Toilet Flushing 🚽 - Fluid Mechanics - interIsoFoam - OpenFOAM 2112
Nicolás Diego Badano
Toilet Flushing 🚽 - Fluid Mechanics - interIsoFoam - OpenFOAM 2112
Flow through a tunnel with columns- Fluid Mechanics - cyclicAMI - OpenFOAM 2112
Nicolás Diego Badano
Flow through a tunnel with columns- Fluid Mechanics - cyclicAMI - OpenFOAM 2112
Flow through a fish passage simulation - Fluid Mechanics - interFoam - OpenFOAM 2112
Nicolás Diego Badano
Flow through a fish passage simulation - Fluid Mechanics - interFoam - OpenFOAM 2112
Disk Water Entry Simulation - interIsoFoam - #openfoam 2112
Nicolás Diego Badano
Disk Water Entry Simulation - interIsoFoam - #openfoam 2112
Flow through bottom discharger Simulation - Fluid Mechanics - DualSPHysics
Nicolás Diego Badano
Flow through bottom discharger Simulation - Fluid Mechanics - DualSPHysics
Disk Water Entry Simulation - Fluid Mechanics - interIsoFoam - OpenFOAM 2112
Nicolás Diego Badano
Disk Water Entry Simulation - Fluid Mechanics - interIsoFoam - OpenFOAM 2112
Coffee Stirring Simulation - Fluid Mechanics - interMixingFoam - OpenFOAM 2112
Nicolás Diego Badano
Coffee Stirring Simulation - Fluid Mechanics - interMixingFoam - OpenFOAM 2112
Stone skipping -  Fluid Mechanics - Overset grid - overInterDyMFoam - OpenFOAM 2112
Nicolás Diego Badano
Stone skipping - Fluid Mechanics - Overset grid - overInterDyMFoam - OpenFOAM 2112
Dam Reservoir with Weir - Fluid Mechanics - Local Time Stepping (LTS) - OpenFOAM 2112
Nicolás Diego Badano
Dam Reservoir with Weir - Fluid Mechanics - Local Time Stepping (LTS) - OpenFOAM 2112
Flow around a cylinder - Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) -  Fluid Mechanics - OpenFOAM 2112
Nicolás Diego Badano
Flow around a cylinder - Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) - Fluid Mechanics - OpenFOAM 2112
Interacción entre Modelos Físicos y Numéricos en Hidráulica
Nicolás Diego Badano
Interacción entre Modelos Físicos y Numéricos en Hidráulica
Weir with moving gate -  Fluid Mechanics - Moving mesh and Cyclic AMI - OpenFOAM 2112
Nicolás Diego Badano
Weir with moving gate - Fluid Mechanics - Moving mesh and Cyclic AMI - OpenFOAM 2112
Hydrodynamic simulation of the flow in the Paraná River
Nicolás Diego Badano
Hydrodynamic simulation of the flow in the Paraná River
Morphological Simulation of Ab. Correntoso Stretch, on the Paraná River
Nicolás Diego Badano
Morphological Simulation of Ab. Correntoso Stretch, on the Paraná River
Introducción a la Computación Numérica
Nicolás Diego Badano
Introducción a la Computación Numérica
Introducción a la Programación Con Octave 1/3
Nicolás Diego Badano
Introducción a la Programación Con Octave 1/3
Introducción a la Programación con Octave 2/3
Nicolás Diego Badano
Introducción a la Programación con Octave 2/3
Introducción a la Programación con Octave 3/3
Nicolás Diego Badano
Introducción a la Programación con Octave 3/3
Estudio de efectos de escala en estructuras hidráulicas mediante modelación numérica
Nicolás Diego Badano
Estudio de efectos de escala en estructuras hidráulicas mediante modelación numérica