Have you found time to move your body this weekend? #movement #yoga #hathayoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Have you found time to move your body this weekend? #movement #yoga #hathayoga
YOGA FOR THE THORCIC SPINE//  23 minute practice to get the spine moving @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA FOR THE THORCIC SPINE// 23 minute practice to get the spine moving @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Attempting to balance in a strong Scottish breeze 🤪 #balance #scotland #highlands
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Attempting to balance in a strong Scottish breeze 🤪 #balance #scotland #highlands
Take a moment to slow down and breathe. Simple as that, small moments each day add up #yogapractice
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Take a moment to slow down and breathe. Simple as that, small moments each day add up #yogapractice
FUN HATHA FLOW YOGA//30 minute flow yoga with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
FUN HATHA FLOW YOGA//30 minute flow yoga with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Having a little mess around before my students arrived. #yoga #yogateacher #balance
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Having a little mess around before my students arrived. #yoga #yogateacher #balance
Move your body, move in a way you like, find enjoyment in learning new ways to move. #movement #yoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Move your body, move in a way you like, find enjoyment in learning new ways to move. #movement #yoga
Believe it or not I am less flexible now than I used to be. And this is intentional. More bellow.
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Believe it or not I am less flexible now than I used to be. And this is intentional. More bellow.
Be patient, these things take time. But it is so so worth staying consistent. #yogateacheradvice
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Be patient, these things take time. But it is so so worth staying consistent. #yogateacheradvice
EVENING YOGA STRETCH//cosy evening yoga practice to get you ready for bed@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
EVENING YOGA STRETCH//cosy evening yoga practice to get you ready for bed@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Take time today to slow down and breathe. #breathe #breath #slowdown #slowliving
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Take time today to slow down and breathe. #breathe #breath #slowdown #slowliving
Want to improve your hip strength and mobility? Give these a go. #yoga #hathayoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Want to improve your hip strength and mobility? Give these a go. #yoga #hathayoga
Everything will unfold in it's timing 💚 #yoga #mindset #trusttheprocess
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Everything will unfold in it's timing 💚 #yoga #mindset #trusttheprocess
Slow mindful movement. Do we want a video working towards splits?  #yoga #hathayoga #splits
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Slow mindful movement. Do we want a video working towards splits? #yoga #hathayoga #splits
SUNDAY YOGA STRETCH //gentle, nourishing 26 minute Sunday stretch with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
SUNDAY YOGA STRETCH //gentle, nourishing 26 minute Sunday stretch with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Happy Autumn equinox beautiful people. It's time to slow down just like nature #autumnequinox #mabon
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Happy Autumn equinox beautiful people. It's time to slow down just like nature #autumnequinox #mabon
This mornings hatha flow. #hathayoga #hathayogaflow #yogaflow
Essential Yoga With Frayah
This mornings hatha flow. #hathayoga #hathayogaflow #yogaflow
Nature is magical #rainbow #doublerainbow #rain #natureismagical
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Nature is magical #rainbow #doublerainbow #rain #natureismagical
FUN & FUNKY YOGA TRANSITIONS//energising, fun 26 minute all levels yoga flow.
Essential Yoga With Frayah
FUN & FUNKY YOGA TRANSITIONS//energising, fun 26 minute all levels yoga flow.
My kinda beach yoga #yoga #beachyoga #autumnseaside
Essential Yoga With Frayah
My kinda beach yoga #yoga #beachyoga #autumnseaside
Back to class. I love autumn 🍁 #hathayoga #yoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Back to class. I love autumn 🍁 #hathayoga #yoga
MEDITATIVE MOVEMENT// find total calm through this gentle flowing yoga practice. 18 min practice.
Essential Yoga With Frayah
MEDITATIVE MOVEMENT// find total calm through this gentle flowing yoga practice. 18 min practice.
Another summer of farm yoga complete. Back to life as normal. #farmyoga #ruralyoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Another summer of farm yoga complete. Back to life as normal. #farmyoga #ruralyoga
I can't do handstands, I await understandably being ostracized from the yoga community 😂😜 #handstand
Essential Yoga With Frayah
I can't do handstands, I await understandably being ostracized from the yoga community 😂😜 #handstand
Can you feel the seasons changing? I love autumn, can't wait. #hathayoga #yoga #autumn
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Can you feel the seasons changing? I love autumn, can't wait. #hathayoga #yoga #autumn
ENERGISING MORNING YOGA FLOW// start your morning right with this full body yoga flow. 21 mins
Essential Yoga With Frayah
ENERGISING MORNING YOGA FLOW// start your morning right with this full body yoga flow. 21 mins
#yogaonthefarm #ruralyoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
#yogaonthefarm #ruralyoga
Having a wriggle around before students arrive. #yoga #movement
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Having a wriggle around before students arrive. #yoga #movement
Enjoying teaching yoga on the farm over summer. #farmyoga #yogaonthefarm
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Enjoying teaching yoga on the farm over summer. #farmyoga #yogaonthefarm
#yogaflow #hathayoga #hathaflow
Essential Yoga With Frayah
#yogaflow #hathayoga #hathaflow
Just over here wobbling away in side plank 🤪 #yogaflow
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Just over here wobbling away in side plank 🤪 #yogaflow
can't wait to be back to yoga on the farm next week. #farmyoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
can't wait to be back to yoga on the farm next week. #farmyoga
15 MIN YOGA FOR CORE & HIPS // strengthen your core and hips @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
15 MIN YOGA FOR CORE & HIPS // strengthen your core and hips @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Flowy flowy flow flow flow #flowyoga #yogaflow #hathayoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Flowy flowy flow flow flow #flowyoga #yogaflow #hathayoga
Yoga is a practice that radiates out throughout your life. #hathayoga #yogapractice
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Yoga is a practice that radiates out throughout your life. #hathayoga #yogapractice
Well that was fun 😂 note to self, dark leggings against dark background, not effective 🤦🏼‍♀️ #yoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Well that was fun 😂 note to self, dark leggings against dark background, not effective 🤦🏼‍♀️ #yoga
Head to my channel to practice this flow with me. #hathayoga #yogaflow #youtubeyoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Head to my channel to practice this flow with me. #hathayoga #yogaflow #youtubeyoga
31 MIN YOGA BALANCING FLOW // embrace the wobbles with this balance flow @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
31 MIN YOGA BALANCING FLOW // embrace the wobbles with this balance flow @essential_yoga_with_frayah
From this week's classes 💚 #yoga #yogaforeveryone #hathayoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
From this week's classes 💚 #yoga #yogaforeveryone #hathayoga
Lets talk things that hold you back from practicing? continued in comments.... #hathayoga #yoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Lets talk things that hold you back from practicing? continued in comments.... #hathayoga #yoga
18 MIN YOGA FOR EMOTIONAL BALANCE // restore calm and balance with@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
18 MIN YOGA FOR EMOTIONAL BALANCE // restore calm and balance with@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Always flowing. #hathayoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Always flowing. #hathayoga
Plant me in the great outdoors thank you please. #yogainnature #yoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Plant me in the great outdoors thank you please. #yogainnature #yoga
27 MIN TRANSITIONAL BALANCE // yoga to find balance between poses@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
27 MIN TRANSITIONAL BALANCE // yoga to find balance between poses@essential_yoga_with_frayah
flowing in the small amount of sunshine we have had today #yoga #hathayoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
flowing in the small amount of sunshine we have had today #yoga #hathayoga
24 MIN BALANCING YOGA // yoga to bring balance into your life@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
24 MIN BALANCING YOGA // yoga to bring balance into your life@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Working on some balance #yoga #balance
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Working on some balance #yoga #balance
10 MIN YOGA BREAK / quick yoga practice to bring movement into your day@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
10 MIN YOGA BREAK / quick yoga practice to bring movement into your day@essential_yoga_with_frayah
🤣 what would lady Whistledown say 😜 #bridgerton #yogameetsbridgerton #yoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
🤣 what would lady Whistledown say 😜 #bridgerton #yogameetsbridgerton #yoga
YOGA FOR HOLD STRENGTH// 22min Hatha yoga to build strength in stillness @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA FOR HOLD STRENGTH// 22min Hatha yoga to build strength in stillness @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA TO BUILD STRENGTH// 25 min Hatha yoga to build strength in the body @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA TO BUILD STRENGTH// 25 min Hatha yoga to build strength in the body @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Take some time today to slow down and breath. #hathayoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Take some time today to slow down and breath. #hathayoga
Spending time on the mat no matter how brief is always worth while. #yoga #hathayoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Spending time on the mat no matter how brief is always worth while. #yoga #hathayoga
YOGA TO BUILD LEG STRENGTH// 28 min Hatha yoga for leg strength  @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA TO BUILD LEG STRENGTH// 28 min Hatha yoga for leg strength @essential_yoga_with_frayah
YOGA TO BUILD UPPER BODY STRENGTH// 23 min Hatha yoga for upper body  @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA TO BUILD UPPER BODY STRENGTH// 23 min Hatha yoga for upper body @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Classical Hatha sun Salutation. my personal fave of the sun salutations☀️ #hathayoga #sunsalutation
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Classical Hatha sun Salutation. my personal fave of the sun salutations☀️ #hathayoga #sunsalutation
happy Beltane ☀️
Essential Yoga With Frayah
happy Beltane ☀️
wanna build up some sweet sweet shoulder and arm strength?? give these a go #yogastrength
Essential Yoga With Frayah
wanna build up some sweet sweet shoulder and arm strength?? give these a go #yogastrength
YOGA TO BUILD CORE STRENGTH// 28 min Hatha yoga for core strength @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA TO BUILD CORE STRENGTH// 28 min Hatha yoga for core strength @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Some lovely core strengthening. keep an eye out tomorrow morning on my channel to practice with me 💚
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Some lovely core strengthening. keep an eye out tomorrow morning on my channel to practice with me 💚
Bring everything back to the connection between the breath and the body. #hathayoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Bring everything back to the connection between the breath and the body. #hathayoga
YOGA TO BUILD STRENGTH// 20 min Hatha yoga practice to build strength @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA TO BUILD STRENGTH// 20 min Hatha yoga practice to build strength @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Having a wriggle around before my students arrived this morning. #hathayoga #movement
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Having a wriggle around before my students arrived this morning. #hathayoga #movement
I belong here, in the woods, with the dog, always. #nature #belonging #dog
Essential Yoga With Frayah
I belong here, in the woods, with the dog, always. #nature #belonging #dog
working on building strength in areas I often over look 💪#yoga #yogastrength
Essential Yoga With Frayah
working on building strength in areas I often over look 💪#yoga #yogastrength
SHORT MORNING YOGA PRACTICE// 20 min morning stretch with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
SHORT MORNING YOGA PRACTICE// 20 min morning stretch with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
working on building strength in our yoga practice by adding little adjustments #hathayoga #strength
Essential Yoga With Frayah
working on building strength in our yoga practice by adding little adjustments #hathayoga #strength
Sneaky little foot trying to escape in mermaid pose. #hathayoga #shorts
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Sneaky little foot trying to escape in mermaid pose. #hathayoga #shorts
RESTORATIVE YOGA PRACTICE // 24 minute yoga to find calm@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
RESTORATIVE YOGA PRACTICE // 24 minute yoga to find calm@essential_yoga_with_frayah
BEGINNERS HATHA FLOW YOGA// 23 min beginners flow @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
BEGINNERS HATHA FLOW YOGA// 23 min beginners flow @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Playing around with baby grasshopper and a couple of ways to enter the pose. #babygrasshoper
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Playing around with baby grasshopper and a couple of ways to enter the pose. #babygrasshoper
IMPROVE YOUR  BALANCE WITH THESE SIMPLE EXERCISES// 14 min practice with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
IMPROVE YOUR BALANCE WITH THESE SIMPLE EXERCISES// 14 min practice with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Quick lymphatic drain between filming Yoga classes #lymphdrainage #hathayoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Quick lymphatic drain between filming Yoga classes #lymphdrainage #hathayoga
A fabulous way to build up strength and stability go to my channel to practice my side plank flow.
Essential Yoga With Frayah
A fabulous way to build up strength and stability go to my channel to practice my side plank flow.
SIDE PLANK FLOW// 20 min side plank hatha yoga flow with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
SIDE PLANK FLOW// 20 min side plank hatha yoga flow with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
slow steady transitions #yoga #hathayoga #yogateacher
Essential Yoga With Frayah
slow steady transitions #yoga #hathayoga #yogateacher
YOGA FOR A STRESSFUL DAY/ 10min yoga practice to re centre and de stress @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA FOR A STRESSFUL DAY/ 10min yoga practice to re centre and de stress @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Did you know your hormones can effect your balance? more in comments 👇 #hathayoga #balance
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Did you know your hormones can effect your balance? more in comments 👇 #hathayoga #balance
Transitioning through some wobbles on the mat. #hathayoga #yogawobbles
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Transitioning through some wobbles on the mat. #hathayoga #yogawobbles
Playing around with some strength and mobility. #yoga #mobility #strength
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Playing around with some strength and mobility. #yoga #mobility #strength
Flowing to revolved ardha chandrasana. #hathayoga #hathaflow
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Flowing to revolved ardha chandrasana. #hathayoga #hathaflow
STRONG & MOBILE HIPS YOGA FLOW // 30 min hatha yoga flow with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
STRONG & MOBILE HIPS YOGA FLOW // 30 min hatha yoga flow with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
GATE HATHA YOGA FLOW // 23 min yoga practice focusing on gate pose with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
GATE HATHA YOGA FLOW // 23 min yoga practice focusing on gate pose with @essential_yoga_with_frayah
A lot of fun was had at aerial yoga. it's always a joy to try new ways of moving my body #aerialyoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
A lot of fun was had at aerial yoga. it's always a joy to try new ways of moving my body #aerialyoga
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // Camel Pose, Ustrasana @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // Camel Pose, Ustrasana @essential_yoga_with_frayah
Last time flowing in the beautiful canal basin studio. moving into a lovely new studio soon 💚
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Last time flowing in the beautiful canal basin studio. moving into a lovely new studio soon 💚
Not all bodies move the same, more in comments 👇
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Not all bodies move the same, more in comments 👇
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // Lunge poses, low lunge, hanumanasana, high lunge@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // Lunge poses, low lunge, hanumanasana, high lunge@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Happy Imbolc. A time to reflect on what we've learnt through the dark months of winter. #imbolc
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Happy Imbolc. A time to reflect on what we've learnt through the dark months of winter. #imbolc
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // How to do Half Moon Pose, Ardha Chandrasana@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // How to do Half Moon Pose, Ardha Chandrasana@essential_yoga_with_frayah
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // How to do Triangle Pose, Trikonasana@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // How to do Triangle Pose, Trikonasana@essential_yoga_with_frayah
25 January 2024
Essential Yoga With Frayah
25 January 2024
Wonky camera angles aside, gate pose with kneeling ardha chandrasana. #hathayoga #yoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Wonky camera angles aside, gate pose with kneeling ardha chandrasana. #hathayoga #yoga
Bringing the school disco vibes to my yoga practice today. #yoga #hathayoga
Essential Yoga With Frayah
Bringing the school disco vibes to my yoga practice today. #yoga #hathayoga
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // How to do Warrior Three, Virabhadrasana Three@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // How to do Warrior Three, Virabhadrasana Three@essential_yoga_with_frayah
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // How to do Warrior Two, Virabhadrasana Two@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // How to do Warrior Two, Virabhadrasana Two@essential_yoga_with_frayah
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // How to do Warrior One, Virabhadrasana one@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // How to do Warrior One, Virabhadrasana one@essential_yoga_with_frayah
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // How to do Down Dog and Cobra with@essential_yoga_with_frayah
Essential Yoga With Frayah
YOGA FOUNDATIONS // How to do Down Dog and Cobra with@essential_yoga_with_frayah
I always start the year returning to the foundations of the practice, simple uncomplicated movement.
Essential Yoga With Frayah
I always start the year returning to the foundations of the practice, simple uncomplicated movement.