It is OUR JOB as PARENTS to teach our children how not to be VICTIMS #selfdefense #martialarts #bjj
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
It is OUR JOB as PARENTS to teach our children how not to be VICTIMS #selfdefense #martialarts #bjj
How NOT to BREAK your NECK when in a Standing GUILLOTINE CHOKE (& finish a Von Flue Choke yourself)
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
How NOT to BREAK your NECK when in a Standing GUILLOTINE CHOKE (& finish a Von Flue Choke yourself)
HANDGUN Choke From your BUTT- #selfdefense #selfdefence #womendefense #jiujitsu #bjj #choked #mma
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
HANDGUN Choke From your BUTT- #selfdefense #selfdefence #womendefense #jiujitsu #bjj #choked #mma
HANDGUN Choke for SELF DEFENSE & Jiu Jitsu #selfdefense #choke #jiujitsu #nogi #mma #chokehold #bjj
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
HANDGUN Choke for SELF DEFENSE & Jiu Jitsu #selfdefense #choke #jiujitsu #nogi #mma #chokehold #bjj
IF YOU GET DROPPED- sweep the legs and get up #selfdefense #jiujitsu #mma #howtofight
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
IF YOU GET DROPPED- sweep the legs and get up #selfdefense #jiujitsu #mma #howtofight
HOME SELF DEFENSE TIP- Don't leave it in a holster or purse #firearmsafety #selfdefense #forwomen
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
HOME SELF DEFENSE TIP- Don't leave it in a holster or purse #firearmsafety #selfdefense #forwomen
Can a Throat Strike Work?
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Can a Throat Strike Work?
Choke Test/ Dynamics- Part 2-How Long Can You Stay Awake? How do Chokeholds Work? #choke #chokehold
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Choke Test/ Dynamics- Part 2-How Long Can You Stay Awake? How do Chokeholds Work? #choke #chokehold
Choke Test/ Dynamics- Part 1- How Long Can You Stay Awake? How do Chokeholds Work? #choke #chokehold
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Choke Test/ Dynamics- Part 1- How Long Can You Stay Awake? How do Chokeholds Work? #choke #chokehold
Choke Test/ Dynamics- How Long Can You Stay Awake? How do Chokeholds Work? Jiu Jitsu Black Belt
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Choke Test/ Dynamics- How Long Can You Stay Awake? How do Chokeholds Work? Jiu Jitsu Black Belt
Women's Self Defense- Using a Throat Strike is very Effective #selfdefense #throatstrike #fightback
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Women's Self Defense- Using a Throat Strike is very Effective #selfdefense #throatstrike #fightback
ArmBar for SELF DEFENSE? Yes or No? Black Belt- #bjj #selfdefensetechniques #mma # #martialarts
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
ArmBar for SELF DEFENSE? Yes or No? Black Belt- #bjj #selfdefensetechniques #mma # #martialarts
Can a STUN GUN stop and ATTACK?  #stunguns #selfdefense #selfdefensetools #selfdefensegadgets
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Can a STUN GUN stop and ATTACK? #stunguns #selfdefense #selfdefensetools #selfdefensegadgets
Vehicle SELF DEFENSE Tip- Car Safety- Avoidance- #selfdefensetips #safety
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Vehicle SELF DEFENSE Tip- Car Safety- Avoidance- #selfdefensetips #safety
3 Simple Ways to Be Safer in YOUR CAR. Self Defense Tips. #selfdefense #safety selfdefence #besafe
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
3 Simple Ways to Be Safer in YOUR CAR. Self Defense Tips. #selfdefense #safety selfdefence #besafe
Throat Strike for WOMEN'S SELF DEFENSE against a Larger Person #selfdefenseforwomen #selfdefensetips
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Throat Strike for WOMEN'S SELF DEFENSE against a Larger Person #selfdefenseforwomen #selfdefensetips
HOW TO THROAT STRIKE- Women's Self Defense Techniques- How, When & Where to use a Throat Attack
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
HOW TO THROAT STRIKE- Women's Self Defense Techniques- How, When & Where to use a Throat Attack
What's the BEST GRIP in JIU JITSU? Monkey Grip- #jiujitsu #monkey #grip #selfdefense #mma #gablegrip
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
What's the BEST GRIP in JIU JITSU? Monkey Grip- #jiujitsu #monkey #grip #selfdefense #mma #gablegrip
SELF DEFENSE FOR WOMEN- T-Shirt Choke- How to STOP an ATTACKER with their Clothing
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
SELF DEFENSE FOR WOMEN- T-Shirt Choke- How to STOP an ATTACKER with their Clothing
Self Defense For Women- T-Shirt Choke- JIU JITSU BLACK BELT shows you how to STOP an ATTACKER
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Self Defense For Women- T-Shirt Choke- JIU JITSU BLACK BELT shows you how to STOP an ATTACKER
Choke or Joint Lock for Self Defense?  1 is MUCH BETTER- #chokehold #choked #armbar #jointlocks #bjj
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Choke or Joint Lock for Self Defense? 1 is MUCH BETTER- #chokehold #choked #armbar #jointlocks #bjj
ARE STUN GUNS Effective?  CAN they STOP an ATTACK? #womensafety #womenselfdefense  #stungun
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
ARE STUN GUNS Effective? CAN they STOP an ATTACK? #womensafety #womenselfdefense #stungun
Are Stun Guns REALLY Effective? Can YOU DEPEND on them to SAVE YOUR LIFE?
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Are Stun Guns REALLY Effective? Can YOU DEPEND on them to SAVE YOUR LIFE?
REAR NAKED CHOKE Alternative Grip and Finish #bjj #RNC #choke #jiujitsu #blackbelt #mma #selfdefense
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
REAR NAKED CHOKE Alternative Grip and Finish #bjj #RNC #choke #jiujitsu #blackbelt #mma #selfdefense
QUIT Leaving your Key Under your Front Door Mat! #HOMESAFETY #selfdefense #keys #besafeathome
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
QUIT Leaving your Key Under your Front Door Mat! #HOMESAFETY #selfdefense #keys #besafeathome
No, Most People Can't Rip a Choke Off- Technique over Strength #bjj #choke #escape #selfdefense
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
No, Most People Can't Rip a Choke Off- Technique over Strength #bjj #choke #escape #selfdefense
HOW TO be SAFE with In Person Meetups & Marketplace Sales #private #sales #meetups #selfdefense
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
HOW TO be SAFE with In Person Meetups & Marketplace Sales #private #sales #meetups #selfdefense
This Position Could SAVE YOUR LIFE- BackPack Position- #selfdefenseforwomen #bjj #selfdefense #mma
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
This Position Could SAVE YOUR LIFE- BackPack Position- #selfdefenseforwomen #bjj #selfdefense #mma
Should you Use an ARMBAR for Self Defense- Black Belt Explains #bjj #selfdefense #jiujitsu #armbar
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Should you Use an ARMBAR for Self Defense- Black Belt Explains #bjj #selfdefense #jiujitsu #armbar
3 Best Grips in for Jiu Jitsu and Self Defense- to finish a Choke and Control #selfdefense #bjj #mma
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
3 Best Grips in for Jiu Jitsu and Self Defense- to finish a Choke and Control #selfdefense #bjj #mma
REAR NAKED CHOKE Alternative- New Grip #choke #mma #bjj #selfdefense #getagrip  #chokehold #rnc
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
REAR NAKED CHOKE Alternative- New Grip #choke #mma #bjj #selfdefense #getagrip #chokehold #rnc
The 3 BEST Grips for Jiu Jitsu and Self Defense For CHOKES & CONTROL- Jiu Jitsu Black Belt
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
The 3 BEST Grips for Jiu Jitsu and Self Defense For CHOKES & CONTROL- Jiu Jitsu Black Belt
Self-Defense - How to Protect Yourself during In-Person Craigslist & Marketplace Transactions
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Self-Defense - How to Protect Yourself during In-Person Craigslist & Marketplace Transactions
Self Defense- Choke Holds or Joint Locks against a Larger Attacker for a Self Defense Situation?
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Self Defense- Choke Holds or Joint Locks against a Larger Attacker for a Self Defense Situation?
Choke Hold Practice- How to apply a Choke and practice anywhere- #jiujitsu #selfdefense #rnc2024
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Choke Hold Practice- How to apply a Choke and practice anywhere- #jiujitsu #selfdefense #rnc2024
Your OWN Crutch? Self-Defense Tools for the Disabled #selfdefense #disability #disabled #handicapped
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Your OWN Crutch? Self-Defense Tools for the Disabled #selfdefense #disability #disabled #handicapped
Disabled Self Defense- Best TOOLS for the Physically Limited- Part 6 #disability #disabled #handicap
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Disabled Self Defense- Best TOOLS for the Physically Limited- Part 6 #disability #disabled #handicap
HOT PEPPERSPRAY- Handicapped Self Defense- Best TOOLS for Disabled #selfdefensetraining  #disabled
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
HOT PEPPERSPRAY- Handicapped Self Defense- Best TOOLS for Disabled #selfdefensetraining #disabled
The BATON for Disabled Self Defense- Best TOOLS for Handicapped- #disabled #handicap
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
The BATON for Disabled Self Defense- Best TOOLS for Handicapped- #disabled #handicap
KEYCHAIN WEAPONS  are moslty UseLess, especially WHEN LIMITED #selfdefencetraining  #disabledpeople
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
KEYCHAIN WEAPONS are moslty UseLess, especially WHEN LIMITED #selfdefencetraining #disabledpeople
Stun Gun is mostly WORTHLESS- Handicapped and Disabled- Part 2 #selfdefence #disabledperson #weapons
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Stun Gun is mostly WORTHLESS- Handicapped and Disabled- Part 2 #selfdefence #disabledperson #weapons
Best Self Defense TOOLS for Handicapped and Disabled- Part 1 #selfdefense #disabled #handicapped
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Best Self Defense TOOLS for Handicapped and Disabled- Part 1 #selfdefense #disabled #handicapped
Trusty SHANK- Handicapped Self Defense- Best TOOLS for disabled- #disability #disabled #handicapped
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Trusty SHANK- Handicapped Self Defense- Best TOOLS for disabled- #disability #disabled #handicapped
Handicapped Self Defense- Best Self-Defense Weapons for the Disabled, Weak, Elderly & Vunerable.
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Handicapped Self Defense- Best Self-Defense Weapons for the Disabled, Weak, Elderly & Vunerable.
Women's Self Defense- Pushed against Wall- Distract, Strike, Escape, Rear Naked Choke #defendwomen
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Women's Self Defense- Pushed against Wall- Distract, Strike, Escape, Rear Naked Choke #defendwomen
Self Defense for Women- Pinned on wall- Strike, Escape & Run #bjj #selfdefense #runtosafety
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Self Defense for Women- Pinned on wall- Strike, Escape & Run #bjj #selfdefense #runtosafety
FAMILY SELF DEFENSE- A child can stop an attack with a CHOKE #SELFDEFENSE #defendyourself #jiujitsu
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
FAMILY SELF DEFENSE- A child can stop an attack with a CHOKE #SELFDEFENSE #defendyourself #jiujitsu
Women's Self Defense- Push Through and Escape- Dive under the Arm- #selfdefense  #womenssafety #bjj
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Women's Self Defense- Push Through and Escape- Dive under the Arm- #selfdefense #womenssafety #bjj
Women's Self Defense- Use Misdirection to Create an Opening- #escape #womensselfdefense  #defend
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Women's Self Defense- Use Misdirection to Create an Opening- #escape #womensselfdefense #defend
Self Defense for Women- Throat Strike to stop or slow breathing and distract #throatstrike #pinned
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Self Defense for Women- Throat Strike to stop or slow breathing and distract #throatstrike #pinned
WOMEN DEFENDS HERSELF with a Perfect KICK- #selfdefenseforwomen #kickboxing
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
WOMEN DEFENDS HERSELF with a Perfect KICK- #selfdefenseforwomen #kickboxing
Women's Self Defense- Pinned Against Wall- HEADBUTT #headshot #headbutt #defendyourself #useyourhead
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Women's Self Defense- Pinned Against Wall- HEADBUTT #headshot #headbutt #defendyourself #useyourhead
Women's Self Defense- Pinned against wall- Attack the EYES- #womenssafety #eyeattack #gettheeyes
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Women's Self Defense- Pinned against wall- Attack the EYES- #womenssafety #eyeattack #gettheeyes
Women's Self Defense- Knee to Groin- Pinned Against a Wall #selfdefensetechniques #kneestrike #women
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Women's Self Defense- Knee to Groin- Pinned Against a Wall #selfdefensetechniques #kneestrike #women
Women's Self Defense- Pinned against a Wall #1 #selfdefenseforwomen #defendyourself #escape #women
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Women's Self Defense- Pinned against a Wall #1 #selfdefenseforwomen #defendyourself #escape #women
Self Defense for Women- Cornered or Pinned Against a Wall by a Larger Attacker- Rear Naked Choke
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Self Defense for Women- Cornered or Pinned Against a Wall by a Larger Attacker- Rear Naked Choke
10 Home Self Defense Tips- Self Defense For Women and Families- Protect Your Household- Vanquish
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
10 Home Self Defense Tips- Self Defense For Women and Families- Protect Your Household- Vanquish
When a "Street Fighter" goes into the local MMA Gym- Vanquish MMA & Jiu Jitsu
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
When a "Street Fighter" goes into the local MMA Gym- Vanquish MMA & Jiu Jitsu
Money can buy safety- kinda #money #selfdefense #safetycomesfirst #richlifestyle #bulletproof
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Money can buy safety- kinda #money #selfdefense #safetycomesfirst #richlifestyle #bulletproof
Street Fighter goes to MMA gym #mma #mmacoach #jiujitsu #streetfighter #alwayshappens #fighter #kick
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Street Fighter goes to MMA gym #mma #mmacoach #jiujitsu #streetfighter #alwayshappens #fighter #kick
Criminals can turn off the power #lockitup #safetyfirst #safetyathome #selfdefence #selfdefense
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Criminals can turn off the power #lockitup #safetyfirst #safetyathome #selfdefence #selfdefense
Security Cameras for Home Safety #security #securitycameras #homealarm #family #securityfootage
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Security Cameras for Home Safety #security #securitycameras #homealarm #family #securityfootage
Firearms for Home Safety- Self Defense #firearms #selfdefense #homesafety #firearmsafety #defense
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Firearms for Home Safety- Self Defense #firearms #selfdefense #homesafety #firearmsafety #defense
Dogs for Home Safety and Self Defense #dogs #selfdefense #homesafety #Gator #biscuit #goodboys
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Dogs for Home Safety and Self Defense #dogs #selfdefense #homesafety #Gator #biscuit #goodboys
Screens that stop a BURGLAR- Home Safety #selfdefensegadgets #selfdefensetraining #homesafety #safe
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Screens that stop a BURGLAR- Home Safety #selfdefensegadgets #selfdefensetraining #homesafety #safe
Family Self Defense- Home Safety #selfdefense #housesafety #besafe #safetyforparents #selfdefence
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Family Self Defense- Home Safety #selfdefense #housesafety #besafe #safetyforparents #selfdefence
Home Safety 2- Self Defense tips for the family #selfdefense #familysafety #knives #selfdefence
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Home Safety 2- Self Defense tips for the family #selfdefense #familysafety #knives #selfdefence
10 Home Safety Tips- SELF DEFENSE starts by being ready and aware #selfdefense #homesafety #beaware
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
10 Home Safety Tips- SELF DEFENSE starts by being ready and aware #selfdefense #homesafety #beaware
You are NOT too OLD, FAT or OUT OF SHAPE  #vanquishselfdefense #jiujitsu  #nevertoolate #paysonaz
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
You are NOT too OLD, FAT or OUT OF SHAPE #vanquishselfdefense #jiujitsu #nevertoolate #paysonaz
Self Defense for Parents- Be careful who watches your kids #selfdefenseforkids #forparents #besafe
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Self Defense for Parents- Be careful who watches your kids #selfdefenseforkids #forparents #besafe
How to Stop a larger attacker- Self Defense- Jiu Jitsu-Dummy Sweep #bjj #mma  #vanquishselfdefense
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
How to Stop a larger attacker- Self Defense- Jiu Jitsu-Dummy Sweep #bjj #mma #vanquishselfdefense
Self Defense/ Jiu Jitsu Technique- Dummy Sweep- gain the upper hand if someone is standing over you
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Self Defense/ Jiu Jitsu Technique- Dummy Sweep- gain the upper hand if someone is standing over you
A BETTER way to FIGHT- Self Defense #vanquishselfdefense #selfdefense #streetfight #safety #boxing
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
A BETTER way to FIGHT- Self Defense #vanquishselfdefense #selfdefense #streetfight #safety #boxing
Be READY it happens FAST- Mentality of Being ATTACKED-  #mindset #selfdefense #forwomen  #BJJ
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Be READY it happens FAST- Mentality of Being ATTACKED- #mindset #selfdefense #forwomen #BJJ
Master the Mentality of an Attack- not just the physical #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense #metality
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Master the Mentality of an Attack- not just the physical #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense #metality
Is a weapon a full self defense?   #umno #firearmstraining #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense #bjj
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Is a weapon a full self defense? #umno #firearmstraining #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense #bjj
Self Defense- Mentality of an Attack- Having a strong MINDSET will help with all things in Life
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Self Defense- Mentality of an Attack- Having a strong MINDSET will help with all things in Life
Miami Road Rage is a real problem- Shots fired #slomo #breakdown #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Miami Road Rage is a real problem- Shots fired #slomo #breakdown #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense
Shots Fired- Road Rage incident in Miami #roadrage #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense #selfdefence
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Shots Fired- Road Rage incident in Miami #roadrage #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense #selfdefence
Road Rager leads to 11 shots fired in #miami #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense #roadrage #shots
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Road Rager leads to 11 shots fired in #miami #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense #roadrage #shots
Road Rage leads to 11 shots fired on I95 #miami #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense #roadrage #shots
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Road Rage leads to 11 shots fired on I95 #miami #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense #roadrage #shots
Using a Guillotine Choke if attacked by a larger person #selfdefense #jiujitsu #vanquishselfdefense
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Using a Guillotine Choke if attacked by a larger person #selfdefense #jiujitsu #vanquishselfdefense
Rear Naked Choke 101 #selfdefense #jiujitsu #mma #bjj #attacked #choke #choked
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Rear Naked Choke 101 #selfdefense #jiujitsu #mma #bjj #attacked #choke #choked
Choking a Larger Person  part 6 #Selfdefence #vanquish #mma #jiujitsu #bjj  #selfdefense
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Choking a Larger Person part 6 #Selfdefence #vanquish #mma #jiujitsu #bjj #selfdefense
Choking out LARGER person? #vanquishselfdefense #choke #strangle #bjj #choked #mma #choking #mma
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Choking out LARGER person? #vanquishselfdefense #choke #strangle #bjj #choked #mma #choking #mma
10 BJJ Solo Drills Part 2- #BJJdrills #jiujitsuskills #jiujitsufighter #brownbelt #mma #jiujitsutips
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
10 BJJ Solo Drills Part 2- #BJJdrills #jiujitsuskills #jiujitsufighter #brownbelt #mma #jiujitsutips
Pulled 2 people from a flipped truck #jiujitsu #vanquishselfdefense #vanquishmma #Arizona #bjj
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Pulled 2 people from a flipped truck #jiujitsu #vanquishselfdefense #vanquishmma #Arizona #bjj
10 BJJ Solo Drills for movement and #guardretention #bjj #jiujitsu #mma #bjjdrills #jiujitsulife
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
10 BJJ Solo Drills for movement and #guardretention #bjj #jiujitsu #mma #bjjdrills #jiujitsulife
10 BJJ Solo Drills- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu solo techniques to improve your movement and Guard Retention
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
10 BJJ Solo Drills- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu solo techniques to improve your movement and Guard Retention
Can a Smaller Person Choke a LARGER person? #vanquishselfdefense #choke #strangle #bjj #choked part4
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Can a Smaller Person Choke a LARGER person? #vanquishselfdefense #choke #strangle #bjj #choked part4
Could a Smaller Person Choke someone LARGER? #vanquishselfdefense #choke #strangle #bjj #choked #mma
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Could a Smaller Person Choke someone LARGER? #vanquishselfdefense #choke #strangle #bjj #choked #mma
Smaller Person Choke a LARGER person? 2 #vanquishselfdefense #choke #strangle #bjj #choked
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Smaller Person Choke a LARGER person? 2 #vanquishselfdefense #choke #strangle #bjj #choked
Can a Smaller Person Choke a LARGER person? #vanquishselfdefense #choke #strangle #bjj #choked #mma
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Can a Smaller Person Choke a LARGER person? #vanquishselfdefense #choke #strangle #bjj #choked #mma
Self Defense 101: Can a SMALLER person choke out a LARGER person? - Rear Naked Choke and Guillotine-
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Self Defense 101: Can a SMALLER person choke out a LARGER person? - Rear Naked Choke and Guillotine-
Should Self Defense Be taught in Schools? Part 2 #selfdefenseclass #selfdefence #vanquishselfdefense
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Should Self Defense Be taught in Schools? Part 2 #selfdefenseclass #selfdefence #vanquishselfdefense
Should Self Defense be taught in schools? part 1  #selfdefense #selfdefensetraining
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Should Self Defense be taught in schools? part 1 #selfdefense #selfdefensetraining
SNEAKIEST ARMBAR- from Bottom Side #armbar #jiujitsu #bjj #brownbelt #mma #vanquishselfdefense
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
SNEAKIEST ARMBAR- from Bottom Side #armbar #jiujitsu #bjj #brownbelt #mma #vanquishselfdefense
Wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, kickboxing, even tae kwon do, anything. #timvanhorn #wrestling #jiujitsu #mma
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, kickboxing, even tae kwon do, anything. #timvanhorn #wrestling #jiujitsu #mma
Road Rage- Yes or No? Self Defense tips #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense #roadrage #roadrage2024
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Road Rage- Yes or No? Self Defense tips #selfdefense #vanquishselfdefense #roadrage #roadrage2024
Smother Escape- Self Defense for Women- Part 6 #selfdefenseclass #vaquishselfdefense #jiujitsu  #bjj
Vanquish Self Defense Systems
Smother Escape- Self Defense for Women- Part 6 #selfdefenseclass #vaquishselfdefense #jiujitsu #bjj