#baking Soda+Vinegar#acetic acid+sodium bicarbonate,#Gas Pressure# Science experiment #crazy science
School Labs Work
#baking Soda+Vinegar#acetic acid+sodium bicarbonate,#Gas Pressure# Science experiment #crazy science
Burning fire stick with no friction#Fire by Liquid
School Labs Work
Burning fire stick with no friction#Fire by Liquid
tornado made by 🫠🫠🫠🫠 guess it
School Labs Work
tornado made by 🫠🫠🫠🫠 guess it
Acid & base test with pH paper, @schoollabswork
School Labs Work
Acid & base test with pH paper, @schoollabswork
pH paper test with base, @school lab work.
School Labs Work
pH paper test with base, @school lab work.
pH paper test with acid, @schoollabswork
School Labs Work
pH paper test with acid, @schoollabswork
Acid & base test with blue litmus, @schoollabswork
School Labs Work
Acid & base test with blue litmus, @schoollabswork
Acid test with blue litmus, @schoollabswork
School Labs Work
Acid test with blue litmus, @schoollabswork
@Acid & base test with red litmus, @schoollabswork
School Labs Work
@Acid & base test with red litmus, @schoollabswork
Red litmus test with base, @schoollabswork
School Labs Work
Red litmus test with base, @schoollabswork
School Labs Work
Barium chloride+sodium sulphate reaction
School Labs Work
Barium chloride+sodium sulphate reaction
Lead nitrate & potassium iodide test, @schoollabswork
School Labs Work
Lead nitrate & potassium iodide test, @schoollabswork
Heating of Cupper sulphate, how we make anhydrous Cupper sulphate, activity 2.15, school lab work,
School Labs Work
Heating of Cupper sulphate, how we make anhydrous Cupper sulphate, activity 2.15, school lab work,
Padarth ke kan kitane chhote hote hain, Activity 1.2, Cbse class 9 kriya kalap 1.2, school lab work
School Labs Work
Padarth ke kan kitane chhote hote hain, Activity 1.2, Cbse class 9 kriya kalap 1.2, school lab work
Aml ko jal me milane se kya hota hai, Conc acid ko water me milane se kya hota hai, school lab work
School Labs Work
Aml ko jal me milane se kya hota hai, Conc acid ko water me milane se kya hota hai, school lab work
Amlon ke sath dhatvik oxidon ki abhikriyayen, Acids reacted with metal oxides, School lab work.
School Labs Work
Amlon ke sath dhatvik oxidon ki abhikriyayen, Acids reacted with metal oxides, School lab work.
how acids and bases reacted with eachother, Nutrilizetion reaction/udasinikarad abhikriya, lab work.
School Labs Work
how acids and bases reacted with eachother, Nutrilizetion reaction/udasinikarad abhikriya, lab work.
Metal carbonate/metal bai carbonate react with Acid, Na2co3/Nahco3+HCl-Salt+Co2+h2o, school lab work
School Labs Work
Metal carbonate/metal bai carbonate react with Acid, Na2co3/Nahco3+HCl-Salt+Co2+h2o, school lab work
@test of acid and base with Indicators, @indicators test of Acid and base, @school lab work,
School Labs Work
@test of acid and base with Indicators, @indicators test of Acid and base, @school lab work,
Silver chloride in sun light experiment@ silver chloride in sun light practical@ school lab work@
School Labs Work
Silver chloride in sun light experiment@ silver chloride in sun light practical@ school lab work@
Identification of lab apparatus@ prayogshala upkaran ki jankari@ lab equipments@ school lab work@
School Labs Work
Identification of lab apparatus@ prayogshala upkaran ki jankari@ lab equipments@ school lab work@
Cupper ka cupper oxide me upchayan@ Upchayan aur apchayan adhikari@ Cu+O2--Cuo@ school lab work@
School Labs Work
Cupper ka cupper oxide me upchayan@ Upchayan aur apchayan adhikari@ Cu+O2--Cuo@ school lab work@
sodium sulfate and barium chloride practical@ barium chloride and sodium sulfate@ school lab work@
School Labs Work
sodium sulfate and barium chloride practical@ barium chloride and sodium sulfate@ school lab work@
Iron and copper sulphate practical@ cupper sulphate and iron nail@ Cuso4 + Fe@ school lab work@
School Labs Work
Iron and copper sulphate practical@ cupper sulphate and iron nail@ Cuso4 + Fe@ school lab work@
Jal ka vidyut apghatan@ electrolysis of water@ jal ka vidyut apaharan class 10@ school lab work@
School Labs Work
Jal ka vidyut apghatan@ electrolysis of water@ jal ka vidyut apaharan class 10@ school lab work@
Heating lead nitrate@ heating of lead nitrate Cristal@ heating of lead nitrate@ school Lab work@
School Labs Work
Heating lead nitrate@ heating of lead nitrate Cristal@ heating of lead nitrate@ school Lab work@
heating of ferrous sulphate@ ferrous sulphate ko garam karna@ FesO4+heat@ Feso4@ school lab work@
School Labs Work
heating of ferrous sulphate@ ferrous sulphate ko garam karna@ FesO4+heat@ Feso4@ school lab work@
Cao + water@ calcium Oxide and water practical@ kali chuna aur pani ki abhikriya@ school lab work@
School Labs Work
Cao + water@ calcium Oxide and water practical@ kali chuna aur pani ki abhikriya@ school lab work@
zink + sulphuric acid practical@ zinc and sulphuric acid experiment@ zink + h2so4@ school Lab work@
School Labs Work
zink + sulphuric acid practical@ zinc and sulphuric acid experiment@ zink + h2so4@ school Lab work@
Magnesium ribbon ka hava me Jalna@ burning magnesium ribbon in air@ 2Mg+O2---2Mgo@ school lab work@
School Labs Work
Magnesium ribbon ka hava me Jalna@ burning magnesium ribbon in air@ 2Mg+O2---2Mgo@ school lab work@
lead nitrate and potassium iodide reaction in lab@ Pb(No3)2 + 2KI --- PbI2 + 2Kno3@ school lab work@
School Labs Work
lead nitrate and potassium iodide reaction in lab@ Pb(No3)2 + 2KI --- PbI2 + 2Kno3@ school lab work@