Clueless Ex-Master Player plays Set 12 Ranked
Terra TFT
Clueless Ex-Master Player plays Set 12 Ranked
Clueless Ex-Master Player plays Set 12 Ranked
Terra TFT
Clueless Ex-Master Player plays Set 12 Ranked
TFT SET 12 IS HERE! My First Ranked Game and Thoughts
Terra TFT
TFT SET 12 IS HERE! My First Ranked Game and Thoughts
We found SIX YASUOS on 1-1 so went 7 Fated Yasuo Carry - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up Gameplay
Terra TFT
We found SIX YASUOS on 1-1 so went 7 Fated Yasuo Carry - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up Gameplay
3 Star Kayn vs 8 Arcanist! #tft #tftset11 #teamfighttactics #tft3star
Terra TFT
3 Star Kayn vs 8 Arcanist! #tft #tftset11 #teamfighttactics #tft3star
No Yones? Just Hit 3 Star Kayn!  - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
No Yones? Just Hit 3 Star Kayn! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
I Chose the Statistically Best Prismatic Augment I Could. It worked. - Teamfight Tactics Set 11
Terra TFT
I Chose the Statistically Best Prismatic Augment I Could. It worked. - Teamfight Tactics Set 11
TFT 2-Line Speedrun in 43:12 (Current World Record)
Terra TFT
TFT 2-Line Speedrun in 43:12 (Current World Record)
I Got a World Record in TFT #tft #tftset11 #tftspeedrun #speedrun
Terra TFT
I Got a World Record in TFT #tft #tftset11 #tftspeedrun #speedrun
I Speedran TFT and Got a World Record! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Speedrun 3x3 Blackout
Terra TFT
I Speedran TFT and Got a World Record! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Speedrun 3x3 Blackout
They Hit 3 Star Wukong, But It Actually HELPED ME - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Terra TFT
They Hit 3 Star Wukong, But It Actually HELPED ME - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Yorick is Back and Better Than Ever! THE RETURN OF OLD MAN SUCC - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up
Terra TFT
Yorick is Back and Better Than Ever! THE RETURN OF OLD MAN SUCC - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up
3 Star Irelia is OP! ⭐⭐⭐ #tftset11 #tft #teamfighttactics #tft3star
Terra TFT
3 Star Irelia is OP! ⭐⭐⭐ #tftset11 #tft #teamfighttactics #tft3star
Thanks Mortdog :) #tft #tftset11 #set11
Terra TFT
Thanks Mortdog :) #tft #tftset11 #set11
Is This The BEST Comp In Patch 14.7? - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
Is This The BEST Comp In Patch 14.7? - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
3 STAR IRELIA TEARS APART THE WHOLE TEAM - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up Gameplay
Terra TFT
3 STAR IRELIA TEARS APART THE WHOLE TEAM - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up Gameplay
10 Fated is Exodia in #tft #tftset11
Terra TFT
10 Fated is Exodia in #tft #tftset11
5 Fated on 2-1? We DOMINATED this lobby! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up Gameplay
Terra TFT
5 Fated on 2-1? We DOMINATED this lobby! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up Gameplay
Thanks, guess I'm playing Duelist now.  - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up Gameplay
Terra TFT
Thanks, guess I'm playing Duelist now. - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up Gameplay
10 FATED IS UNBEATABLE! It was... insane. - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
10 FATED IS UNBEATABLE! It was... insane. - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Golden Egg, Crab Rave, AND a Bunch of 3 Stars? - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Terra TFT
Golden Egg, Crab Rave, AND a Bunch of 3 Stars? - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
I Beat CRAB RAVE With 7 Heavenly! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Terra TFT
I Beat CRAB RAVE With 7 Heavenly! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
This Kog'Maw is How I've Gotten 800 LP in 2 days - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Terra TFT
This Kog'Maw is How I've Gotten 800 LP in 2 days - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
I Used the Forbidden 3 Star Kaisa Tech - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
I Used the Forbidden 3 Star Kaisa Tech - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
9 Kha'Zix + Best In Slot FOR FREE? This Was Awesome! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Terra TFT
9 Kha'Zix + Best In Slot FOR FREE? This Was Awesome! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Chat Forced Gnar Carry! 3 Star Gnar Reroll with 6 Dryad! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Terra TFT
Chat Forced Gnar Carry! 3 Star Gnar Reroll with 6 Dryad! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
The GOLDEN EGG Was Perfect This Game - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up Gameplay
Terra TFT
The GOLDEN EGG Was Perfect This Game - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up Gameplay
Turning Infinite Gold Into a 3 Star Lillia - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
Turning Infinite Gold Into a 3 Star Lillia - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
We Found the Best Counter to Crab Rave! Just Dont Fight It! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up
Terra TFT
We Found the Best Counter to Crab Rave! Just Dont Fight It! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Double Up
Clutch 2v9 Syndra in #tft #set11 #tftset11 #teamfigthtactics
Terra TFT
Clutch 2v9 Syndra in #tft #set11 #tftset11 #teamfigthtactics
This Made Me Love Fated in Set 11 - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
This Made Me Love Fated in Set 11 - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
This Augment Never Lets You Play a Weak Board - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
This Augment Never Lets You Play a Weak Board - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
NEW 3 Star Annie vs CRAB RAVE - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
NEW 3 Star Annie vs CRAB RAVE - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
I Hit 3 Star Ashe to Try to Beat 3 Star Annie - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
I Hit 3 Star Ashe to Try to Beat 3 Star Annie - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
I paid $15 for THIS? #tft #fiverr
Terra TFT
I paid $15 for THIS? #tft #fiverr
This Combo Gives +6 XP Per Round! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
This Combo Gives +6 XP Per Round! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
TFT Bingo Lockout! You NEED to Try This! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
TFT Bingo Lockout! You NEED to Try This! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
3 Star Legendary Udyr 1v9! He's INSANE! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
3 Star Legendary Udyr 1v9! He's INSANE! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
3 Star Udyr 1v9 in Set 11! #tft #tftset11 #teamfigthtactics
Terra TFT
3 Star Udyr 1v9 in Set 11! #tft #tftset11 #teamfigthtactics
This Team is Just TWO HEALTHY - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
This Team is Just TWO HEALTHY - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
3 Star Ashe Go BRRRRRRRRRRRR - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
3 Star Ashe Go BRRRRRRRRRRRR - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
NEW 3 Star Ashe 4 Cost #tft #tftset11 #set11 #teamfigthtactics
Terra TFT
NEW 3 Star Ashe 4 Cost #tft #tftset11 #set11 #teamfigthtactics
Zoe May Be The Strongest Reroll Carry in Set 11 - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
Zoe May Be The Strongest Reroll Carry in Set 11 - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Is This The Best Reroll Augment in Set 11? - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
Is This The Best Reroll Augment in Set 11? - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
FREE 3 STAR ALUNE? What is this Augment??? #tft #teamfighttactics #tftset11 #set11
Terra TFT
FREE 3 STAR ALUNE? What is this Augment??? #tft #teamfighttactics #tftset11 #set11
The NEW Cruel Pact is Supposed to Be Risky. Can't Relate. AT WHAT COST - Teamfight Tactics Set 11
Terra TFT
The NEW Cruel Pact is Supposed to Be Risky. Can't Relate. AT WHAT COST - Teamfight Tactics Set 11
10 Mythic Could Barely Take Down This Gargantuan Garen - Teamfight Tactics Set 11
Terra TFT
10 Mythic Could Barely Take Down This Gargantuan Garen - Teamfight Tactics Set 11
3 Star Alune For ABSOLUTELY FREE? Aphelios' Sister Tears Through Enemies! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11
Terra TFT
3 Star Alune For ABSOLUTELY FREE? Aphelios' Sister Tears Through Enemies! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11
Hero Yorick vs 3 Star Annie #tft #tftset11 #set11 #teamfigthtactics
Terra TFT
Hero Yorick vs 3 Star Annie #tft #tftset11 #set11 #teamfigthtactics
They Added 8 Duelist to Set 11 So I 3 Starred A Bunch of Them- Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Terra TFT
They Added 8 Duelist to Set 11 So I 3 Starred A Bunch of Them- Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
INSTANT 5.0 Attack Speed! The Forbidden 10 Item Irelia Strat - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Terra TFT
INSTANT 5.0 Attack Speed! The Forbidden 10 Item Irelia Strat - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
This Set 11 Sett is Beefier than Your Favorite Gym Bro - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Terra TFT
This Set 11 Sett is Beefier than Your Favorite Gym Bro - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
8 Ghostly Kayn vs The World -  Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
8 Ghostly Kayn vs The World - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
That's a Big Bear! 3 Star Annie with 6 Invoker! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
That's a Big Bear! 3 Star Annie with 6 Invoker! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
This Set 11 Cho'Gath is the PERFECT Tank - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Terra TFT
This Set 11 Cho'Gath is the PERFECT Tank - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
3 Star Legendary Xayah and Rakan are INSANE - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
3 Star Legendary Xayah and Rakan are INSANE - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
NEW 3 Star Set 11 Rakan WIPES the Enemy Board! #tftset11 #set11 #tft
Terra TFT
NEW 3 Star Set 11 Rakan WIPES the Enemy Board! #tftset11 #set11 #tft
6 Dryad 3 Star Kindred is So Strong I Forgot About Radiant Blessing - Teamfight Tactics Set 11
Terra TFT
6 Dryad 3 Star Kindred is So Strong I Forgot About Radiant Blessing - Teamfight Tactics Set 11
Mr 100 Set 11 Yorick Augment Is Absolutely Broken! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Terra TFT
Mr 100 Set 11 Yorick Augment Is Absolutely Broken! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
I wanted 3 Star Sett, I Got 3 Star Irelia - #tftset11 #set11 #tft
Terra TFT
I wanted 3 Star Sett, I Got 3 Star Irelia - #tftset11 #set11 #tft
Kayn Was Supposed to End the Game. Instead, I hit 3 Star Irelia - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Terra TFT
Kayn Was Supposed to End the Game. Instead, I hit 3 Star Irelia - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Kayn... Doesn't End the Game at 5-4? - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Terra TFT
Kayn... Doesn't End the Game at 5-4? - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Gameplay
Does S11 Lissandra Counter Crab Rave? - #tft #tftset11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
Does S11 Lissandra Counter Crab Rave? - #tft #tftset11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Set 11 FOR THE KIDS! Check the Description for the link! - Come chill and chat
Terra TFT
Set 11 FOR THE KIDS! Check the Description for the link! - Come chill and chat
97% DR? Porcelain and Warden Amumu is INVINCIBLE! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
97% DR? Porcelain and Warden Amumu is INVINCIBLE! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
97% DR? Porcelain and Warden Amumu is INVINCIBLE! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
Terra TFT
97% DR? Porcelain and Warden Amumu is INVINCIBLE! - Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables Gameplay
3 Star Lucian Saves the Game! #tftset10 #tftgameplay #tft
Terra TFT
3 Star Lucian Saves the Game! #tftset10 #tftgameplay #tft
Riot Nerfed Double Up So We Started Using Our Brains - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Double Up Gameplay
Terra TFT
Riot Nerfed Double Up So We Started Using Our Brains - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Double Up Gameplay
This Set 11 Encounter is GAME BREAKING #tft #tftset11 #tftset10 #tftgameplay
Terra TFT
This Set 11 Encounter is GAME BREAKING #tft #tftset11 #tftset10 #tftgameplay
NEW Set 11 Prismatic Augment Does WHAT? #tft #tftset11 #tftgameplay #tftset10 #set11
Terra TFT
NEW Set 11 Prismatic Augment Does WHAT? #tft #tftset11 #tftgameplay #tftset10 #set11
THE STRONGEST UNIT IN #TFT HISTORY! 3 STAR AURELION SOL #tftset10 #tftgameplay #tftset3 #tftset35
Terra TFT
THE STRONGEST UNIT IN #TFT HISTORY! 3 STAR AURELION SOL #tftset10 #tftgameplay #tftset3 #tftset35
TFT's Strongest Unit Ever on the Strongest Portal - Big Bang 3 Star Aurelion Sol - TFT 3.5 Revival
Terra TFT
TFT's Strongest Unit Ever on the Strongest Portal - Big Bang 3 Star Aurelion Sol - TFT 3.5 Revival
3 Star Poppy vs 3 Star Ezreal! Who Wins? - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
Terra TFT
3 Star Poppy vs 3 Star Ezreal! Who Wins? - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
3 STAR ILLAOI with 10 HEARTSTEEL! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Remix Rumble Gameplay
Terra TFT
3 STAR ILLAOI with 10 HEARTSTEEL! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Remix Rumble Gameplay
10 K/DA + 3 STAR AHRI??? Absolutely INSANE Game! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
Terra TFT
10 K/DA + 3 STAR AHRI??? Absolutely INSANE Game! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
10 K/DA + 3 STAR AHRI??? Absolutely INSANE Game! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
Terra TFT
10 K/DA + 3 STAR AHRI??? Absolutely INSANE Game! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
I Hit ANOTHER 3 Star 5 Cost with 10 Heartsteel! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Remix Rumble Gameplay
Terra TFT
I Hit ANOTHER 3 Star 5 Cost with 10 Heartsteel! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Remix Rumble Gameplay
Everyone got a Spatula, Only I got 10 Pentakill - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
Terra TFT
Everyone got a Spatula, Only I got 10 Pentakill - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
3 Star Yorick in 1 Round! #tftset10 #set10 #tft
Terra TFT
3 Star Yorick in 1 Round! #tftset10 #set10 #tft
3 Star Gnar and Kayle Reroll is INSANE! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
Terra TFT
3 Star Gnar and Kayle Reroll is INSANE! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
TFT Set 11 Will Have 20+ NEW ARTIFACTS?? - Teamfight Tactics News
Terra TFT
TFT Set 11 Will Have 20+ NEW ARTIFACTS?? - Teamfight Tactics News
TFT Set 11 Will Have 20+ NEW ARTIFACTS?? - Teamfight Tactics News
Terra TFT
TFT Set 11 Will Have 20+ NEW ARTIFACTS?? - Teamfight Tactics News
It Was an Easy Win with 3 Star Poppy until... - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
Terra TFT
It Was an Easy Win with 3 Star Poppy until... - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
3 Star Vi on 2-1 AND Spoils of War III! This was INSANE! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
Terra TFT
3 Star Vi on 2-1 AND Spoils of War III! This was INSANE! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
Hitting Sona 3 Without Even Trying - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Remix Rumble Double Up
Terra TFT
Hitting Sona 3 Without Even Trying - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Remix Rumble Double Up
THE IMMORTAL SETT! 27000+ Damage Blocked! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Diamond Double Up Gameplay
Terra TFT
THE IMMORTAL SETT! 27000+ Damage Blocked! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Diamond Double Up Gameplay
Why Did Riot Buff This??? Space Pirate Reroll with FULLY ADAPTED - Teamfight Tactics Set 3.5 Revival
Terra TFT
Why Did Riot Buff This??? Space Pirate Reroll with FULLY ADAPTED - Teamfight Tactics Set 3.5 Revival
Twin Terror Hyperpop Lulu and Ziggs OBLITERATES Enemy Teams! -  Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Double Up
Terra TFT
Twin Terror Hyperpop Lulu and Ziggs OBLITERATES Enemy Teams! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Double Up
A CUT ABOVE + JINX REROLL = PROFIT - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Double Up Gameplay
Terra TFT
A CUT ABOVE + JINX REROLL = PROFIT - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Double Up Gameplay
Are 3 Star Samira and Headliner Sett enough this game? - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Diamond Double Up
Terra TFT
Are 3 Star Samira and Headliner Sett enough this game? - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Diamond Double Up
They hit 10 KDA. We didn't care. - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Remix Rumble Diamond Ranked Double Up
Terra TFT
They hit 10 KDA. We didn't care. - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Remix Rumble Diamond Ranked Double Up
Why Did Riot Buff This??? Space Pirate Reroll with FULLY ADAPTED - Teamfight Tactics Set 3.5 Revival
Terra TFT
Why Did Riot Buff This??? Space Pirate Reroll with FULLY ADAPTED - Teamfight Tactics Set 3.5 Revival
The Near-PERFECT Jazz Team! So Many Traits! So Many 3 Stars! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
Terra TFT
The Near-PERFECT Jazz Team! So Many Traits! So Many 3 Stars! - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
We tried stalling to hit Sona 3. It worked. - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Remix Rumble Double Up
Terra TFT
We tried stalling to hit Sona 3. It worked. - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Remix Rumble Double Up
This Disco game was great! At least until they hit 3 Star Illaoi - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
Terra TFT
This Disco game was great! At least until they hit 3 Star Illaoi - Teamfight Tactics Set 10 Gameplay
Stream died but I'm back - Come Chill and Chat
Terra TFT
Stream died but I'm back - Come Chill and Chat
Stream died but I'm back - Come Chill and Chat
Terra TFT
Stream died but I'm back - Come Chill and Chat
Late Night Diamond Double Up - Come Chill and Chat
Terra TFT
Late Night Diamond Double Up - Come Chill and Chat
Patch 14.3 Set 3.5 Revival - Come Chill and Chat
Terra TFT
Patch 14.3 Set 3.5 Revival - Come Chill and Chat