #coding
Kelvin Omereshone
The change @levelsio did to speed up SQLite in his app #webdev #developer #coderlife #coding
The change Pieter Levels did to speed up  SQLite
Kelvin Omereshone
The change Pieter Levels did to speed up SQLite
TKYT #56 Enhance your Rails app with SQLite with Stephen Margheim
Kelvin Omereshone
TKYT #56 Enhance your Rails app with SQLite with Stephen Margheim
TKYT #55 Build a SaaS app with React and Wasp with Vince Canger
Kelvin Omereshone
TKYT #55 Build a SaaS app with React and Wasp with Vince Canger
CSS :has() is a game changer 🤯 #webdev #css #css3 #webdevelopment
Kelvin Omereshone
CSS :has() is a game changer 🤯 #webdev #css #css3 #webdevelopment
CSS :has() explained in 120 seconds
Kelvin Omereshone
CSS :has() explained in 120 seconds
CSS auto growing textarea without JavaScript 🤩 #javascript #webdevelopment #programming
Kelvin Omereshone
CSS auto growing textarea without JavaScript 🤩 #javascript #webdevelopment #programming
S1E1 Sunday Stream with Tobiloba & K.O.O
Kelvin Omereshone
S1E1 Sunday Stream with Tobiloba & K.O.O
I use Tailwind CSS because I’m cool 😎 #webdevelopment #webdev #javascript #css #coding
Kelvin Omereshone
I use Tailwind CSS because I’m cool 😎 #webdevelopment #webdev #javascript #css #coding
CSS nesting vs Less/Sass nesting #webdevelopment #webdev #css #css3
Kelvin Omereshone
CSS nesting vs Less/Sass nesting #webdevelopment #webdev #css #css3
“I’ve used every JavaScript framework….” 👀 #javascript #webdevelopment #codinglife #programming
Kelvin Omereshone
“I’ve used every JavaScript framework….” 👀 #javascript #webdevelopment #codinglife #programming
“You are not a real programmer…” Do you agree? 👀 #webdevelopment #coding #webdev #javascript
Kelvin Omereshone
“You are not a real programmer…” Do you agree? 👀 #webdevelopment #coding #webdev #javascript
Is CSS a programming language? #webdevelopment #coding #webdev #softwareengineer
Kelvin Omereshone
Is CSS a programming language? #webdevelopment #coding #webdev #softwareengineer
DevRel is like cheerleading. Do you agree 😅😂 #webdevelopment #coding #webdev #softwareengineer
Kelvin Omereshone
DevRel is like cheerleading. Do you agree 😅😂 #webdevelopment #coding #webdev #softwareengineer