Trauma Keeps Replaying for a Reason
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Trauma Keeps Replaying for a Reason
Narcissistic Parents Use Scapegoating to Control and Devalue Their Child
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Parents Use Scapegoating to Control and Devalue Their Child
Trapping the Scapegoat Child in the Narcissistic System
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Trapping the Scapegoat Child in the Narcissistic System
The Scapegoat Child: Only Accepted for Admiring the Parent
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The Scapegoat Child: Only Accepted for Admiring the Parent
Unmute: Reclaim Your Voice After Growing Up as the Scapegoat to a Narcissistic Parent
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Unmute: Reclaim Your Voice After Growing Up as the Scapegoat to a Narcissistic Parent
Devaluation of the Scapegoat Child
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Devaluation of the Scapegoat Child
Waking Up to Narcissistic Abuse: A Truman Show Moment
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Waking Up to Narcissistic Abuse: A Truman Show Moment
Narcissistic parent treats the scapegoat child to be worth less
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic parent treats the scapegoat child to be worth less
Children of Narcissistic Parents Suffer for Showing Their Strength
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Children of Narcissistic Parents Suffer for Showing Their Strength
Mom or Dad Feel Good While the Scapegoat Child Feels Bad
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Mom or Dad Feel Good While the Scapegoat Child Feels Bad
A Child Grows Without Parental Support.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
A Child Grows Without Parental Support.
Safe People Respect Your Feelings—Narcissists Don’t.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Safe People Respect Your Feelings—Narcissists Don’t.
Narcissistic Parents: Selfish, Exploitative, and Cruel.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Parents: Selfish, Exploitative, and Cruel.
Narcissistic Family Roles.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Family Roles.
The fundamental rule for the child of a narcissistic parent.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The fundamental rule for the child of a narcissistic parent.
Is This Person Safe? A Scapegoat Survivor’s Constant Question.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Is This Person Safe? A Scapegoat Survivor’s Constant Question.
The life of the scapegoat child to a narcissistic parent is fraught.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The life of the scapegoat child to a narcissistic parent is fraught.
Narcissistic Parents Are Always "Right".
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Parents Are Always "Right".
Moving away from narcissistically abusive people.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Moving away from narcissistically abusive people.
Scapegoat Children Believe They’re Defective.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Scapegoat Children Believe They’re Defective.
Closeness Feels Dangerous for Scapegoat Survivors.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Closeness Feels Dangerous for Scapegoat Survivors.
What if Scapegoat Survivors of Narcissistic Parents Can’t Find Safe People Today?
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
What if Scapegoat Survivors of Narcissistic Parents Can’t Find Safe People Today?
Why Others Feel Safer Than Narcissists?
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Why Others Feel Safer Than Narcissists?
Scapegoat Children and the Fear of Not Loving Enough.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Scapegoat Children and the Fear of Not Loving Enough.
Closeness Feels Like a Minefield for Scapegoat Survivors.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Closeness Feels Like a Minefield for Scapegoat Survivors.
Scapegoat Child Must Fix the Parent's Feeling Unloved.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Scapegoat Child Must Fix the Parent's Feeling Unloved.
Narcissistic Parent Feels Unworthy of Love.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Parent Feels Unworthy of Love.
Narcissistic Parents Blame Their Scapegoat Child.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Parents Blame Their Scapegoat Child.
The nature of the process of recovery.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The nature of the process of recovery.
The scapegoat child may have vowed to prove their worth.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The scapegoat child may have vowed to prove their worth.
Overcoming Scapegoat Survivors’ Fear of Not Loving Enough
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Overcoming Scapegoat Survivors’ Fear of Not Loving Enough
The Scapegoat Survivor Feel Safer.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The Scapegoat Survivor Feel Safer.
Self-Direction with Freedom.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Self-Direction with Freedom.
The Scapegoat Child's Traumatic Lesson that Self-Direction = Abandonment.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The Scapegoat Child's Traumatic Lesson that Self-Direction = Abandonment.
Narcissistic Parents Fear Their Child’s Independence.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Parents Fear Their Child’s Independence.
Why Narcissists Devalue Their Children?
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Why Narcissists Devalue Their Children?
Breaking the Habit: For Scapegoat Survivors, It Feels Like Entering a Void.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Breaking the Habit: For Scapegoat Survivors, It Feels Like Entering a Void.
Making Self-Direction Less Scary for Scapegoat Survivors
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Making Self-Direction Less Scary for Scapegoat Survivors
Narcissistic Parent DENIES the Feeling of Worthlessness.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Parent DENIES the Feeling of Worthlessness.
Psychological cliff.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Psychological cliff.
Mom or dad's emotions are more important than the child.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Mom or dad's emotions are more important than the child.
Scapegoat children of narcissistic parents, the reality is starkly different.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Scapegoat children of narcissistic parents, the reality is starkly different.
The Life with a Narcissistic Parent.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The Life with a Narcissistic Parent.
Past Trauma in the Life of a Scapegoat Survivor.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Past Trauma in the Life of a Scapegoat Survivor.
Breaking the Stressed-Out Habit of Mind for Scapegoat Survivor
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Breaking the Stressed-Out Habit of Mind for Scapegoat Survivor
Only the scapegoat is capable of offending others.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Only the scapegoat is capable of offending others.
Feeling worthless.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Feeling worthless.
The narcissistic parent's need to be admired.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The narcissistic parent's need to be admired.
The "GOOD" abusive parent of the scapegoat child.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The "GOOD" abusive parent of the scapegoat child.
The Scapegoat Child Must SAVE the Narcissistic Parent First.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The Scapegoat Child Must SAVE the Narcissistic Parent First.
Scapegoat Survivors Find It Hard to See Their Worth.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Scapegoat Survivors Find It Hard to See Their Worth.
Why Scapegoat Survivors Relocate Their Good Qualities into Others
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Why Scapegoat Survivors Relocate Their Good Qualities into Others
The accommodating enabler parent.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The accommodating enabler parent.
The Enabler and the Narcissistic Parent.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The Enabler and the Narcissistic Parent.
Narcissistic parent DEVALUES the child to ESCAPE their own worthlessness. 🚫
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic parent DEVALUES the child to ESCAPE their own worthlessness. 🚫
A family with a narcissistic parent. 👪
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
A family with a narcissistic parent. 👪
Scapegoat survivors seek relationships based on merit.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Scapegoat survivors seek relationships based on merit.
Control-Mastery Theory: Reclaiming the Blueprint for Your True Self.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Control-Mastery Theory: Reclaiming the Blueprint for Your True Self.
Growing up scapegoated: Feeling valued is so hard.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Growing up scapegoated: Feeling valued is so hard.
Why Narcissistic Parents Favor Others Over the Scapegoat Child?
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Why Narcissistic Parents Favor Others Over the Scapegoat Child?
Narcissistic Parent: Assigning Value Based on Roles, Not Worth.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Parent: Assigning Value Based on Roles, Not Worth.
Safe Relationships for Scapegoat Survivors
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Safe Relationships for Scapegoat Survivors
A NEW Lens: Scapegoat Child OVERCOME Defective Beliefs.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
A NEW Lens: Scapegoat Child OVERCOME Defective Beliefs.
How Belief in Being Defective Leads Survivors to Therapy.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
How Belief in Being Defective Leads Survivors to Therapy.
Why the Scapegoat Believes They Are DEFECTIVE: The Impact of Narcissistic Parenting.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Why the Scapegoat Believes They Are DEFECTIVE: The Impact of Narcissistic Parenting.
The Scapegoat Child: FORCED to Believe They’re ‘Defective’ and ‘Undeserving’.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The Scapegoat Child: FORCED to Believe They’re ‘Defective’ and ‘Undeserving’.
FREEDOM: Questioning Narcissistic Parents' Goodwill.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
FREEDOM: Questioning Narcissistic Parents' Goodwill.
The child learns they are alone when trying to live their own life.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The child learns they are alone when trying to live their own life.
When scapegoat survivors' diagnosis of their problem reflects the problem
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
When scapegoat survivors' diagnosis of their problem reflects the problem
Why the child attaches even more to a narcissistic parent.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Why the child attaches even more to a narcissistic parent.
Child of a Narcissistic Parent Learns About Love.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Child of a Narcissistic Parent Learns About Love.
A Supportive Family is Where a Child's Growth Begins.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
A Supportive Family is Where a Child's Growth Begins.
Narcissistic Family's Impact on the Scapegoat Child's Reality.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Family's Impact on the Scapegoat Child's Reality.
In a Narcissistic Environment, Scapegoat Children Confuse Realness with Badness.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
In a Narcissistic Environment, Scapegoat Children Confuse Realness with Badness.
Child of a Narcissist: Finding Realness in the World.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Child of a Narcissist: Finding Realness in the World.
Growing Up Scapegoat: Confusing Realness with Being Wrong.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Growing Up Scapegoat: Confusing Realness with Being Wrong.
Learning to See the Whole: Scapegoat Survivors and Their Therapists.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Learning to See the Whole: Scapegoat Survivors and Their Therapists.
Unconscious Belief: Only Seeing the Good in Others.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Unconscious Belief: Only Seeing the Good in Others.
Freedom to say what you see.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Freedom to say what you see.
Forbidden Feelings: A Scapegoat Child's Darkness.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Forbidden Feelings: A Scapegoat Child's Darkness.
The Scapegoat Child's NEGATIVE Feelings Towards the Parent Disguised as Self-Criticism.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The Scapegoat Child's NEGATIVE Feelings Towards the Parent Disguised as Self-Criticism.
Scapegoat Child Is Forced to Disavow Their True Feelings.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Scapegoat Child Is Forced to Disavow Their True Feelings.
Emotional Hook Keeps Scapegoat Child From Their True Feelings.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Emotional Hook Keeps Scapegoat Child From Their True Feelings.
A narcissistic parent devalues, deprives and controls their scapegoat child.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
A narcissistic parent devalues, deprives and controls their scapegoat child.
Narcissistic Parenting's Hidden Threat.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Parenting's Hidden Threat.
Narcissistic Abusers Are Hard to Identify.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Abusers Are Hard to Identify.
Narcissistic Parent Makes Boundaries Impossible for the Scapegoat Child.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Parent Makes Boundaries Impossible for the Scapegoat Child.
Living in an amoral world.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Living in an amoral world.
Staying with a Narcissistic Parent.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Staying with a Narcissistic Parent.
Life After Narcissistic Abuse for Scapegoat Survivors: Freedom to be Disappointed
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Life After Narcissistic Abuse for Scapegoat Survivors: Freedom to be Disappointed
How Therapy Helps Scapegoat Survivors Think About The Unthinkable.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
How Therapy Helps Scapegoat Survivors Think About The Unthinkable.
Pain Is Not Inherently Bad - Isolation Is.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Pain Is Not Inherently Bad - Isolation Is.
Why Being Left ALONE With Pain Makes It Hard To Think About.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Why Being Left ALONE With Pain Makes It Hard To Think About.
Narcissistic parent projects their WORTHLESSNESS onto the scapegoat child.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic parent projects their WORTHLESSNESS onto the scapegoat child.
The DANGERS faced by the scapegoat child.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The DANGERS faced by the scapegoat child.
From Narcissistic Control to True Self-Claim.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
From Narcissistic Control to True Self-Claim.
How Therapy Helps Scapegoat Survivors Think What Used To Be Unthinkable
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
How Therapy Helps Scapegoat Survivors Think What Used To Be Unthinkable
The Scapegoat’s Battle to Defy the Narcissistic Voice Inside.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
The Scapegoat’s Battle to Defy the Narcissistic Voice Inside.
Self-Care or Self-Criticism? Healing the Tasks Tainted by a Narcissistic Parent's Control.
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Self-Care or Self-Criticism? Healing the Tasks Tainted by a Narcissistic Parent's Control.
Life After Narcissistic Abuse. #scapegoatchildsurvivor #narcissisticfamily
Jay Reid - Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
Life After Narcissistic Abuse. #scapegoatchildsurvivor #narcissisticfamily