无心生大梦 (Unintentional Big Dream) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
无心生大梦 (Unintentional Big Dream) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
春风不问 (Spring Breeze Does Not Ask) - 陈都灵 (Chén Dulíng) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune}
Wiji Khaerinnisa
春风不问 (Spring Breeze Does Not Ask) - 陈都灵 (Chén Dulíng) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune}
桃花千朵 (Thousands of Peach Blossoms) - 叶炫清 (Ye Xuanqing) {千朵桃花一世开 The Blossoming Love} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
桃花千朵 (Thousands of Peach Blossoms) - 叶炫清 (Ye Xuanqing) {千朵桃花一世开 The Blossoming Love} lyrics
灼灼 (Blazing) - 黄龄 (Huang Ling) {千朵桃花一世开 The Blossoming Love} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
灼灼 (Blazing) - 黄龄 (Huang Ling) {千朵桃花一世开 The Blossoming Love} lyrics
远舟的少年 (Yuanzhou’s Youth) - 侯明昊 (Neo Hou){大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
远舟的少年 (Yuanzhou’s Youth) - 侯明昊 (Neo Hou){大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
年长 (Years Grow Long) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {蜀锦人家 Brocade Odyssey} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
年长 (Years Grow Long) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {蜀锦人家 Brocade Odyssey} lyrics
挚念 (Thoughts) - 谭松韵 (Seven Tan⧸Tan Songyun) {蜀锦人家 Brocade Odyssey} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
挚念 (Thoughts) - 谭松韵 (Seven Tan⧸Tan Songyun) {蜀锦人家 Brocade Odyssey} lyrics
红 (Red) - 毛不易 (Mao Buyi) {蜀锦人家 Brocade Odyssey} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
红 (Red) - 毛不易 (Mao Buyi) {蜀锦人家 Brocade Odyssey} lyrics
怎知 (How Could I Know_) - 希林娜依高 (Curley Gao){大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
怎知 (How Could I Know_) - 希林娜依高 (Curley Gao){大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
月落谣 (Moonset Ballad) - 金润吉 (Jin Runji) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
月落谣 (Moonset Ballad) - 金润吉 (Jin Runji) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
半我 (Half of Me) - 程潇 (Cheng Xiao), 赖伟明 (Lai Weiming) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
半我 (Half of Me) - 程潇 (Cheng Xiao), 赖伟明 (Lai Weiming) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
世内桃源 (Paradise) - 徐子未 (Xu Ziwei) {大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
世内桃源 (Paradise) - 徐子未 (Xu Ziwei) {大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
寻常 (Ordinary) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
寻常 (Ordinary) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
迢迢 (Far Away) - 何洁 (He Jie), 王栎鑫 (Wang Yuexin) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
迢迢 (Far Away) - 何洁 (He Jie), 王栎鑫 (Wang Yuexin) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
飞花入梦 (Flying Flowers Enter Dreams) - 等什么君 (Deng Shenme Jun) {春花焰 Kill Me Love Me} lyric
Wiji Khaerinnisa
飞花入梦 (Flying Flowers Enter Dreams) - 等什么君 (Deng Shenme Jun) {春花焰 Kill Me Love Me} lyric
入梦 (Enter A Dream) - 杨宝心 (Yang Baoxin) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
入梦 (Enter A Dream) - 杨宝心 (Yang Baoxin) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
断尾鸟 (Broken-tailed Bird) - 田嘉瑞 (Tian Jiarui) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
断尾鸟 (Broken-tailed Bird) - 田嘉瑞 (Tian Jiarui) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
许卿安 (Hope You Are Well) - 周深 (Zhou Shen) {大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
许卿安 (Hope You Are Well) - 周深 (Zhou Shen) {大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
不敢逢春 (Dare Not Meet Spring) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {春花焰 Kill Me Love Me} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
不敢逢春 (Dare Not Meet Spring) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {春花焰 Kill Me Love Me} lyrics
誓言 (Oath) - 希林娜依高 (Curley Gao) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
誓言 (Oath) - 希林娜依高 (Curley Gao) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
重圆 (Reunion) - 李佩玲 (Li Peiling) {九重紫 Blossom} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
重圆 (Reunion) - 李佩玲 (Li Peiling) {九重紫 Blossom} lyrics
春花厌 (Detest Spring Flowers) - 张靓颖 (Jane Zhang) {春花焰 Kill Me Love Me} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
春花厌 (Detest Spring Flowers) - 张靓颖 (Jane Zhang) {春花焰 Kill Me Love Me} lyrics
焰 (Flame) - 希林娜依高 (Curley Gao) {春花焰 Kill Me Love Me} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
焰 (Flame) - 希林娜依高 (Curley Gao) {春花焰 Kill Me Love Me} lyrics
有憾 (Regretful) - 林凡Freya (Lin Fan), 韦礼安 (Wei Lian) {春花焰 Kill Me Love Me} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
有憾 (Regretful) - 林凡Freya (Lin Fan), 韦礼安 (Wei Lian) {春花焰 Kill Me Love Me} lyrics
英雄不磊落 (Heroes Are Upright) - 徐振轩 (Xu Zhenxuan) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
英雄不磊落 (Heroes Are Upright) - 徐振轩 (Xu Zhenxuan) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
流芳 (Spread Good Reputation) - 谭维维 (Tan Weiwei) {国色芳华 Flourished Peony} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
流芳 (Spread Good Reputation) - 谭维维 (Tan Weiwei) {国色芳华 Flourished Peony} lyrics
天地无仑 (Heaven and Earth Are Unrivalled) - 闫桉 (Yan An) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
天地无仑 (Heaven and Earth Are Unrivalled) - 闫桉 (Yan An) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
不念不响 (Do Not Yearn or Make Noise) - 陈都灵 (Tián Jiāruì) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
不念不响 (Do Not Yearn or Make Noise) - 陈都灵 (Tián Jiāruì) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
手持明月 (Holding The Bright Moon) - 伯远 (Bo Yuan) {大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
手持明月 (Holding The Bright Moon) - 伯远 (Bo Yuan) {大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
勿 (Do Not) - 王赫野 (Wang Heye) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
勿 (Do Not) - 王赫野 (Wang Heye) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
梦山河 (Dreams of Mountains and Rivers) - 孙楠 (Sun Nan) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
梦山河 (Dreams of Mountains and Rivers) - 孙楠 (Sun Nan) {流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana} lyrics
寄明月 (Send to the Bright Moon) - 虞书欣 (Esther Yu), 丁禹兮 (Ryan Ding) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy}
Wiji Khaerinnisa
寄明月 (Send to the Bright Moon) - 虞书欣 (Esther Yu), 丁禹兮 (Ryan Ding) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy}
青鸟归 (Blue Bird Returns) - 林志炫 (Terry Lin) {国色芳华 Flourished Peony} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
青鸟归 (Blue Bird Returns) - 林志炫 (Terry Lin) {国色芳华 Flourished Peony} lyrics
昭昭墨墨 (Zhao Zhao Mo Mo) - 孟子义 (Meng Ziyi), 李韵锐 (Li Yunrui) {九重紫 Blossom} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
昭昭墨墨 (Zhao Zhao Mo Mo) - 孟子义 (Meng Ziyi), 李韵锐 (Li Yunrui) {九重紫 Blossom} lyrics
久念 (Miss You For A Long Time) -  弦子 (Xian Zi) {九重紫 Blossom} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
久念 (Miss You For A Long Time) - 弦子 (Xian Zi) {九重紫 Blossom} lyrics
芳华吟 (Youth Song) - 张紫宁 (Zhang Zining) {国色芳华 Flourished Peony}
Wiji Khaerinnisa
芳华吟 (Youth Song) - 张紫宁 (Zhang Zining) {国色芳华 Flourished Peony}
豫章行  (Yuzhang Trip) - 郭柯宇 (Guo Keyu) {国色芳华 Flourished Peony}
Wiji Khaerinnisa
豫章行 (Yuzhang Trip) - 郭柯宇 (Guo Keyu) {国色芳华 Flourished Peony}
当爱 (When Love) - 黄霄云 (Huang Xiaoyun) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
当爱 (When Love) - 黄霄云 (Huang Xiaoyun) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
不羡 (Do Not Envy) - 伯远 (Bo Yuan) {九重紫 Blossom} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
不羡 (Do Not Envy) - 伯远 (Bo Yuan) {九重紫 Blossom} lyrics
紫忆 (Purple Memories) - 张紫宁 (Zhang Zining) {九重紫 Blossom} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
紫忆 (Purple Memories) - 张紫宁 (Zhang Zining) {九重紫 Blossom} lyrics
只在今夜 (Serenade) - 毛不易 (Mao Buyi) {难哄 The First Frost} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
只在今夜 (Serenade) - 毛不易 (Mao Buyi) {难哄 The First Frost} lyrics
如霜 (Like Frost) - 萧敬腾 (Xiao Jingteng) {国色芳华 Flourished Peony} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
如霜 (Like Frost) - 萧敬腾 (Xiao Jingteng) {国色芳华 Flourished Peony} lyrics
爱不悔 (Love Without Regrets) - 井胧 (Jing Long) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
爱不悔 (Love Without Regrets) - 井胧 (Jing Long) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
不负人间 (Do Not Disappoint the World) - 阿YueYue (A’YueYue) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
不负人间 (Do Not Disappoint the World) - 阿YueYue (A’YueYue) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
月下 (Under The Moon) - 不才 (Bu Cai) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
月下 (Under The Moon) - 不才 (Bu Cai) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
不要想念 (Do Not Miss) - 白鹿 (Bai Lu), 敖瑞鹏 (Ao Ruipeng) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
不要想念 (Do Not Miss) - 白鹿 (Bai Lu), 敖瑞鹏 (Ao Ruipeng) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
月光曲 (Moonlight Song) - 陆虎 (Lu Hu) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
月光曲 (Moonlight Song) - 陆虎 (Lu Hu) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
花落无痕 (Flowers Fall With No Trace) - 萨顶顶 (Sa Dingding) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
花落无痕 (Flowers Fall With No Trace) - 萨顶顶 (Sa Dingding) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
相拥不放 (Embrace And Never Let Go) - 周深 (Zhou Shen) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
相拥不放 (Embrace And Never Let Go) - 周深 (Zhou Shen) {白月梵星 Moonlight Mystique} lyrics
不逢不若 (Do Not Conform) - 杨紫 (Yang Zi) {国色芳华 Flourished Peony} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
不逢不若 (Do Not Conform) - 杨紫 (Yang Zi) {国色芳华 Flourished Peony} lyrics
诗仙 (Poet Immortal) - 郁可唯 (Yisa Yu), 早安 (Zao An) [大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
诗仙 (Poet Immortal) - 郁可唯 (Yisa Yu), 早安 (Zao An) [大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
来者何人 (Who Is Here) - 黄子弘凡 (Lars Huang) {大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
来者何人 (Who Is Here) - 黄子弘凡 (Lars Huang) {大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
我本俗人 (I Am An Ordinary Person) - GAI周延 (Zhou Yan) {大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
我本俗人 (I Am An Ordinary Person) - GAI周延 (Zhou Yan) {大奉打更人 Guardians of the Dafeng} lyrics
How Not To be -  虞书欣 (Esther Yu) {单曲 Single} Lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
How Not To be - 虞书欣 (Esther Yu) {单曲 Single} Lyrics
Last One Standing - 虞书欣 (Esther Yu) {单曲 Single} Pinyin lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
Last One Standing - 虞书欣 (Esther Yu) {单曲 Single} Pinyin lyrics
Laffy Taffy - 虞书欣 (Esther Yu) [单曲 Single] lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
Laffy Taffy - 虞书欣 (Esther Yu) [单曲 Single] lyrics
无暇 (Flawless) - 李琦 (Li Qi) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
无暇 (Flawless) - 李琦 (Li Qi) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy} lyrics
凝眸 (Stare Intently) - 王心凌 (Cyndi Wang),张远 (Zhang Yuan) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy}
Wiji Khaerinnisa
凝眸 (Stare Intently) - 王心凌 (Cyndi Wang),张远 (Zhang Yuan) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy}
重塑 (Reshape) - 都智文 (Baby J) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
重塑 (Reshape) - 都智文 (Baby J) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy} lyrics
永夜之前 (Before the Eternal Night) - 希林娜依高 (Curley Gao) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
永夜之前 (Before the Eternal Night) - 希林娜依高 (Curley Gao) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy} lyrics
凝眸 (Stare Intently) - 王心凌 (Cyndi Wang) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
凝眸 (Stare Intently) - 王心凌 (Cyndi Wang) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy} lyrics
双 (Pair) - 张远 (Zhang Yuan), 陈卓璇 (Chen Zhuoxuan) {锦绣安宁 The Rise of Ning} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
双 (Pair) - 张远 (Zhang Yuan), 陈卓璇 (Chen Zhuoxuan) {锦绣安宁 The Rise of Ning} lyrics
See The Light - 임현식 (Hyunsik of BTOB) {거신 지금전화는 When The Phone Rings} Lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
See The Light - 임현식 (Hyunsik of BTOB) {거신 지금전화는 When The Phone Rings} Lyrics
凝眸 (Stare Intently) - 张远 (Zhang Yuan) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
凝眸 (Stare Intently) - 张远 (Zhang Yuan) {永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy} lyrics
此宵是何年 (What is Year Tonight) - 计听然 (Ji Tingran) {珠帘玉幕 The Story of Pearl Girl} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
此宵是何年 (What is Year Tonight) - 计听然 (Ji Tingran) {珠帘玉幕 The Story of Pearl Girl} lyrics
惟愿 (Only Wish) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {珠帘玉幕 The Story of Pearl Girl} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
惟愿 (Only Wish) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {珠帘玉幕 The Story of Pearl Girl} lyrics
不得 (Not Allowed) - 汪苏泷 (Silence Wang) {珠帘玉幕 The Story of Pearl Girl} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
不得 (Not Allowed) - 汪苏泷 (Silence Wang) {珠帘玉幕 The Story of Pearl Girl} lyrics
人间有时 (The World Will Have Its Time) - 希林娜依高 (Curley Gao) {珠帘玉幕 The Story of Pearl Girl} Lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
人间有时 (The World Will Have Its Time) - 希林娜依高 (Curley Gao) {珠帘玉幕 The Story of Pearl Girl} Lyrics
珠光重晔 (Pearlescent Light) - 张靓颖 (Jane Zhang) {珠帘玉幕 The Story of Pearl Girl} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
珠光重晔 (Pearlescent Light) - 张靓颖 (Jane Zhang) {珠帘玉幕 The Story of Pearl Girl} lyrics
看星星 (Stargazing) - 张新成 (Zhang Xincheng), 袁娅维 (Tia Ray) {舍不得星星 You Are My Lover Friends}
Wiji Khaerinnisa
看星星 (Stargazing) - 张新成 (Zhang Xincheng), 袁娅维 (Tia Ray) {舍不得星星 You Are My Lover Friends}
放心去飞 (Fly At Ease) - 张新成 (Zhang Xincheng), 王玉雯 (Wang Yuwen)... {舍不得星星 You Are My Lover Friend}
Wiji Khaerinnisa
放心去飞 (Fly At Ease) - 张新成 (Zhang Xincheng), 王玉雯 (Wang Yuwen)... {舍不得星星 You Are My Lover Friend}
星星与海洋 (Stars and Ocean) - 八三夭乐团 (831), 八三夭阿璞 (831 Up Lee) {舍不得星星 You Are My Lover Friend}
Wiji Khaerinnisa
星星与海洋 (Stars and Ocean) - 八三夭乐团 (831), 八三夭阿璞 (831 Up Lee) {舍不得星星 You Are My Lover Friend}
掌心时光 (Time in the Palm of A Hand) - 牛奶咖啡 (Niunai Kafei), 仙羽 (Xian Yu) 舍不得星星 You Are My Lover Friend
Wiji Khaerinnisa
掌心时光 (Time in the Palm of A Hand) - 牛奶咖啡 (Niunai Kafei), 仙羽 (Xian Yu) 舍不得星星 You Are My Lover Friend
星空说 (Starry Sky Says) - 弦子 (Xian Zi) {舍不得星星 You Are My Lover Friend} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
星空说 (Starry Sky Says) - 弦子 (Xian Zi) {舍不得星星 You Are My Lover Friend} lyrics
是光 (Its Light) - 林凡 (Lin Fan) {七夜雪 Snowy Night : Timeless Love} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
是光 (Its Light) - 林凡 (Lin Fan) {七夜雪 Snowy Night : Timeless Love} lyrics
欲雪 (Yearn For Snow) - 赵紫骅 (Zhao Zihua) {七夜雪 Snowy Night : Timeless Love} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
欲雪 (Yearn For Snow) - 赵紫骅 (Zhao Zihua) {七夜雪 Snowy Night : Timeless Love} lyrics
宁愿 (Would Rather) - 希林娜依高 (Curley Gao) {锦绣安宁 The Rise of Ning} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
宁愿 (Would Rather) - 希林娜依高 (Curley Gao) {锦绣安宁 The Rise of Ning} lyrics
安宁 (Peaceful) - A Lin {锦绣安宁 The Rise of Ning} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
安宁 (Peaceful) - A Lin {锦绣安宁 The Rise of Ning} lyrics
泼墨 (Splashing Ink) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {锦绣安宁 The Rise of Ning} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
泼墨 (Splashing Ink) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {锦绣安宁 The Rise of Ning} lyrics
掌灯人 (Lamp Holder) - 黄子弘凡 (Lars Huang) {七夜雪 Snowy Night_ Timeless Love} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
掌灯人 (Lamp Holder) - 黄子弘凡 (Lars Huang) {七夜雪 Snowy Night_ Timeless Love} lyrics
一生一瞬 (A Moment In A Lifetime) - 周深 (Zhou Shen) {七夜雪 Snowy Night: Timeless Love} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
一生一瞬 (A Moment In A Lifetime) - 周深 (Zhou Shen) {七夜雪 Snowy Night: Timeless Love} lyrics
谁把相思命中嵌 (Who Embedded Lovesickness Into Fate?) - 曾舜晞 (Joseph Zeng) {七夜雪 Snowy Night: Timeless Love}
Wiji Khaerinnisa
谁把相思命中嵌 (Who Embedded Lovesickness Into Fate?) - 曾舜晞 (Joseph Zeng) {七夜雪 Snowy Night: Timeless Love}
双生鸟 (Twin Birds) - 阿雷 (A’Lei) {漠风吟 Love in the Desert} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
双生鸟 (Twin Birds) - 阿雷 (A’Lei) {漠风吟 Love in the Desert} lyrics
漠风吟 (Desert Wind Chant) - 李佳薇 (Jess Lee) {漠风吟 Love in the Desert} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
漠风吟 (Desert Wind Chant) - 李佳薇 (Jess Lee) {漠风吟 Love in the Desert} lyrics
漠么么 (Kiss) - 张玮 (Zhang Wei) {漠风吟 Love in the Desert} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
漠么么 (Kiss) - 张玮 (Zhang Wei) {漠风吟 Love in the Desert} lyrics
问 (Ask) - 李佳薇 (Jess Lee) {漠风吟 Love in the Desert} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
问 (Ask) - 李佳薇 (Jess Lee) {漠风吟 Love in the Desert} lyrics
影 (Shadow) - 方逸伦 (Alen Fang) {漠风吟 Love in the Desert} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
影 (Shadow) - 方逸伦 (Alen Fang) {漠风吟 Love in the Desert} lyrics
念念 (Recall) - 张渝 (Zhang Yu) {漠风吟 Love in the Desert} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
念念 (Recall) - 张渝 (Zhang Yu) {漠风吟 Love in the Desert} lyrics
大梦归离 (Return After A Long Dream) - 李宇春 (Li Yuchun) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
大梦归离 (Return After A Long Dream) - 李宇春 (Li Yuchun) {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} lyrics
You R - 赵露思 (Zhao Lusi) Short Lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
You R - 赵露思 (Zhao Lusi) Short Lyrics
落 (Fall) - 鞠婧祎 (Ju Jingyi) {单曲 (Single)} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
落 (Fall) - 鞠婧祎 (Ju Jingyi) {单曲 (Single)} lyrics
You R - 赵露思 (Zhao Lusi) {单曲 (Single)} Lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
You R - 赵露思 (Zhao Lusi) {单曲 (Single)} Lyrics
最是人间 (Most Important) - 姚晓棠 (Yao Xiaotang) {柳舟记 Are You the One} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
最是人间 (Most Important) - 姚晓棠 (Yao Xiaotang) {柳舟记 Are You the One} lyrics
光阴诺 (Consent Unconditionally) - 蔡子伊 (Cai Ziyi) {柳舟记 Are You the One} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
光阴诺 (Consent Unconditionally) - 蔡子伊 (Cai Ziyi) {柳舟记 Are You the One} lyrics
小诗句 (Little Verses) - 侯明昊 (Neo Hou), 陈都灵 (Chen Duling), and Others {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} Lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
小诗句 (Little Verses) - 侯明昊 (Neo Hou), 陈都灵 (Chen Duling), and Others {大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune} Lyrics
行舟问柳 (Xingzhou Asks Liu) - 周深 (Zhou Shen) {柳舟记 Are You the One} lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
行舟问柳 (Xingzhou Asks Liu) - 周深 (Zhou Shen) {柳舟记 Are You the One} lyrics
屋顶着火 (Roof On Fire) - 宋茜 (Victoria Song) (单曲 Single) Lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
屋顶着火 (Roof On Fire) - 宋茜 (Victoria Song) (单曲 Single) Lyrics
只愿你一人 (Only Want You) - 丁禹兮 (Ding Yuxi), 邓恩熙 (Ancy Deng) {长乐曲 Melody of Golden Age} Pinyin
Wiji Khaerinnisa
只愿你一人 (Only Want You) - 丁禹兮 (Ding Yuxi), 邓恩熙 (Ancy Deng) {长乐曲 Melody of Golden Age} Pinyin
渡我 (Help Me) - 王赫野 (Wang Heye) {长乐曲 Melody of Golden Age} Pinyin lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
渡我 (Help Me) - 王赫野 (Wang Heye) {长乐曲 Melody of Golden Age} Pinyin lyrics
一往无畏 (Fearless) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {长乐曲 Melody of Golden Age} Pinyin lyrics
Wiji Khaerinnisa
一往无畏 (Fearless) - 刘宇宁 (Liu Yuning) {长乐曲 Melody of Golden Age} Pinyin lyrics