Does The Baddest Dragon in D&D's History Live Up to the Hype?
Dungeon Dad
Does The Baddest Dragon in D&D's History Live Up to the Hype?
The Unicorn Dragon Is Everything I Never Knew I Wanted
Dungeon Dad
The Unicorn Dragon Is Everything I Never Knew I Wanted
Making a melee paladin pirate who punches things with the power of god and doubloons in D&D 2024
Dungeon Dad
Making a melee paladin pirate who punches things with the power of god and doubloons in D&D 2024
The Weird Blood Sucking Creature D&D Forgot About
Dungeon Dad
The Weird Blood Sucking Creature D&D Forgot About
How The 2025 D&D Monster Manual Fixed The Cyclopes!
Dungeon Dad
How The 2025 D&D Monster Manual Fixed The Cyclopes!
The Most Disturbing D&D Monster Nobody Has Ever Heard of.
Dungeon Dad
The Most Disturbing D&D Monster Nobody Has Ever Heard of.
Literally Becoming Godzilla in D&D
Dungeon Dad
Literally Becoming Godzilla in D&D
The D&D Monster That Toppled An Empire - Phaerimm
Dungeon Dad
The D&D Monster That Toppled An Empire - Phaerimm
What is the Most Stolen Object in D&D History?
Dungeon Dad
What is the Most Stolen Object in D&D History?
The Smallest Dragon in D&D is a Total Menace
Dungeon Dad
The Smallest Dragon in D&D is a Total Menace
Why do the Four Seasons Change in Dungeons and Dragons? Fey D&D (and PF2E) Lore and Stats!
Dungeon Dad
Why do the Four Seasons Change in Dungeons and Dragons? Fey D&D (and PF2E) Lore and Stats!
What Really Happens When a Devil Gets Demoted In D&D?
Dungeon Dad
What Really Happens When a Devil Gets Demoted In D&D?
The Dragon So Greedy, It Stole The World
Dungeon Dad
The Dragon So Greedy, It Stole The World
Can Fey Live In The Dungeon?
Dungeon Dad
Can Fey Live In The Dungeon?
The Kuo-Toa's Secret Doomsday Weapon
Dungeon Dad
The Kuo-Toa's Secret Doomsday Weapon
The Secret Race of D&D Goblins Nobody Talks About
Dungeon Dad
The Secret Race of D&D Goblins Nobody Talks About
The New D&D Monster That Changes Everything
Dungeon Dad
The New D&D Monster That Changes Everything
The Goofiest Golem In D&D That Will Literally Murder You
Dungeon Dad
The Goofiest Golem In D&D That Will Literally Murder You
This D&D Dragon Is Actually An Anime Villain
Dungeon Dad
This D&D Dragon Is Actually An Anime Villain
Why The Most Powerful Giant in D&D Terrifies Me
Dungeon Dad
Why The Most Powerful Giant in D&D Terrifies Me
What Happens When You Look At The Oldest Creature in D&D?
Dungeon Dad
What Happens When You Look At The Oldest Creature in D&D?
What Happens When a Devil Becomes A Pastry Chef?
Dungeon Dad
What Happens When a Devil Becomes A Pastry Chef?
Nobody Talks About D&D's Most Ruthless Dragon
Dungeon Dad
Nobody Talks About D&D's Most Ruthless Dragon
D&D Ripped Off DUNE.
Dungeon Dad
D&D Ripped Off DUNE.
The Most Romanceable God in D&D is a Lich
Dungeon Dad
The Most Romanceable God in D&D is a Lich
Ever Wanted To Build A Living Statue To Mock God?
Dungeon Dad
Ever Wanted To Build A Living Statue To Mock God?
The D&D Monster That Made Me Rethink Body Horror
Dungeon Dad
The D&D Monster That Made Me Rethink Body Horror
The Birth of a New D&D Dragon Species
Dungeon Dad
The Birth of a New D&D Dragon Species
The Story of D&D's Most Unhinged Canon Event
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The Story of D&D's Most Unhinged Canon Event
The Most Brutal D&D Monster You've Never Heard Of
Dungeon Dad
The Most Brutal D&D Monster You've Never Heard Of
D&D's Forgotten Undead Bard Monster Is Insane
Dungeon Dad
D&D's Forgotten Undead Bard Monster Is Insane
What Happens When a Wizard in D&D Gets TOO Ambitious?
Dungeon Dad
What Happens When a Wizard in D&D Gets TOO Ambitious?
This Giant Was Too "Out There" for D&D 5E
Dungeon Dad
This Giant Was Too "Out There" for D&D 5E
The King of D&D's Forgotten Heavy Metal Dragons
Dungeon Dad
The King of D&D's Forgotten Heavy Metal Dragons
Here's Why The Puzzle Golem is D&D's Best Golem
Dungeon Dad
Here's Why The Puzzle Golem is D&D's Best Golem
Angel Dogs With Human Hands? Sure, Why Not.
Dungeon Dad
Angel Dogs With Human Hands? Sure, Why Not.
What Happens When a Human is Lost in The Far Realm From D&D?
Dungeon Dad
What Happens When a Human is Lost in The Far Realm From D&D?
What Happens When a Hag is Born Male in D&D?
Dungeon Dad
What Happens When a Hag is Born Male in D&D?
What Happens When A D&D Dragon Becomes A Hag?
Dungeon Dad
What Happens When A D&D Dragon Becomes A Hag?
This D&D Monster Is Every Hero's Worst Nightmare
Dungeon Dad
This D&D Monster Is Every Hero's Worst Nightmare
The D&D Monster That Makes You Cry (and also die)
Dungeon Dad
The D&D Monster That Makes You Cry (and also die)
D&D's Forgotten Talking Bridge Monster
Dungeon Dad
D&D's Forgotten Talking Bridge Monster
The Unhinged Dragon From D&D's Forgotten History
Dungeon Dad
The Unhinged Dragon From D&D's Forgotten History
That Time Star Trek Ripped Off D&D
Dungeon Dad
That Time Star Trek Ripped Off D&D
The Dragon D&D Tried To Erase From Its History
Dungeon Dad
The Dragon D&D Tried To Erase From Its History
Your D&D Game Needs Fiendish Rakshasa Panther Assassins
Dungeon Dad
Your D&D Game Needs Fiendish Rakshasa Panther Assassins
You Won't Find This Dark Sun Giant In Bigby's Book
Dungeon Dad
You Won't Find This Dark Sun Giant In Bigby's Book
My New Favorite D&D Encounter
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My New Favorite D&D Encounter
The Only D&D Monster Your Dungeon Will Ever Need
Dungeon Dad
The Only D&D Monster Your Dungeon Will Ever Need
This D&D Monster Is Bloody Horrific
Dungeon Dad
This D&D Monster Is Bloody Horrific
The D&D Crоw Wizard With Two Brains Terrifies Me
Dungeon Dad
The D&D Crоw Wizard With Two Brains Terrifies Me
The D&D Mоnster You Literally Can't Attack
Dungeon Dad
The D&D Mоnster You Literally Can't Attack
D&D's Chromatic Dragon Yоu've Never Heard Of
Dungeon Dad
D&D's Chromatic Dragon Yоu've Never Heard Of
The D&D Ghоst That Lives In Your Eye
Dungeon Dad
The D&D Ghоst That Lives In Your Eye
New D&D Mount Just Dropped
Dungeon Dad
New D&D Mount Just Dropped
The Biggest Monster Ever Printed in a D&D Book
Dungeon Dad
The Biggest Monster Ever Printed in a D&D Book
D&D's Talking Undead Nightmare
Dungeon Dad
D&D's Talking Undead Nightmare
The D&D Monster Stolen Directly From Anime
Dungeon Dad
The D&D Monster Stolen Directly From Anime
How Is This Monster Not Already In 5E D&D?
Dungeon Dad
How Is This Monster Not Already In 5E D&D?
This D&D Dragon Breaks All The Rules
Dungeon Dad
This D&D Dragon Breaks All The Rules
A Story of Giants, Blood Sacrifice, & Corruption
Dungeon Dad
A Story of Giants, Blood Sacrifice, & Corruption
Mission Accomplished
Dungeon Dad
Mission Accomplished
Genies From The Plane of Ice are Wild
Dungeon Dad
Genies From The Plane of Ice are Wild
Smash or Pass With Every Demon in the D&D 5E SRD
Dungeon Dad
Smash or Pass With Every Demon in the D&D 5E SRD
Deathdrinker: The D&D Demon They Don't Talk About
Dungeon Dad
Deathdrinker: The D&D Demon They Don't Talk About
Spirit Warrior: The Weird Story Behind D&D's Strangest Monster
Dungeon Dad
Spirit Warrior: The Weird Story Behind D&D's Strangest Monster
Crawling Apocalypse: D&D's Giant Mummified Octopus
Dungeon Dad
Crawling Apocalypse: D&D's Giant Mummified Octopus
Orange Dragons: The Explosive D&D Monster of Myth
Dungeon Dad
Orange Dragons: The Explosive D&D Monster of Myth
Mageripper: D&D's Swarm of Wizard Hunters
Dungeon Dad
Mageripper: D&D's Swarm of Wizard Hunters
Concordant Killer: The Story Behind D&D's Half-Angel Mercenaries.
Dungeon Dad
Concordant Killer: The Story Behind D&D's Half-Angel Mercenaries.
Faceless Stalker: The Better D&D Doppelganger
Dungeon Dad
Faceless Stalker: The Better D&D Doppelganger
Asfaraba: The Story Behind D&D's Most Emotional Monster
Dungeon Dad
Asfaraba: The Story Behind D&D's Most Emotional Monster
Boneyard: The Story Behind D&D's Spookiest Skeleton
Dungeon Dad
Boneyard: The Story Behind D&D's Spookiest Skeleton
Sibyllic Guardian: D&D's Psychic Angels Are Brutal
Dungeon Dad
Sibyllic Guardian: D&D's Psychic Angels Are Brutal
Purple Dragons: The Mythical D&D Apex Predator
Dungeon Dad
Purple Dragons: The Mythical D&D Apex Predator
City Corruptor: D&D Demons That Kidnap Cities (Evanissu)
Dungeon Dad
City Corruptor: D&D Demons That Kidnap Cities (Evanissu)
The Story of D&D's Forgotten Dog Race
Dungeon Dad
The Story of D&D's Forgotten Dog Race
Moon Giants: The Rise and Fall of a D&D Empire
Dungeon Dad
Moon Giants: The Rise and Fall of a D&D Empire
The Weird Story Behind D&D 5E's Very Own Slenderman Legend
Dungeon Dad
The Weird Story Behind D&D 5E's Very Own Slenderman Legend
Moonrats: The Untold Story of the Sewers
Dungeon Dad
Moonrats: The Untold Story of the Sewers
Top 10 Spelljammer Monsters D&D 5E NEEDS to Bring Back
Dungeon Dad
Top 10 Spelljammer Monsters D&D 5E NEEDS to Bring Back
Cinder Swarms: The Baby Fire Elementals of D&D
Dungeon Dad
Cinder Swarms: The Baby Fire Elementals of D&D
Plush Golems: Big Cuddly Death Machines
Dungeon Dad
Plush Golems: Big Cuddly Death Machines
Raggamoffyn: The Clothes That Wear You
Dungeon Dad
Raggamoffyn: The Clothes That Wear You
Yellow Dragons and D&D's Draconic Color Theory
Dungeon Dad
Yellow Dragons and D&D's Draconic Color Theory
Night Twist: D&D's Evil Singing Tree (2004) - Dungeons And Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
Night Twist: D&D's Evil Singing Tree (2004) - Dungeons And Dragons Lore
Kythons: D&D's Most Savage Monster
Dungeon Dad
Kythons: D&D's Most Savage Monster
The False Hydra: D&D's Most Infamous Monster?
Dungeon Dad
The False Hydra: D&D's Most Infamous Monster?
Living Wall: The D&D Monster That Can't Move
Dungeon Dad
Living Wall: The D&D Monster That Can't Move
Chocolate Golem: Yes, This is a Real D&D Monster
Dungeon Dad
Chocolate Golem: Yes, This is a Real D&D Monster
Khayal: Genies From The Shadowfell?
Dungeon Dad
Khayal: Genies From The Shadowfell?
Pink Dragons: The Forgotten Dragon Type
Dungeon Dad
Pink Dragons: The Forgotten Dragon Type
Grisgol: The D&D Monster With A Heart of Darkness
Dungeon Dad
Grisgol: The D&D Monster With A Heart of Darkness
Shrieking Terror: This D&D Monster KISSES You To Death
Dungeon Dad
Shrieking Terror: This D&D Monster KISSES You To Death
Fermented Mummy: The D&D Monster That Gets You DRUNK
Dungeon Dad
Fermented Mummy: The D&D Monster That Gets You DRUNK
The Digester: D&D's Acid Chickens
Dungeon Dad
The Digester: D&D's Acid Chickens
Word Archons: These D&D Monsters Use Words Like Weapons
Dungeon Dad
Word Archons: These D&D Monsters Use Words Like Weapons
Xixecal: The Biggest D&D Elemental
Dungeon Dad
Xixecal: The Biggest D&D Elemental
Braxat: D&D's Nightmarish Rhino Beetle Ogre Psion
Dungeon Dad
Braxat: D&D's Nightmarish Rhino Beetle Ogre Psion
Odopi: The Craziest D&D Monster I've Ever Seen
Dungeon Dad
Odopi: The Craziest D&D Monster I've Ever Seen
Tooth Fairy: The Scariest D&D Monster?
Dungeon Dad
Tooth Fairy: The Scariest D&D Monster?
The Fetch: D&D's Coolest Monster You've Never Heard of
Dungeon Dad
The Fetch: D&D's Coolest Monster You've Never Heard of
This D&D Monster Is Straight Up Mean - Chaos Beast 2.0 Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
This D&D Monster Is Straight Up Mean - Chaos Beast 2.0 Dungeons and Dragons Lore
How To Make Your DM Scream With Spells in D&D 5E: More Bard Edition
Dungeon Dad
How To Make Your DM Scream With Spells in D&D 5E: More Bard Edition
This Spell Combo Will Let You SOLO KILL The TARRASQUE!
Dungeon Dad
This Spell Combo Will Let You SOLO KILL The TARRASQUE!
Why wasn't this DRAGON included in Fizban's Book? - Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Song Dragon
Dungeon Dad
Why wasn't this DRAGON included in Fizban's Book? - Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Song Dragon
This D&D spell combo will ensure you actually NEVER DIE - DnD 5E
Dungeon Dad
This D&D spell combo will ensure you actually NEVER DIE - DnD 5E
So, you want your players to roleplay with each other? - D&D DM Tips
Dungeon Dad
So, you want your players to roleplay with each other? - D&D DM Tips
This Monster Sucks - Gloom Golem - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
This Monster Sucks - Gloom Golem - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
What They Don't Tell You About The Headless Horseman
Dungeon Dad
What They Don't Tell You About The Headless Horseman
The Feywild Carnival's WILD ATTRACTION - Gray Jester - Monster of the Week Dungeons & Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
The Feywild Carnival's WILD ATTRACTION - Gray Jester - Monster of the Week Dungeons & Dragons Lore
The Correct Way to Play an Evil DnD Character - Dungeons and Dragons Player Tips -Be a Better Player
Dungeon Dad
The Correct Way to Play an Evil DnD Character - Dungeons and Dragons Player Tips -Be a Better Player
The Story Behind D&D's Secret Giant Race - Eldritch Giants - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
The Story Behind D&D's Secret Giant Race - Eldritch Giants - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
This DnD Monster is AN ALIEN? Wolf in Sheep's Clothing -Monster of the Week -Dungeons & Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
This DnD Monster is AN ALIEN? Wolf in Sheep's Clothing -Monster of the Week -Dungeons & Dragons Lore
This DnD Feat Ranks Number One For NET USERS??
Dungeon Dad
This DnD Feat Ranks Number One For NET USERS??
This DnD Monster Has NO ACTIONS? - Gray Philosopher -Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
This DnD Monster Has NO ACTIONS? - Gray Philosopher -Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Peace Domain Cleric is OP - Protective Bond: Working As Intended
Dungeon Dad
Peace Domain Cleric is OP - Protective Bond: Working As Intended
New To 5E DnD Races - Shardmind - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
New To 5E DnD Races - Shardmind - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
The Goofiest Official D&D Monster Art You'll Ever See
Dungeon Dad
The Goofiest Official D&D Monster Art You'll Ever See
D&D Angels Should Be Scary - Up Your Dungeons And Dragons Solar Game! - Dungeon Mastery for DMs
Dungeon Dad
D&D Angels Should Be Scary - Up Your Dungeons And Dragons Solar Game! - Dungeon Mastery for DMs
The Sword Slug of D&D! - Metalmaster - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
The Sword Slug of D&D! - Metalmaster - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Top 10 D&D 5E Monsters Most Likely to Cause a TPK
Dungeon Dad
Top 10 D&D 5E Monsters Most Likely to Cause a TPK
The Forbidden Sticky Construct - Web Golem - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
The Forbidden Sticky Construct - Web Golem - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
More Contagious Than Werewolves - Tigbanua Buso - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
More Contagious Than Werewolves - Tigbanua Buso - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
The Elusive Three-Headed Horror - Dzalmus Dragon - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
The Elusive Three-Headed Horror - Dzalmus Dragon - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
The Udadrow's Most Unsettling Creation - Irnakurse - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
The Udadrow's Most Unsettling Creation - Irnakurse - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
You're Using Flanking Wrong!
Dungeon Dad
You're Using Flanking Wrong!
Show This Video To Everyone You Know That Likes Dungeons And Dragons - Dungeon Dad Channel Trailer
Dungeon Dad
Show This Video To Everyone You Know That Likes Dungeons And Dragons - Dungeon Dad Channel Trailer
Changeling druids are the new D&D 5E meta
Dungeon Dad
Changeling druids are the new D&D 5E meta
Greyhawk's Cat God or Cat Fraud? - Cat Lord - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
Greyhawk's Cat God or Cat Fraud? - Cat Lord - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
The Strongest D&D Demon Revealed - Klurichir - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
Dungeon Dad
The Strongest D&D Demon Revealed - Klurichir - Monster of the Week - Dungeons and Dragons Lore
AD&D's Giant Fungus Ball is Scary - Ascomoid - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
AD&D's Giant Fungus Ball is Scary - Ascomoid - Monster of the Week
Frostforged Wyrm: This D&D Dragon is Metal as Hell 🤘
Dungeon Dad
Frostforged Wyrm: This D&D Dragon is Metal as Hell 🤘
The Underdark's Secret Weapon Revealed - Siege Crab - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Underdark's Secret Weapon Revealed - Siege Crab - Monster of the Week
The Sexiest D&D Ooze in Faerûn Revealed - Ghaunadan - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Sexiest D&D Ooze in Faerûn Revealed - Ghaunadan - Monster of the Week
Knights Errant of the D&D Celestials - Ghaele - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Knights Errant of the D&D Celestials - Ghaele - Monster of the Week
Icewind Dale's Hidden Predator - Snowcloak - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Icewind Dale's Hidden Predator - Snowcloak - Monster of the Week
The Unseelie Fae Creature Collector - Hoary Hunter - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Unseelie Fae Creature Collector - Hoary Hunter - Monster of the Week
Six-Armed Theros Giants - Gegenees - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Six-Armed Theros Giants - Gegenees - Monster of the Week
A Soulmonger From The River Styx - Astradaemon - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
A Soulmonger From The River Styx - Astradaemon - Monster of the Week
The Interdimensional Pickpocketing Pest of D&D - Ethereal Filcher - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Interdimensional Pickpocketing Pest of D&D - Ethereal Filcher - Monster of the Week
Starcrossed God Skeleton Lovers - Tzitzimitl - Monster of the Week [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Starcrossed God Skeleton Lovers - Tzitzimitl - Monster of the Week [D&D]
D&D Puzzles & The Fish That Walks! Stalking Catfish Dungeon! - Monster of the Week ft. Wally DM
Dungeon Dad
D&D Puzzles & The Fish That Walks! Stalking Catfish Dungeon! - Monster of the Week ft. Wally DM
Eberron's Angriest Creature - Du'Ulora - Monster of the Week [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Eberron's Angriest Creature - Du'Ulora - Monster of the Week [D&D]
The Body of Bodies - Charnel Hound - Monster of the Week (Dungeons and Dragons 5E)
Dungeon Dad
The Body of Bodies - Charnel Hound - Monster of the Week (Dungeons and Dragons 5E)
The Most Constricting Construct in D&D 5E - HANGMAN GOLEM - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Most Constricting Construct in D&D 5E - HANGMAN GOLEM - Monster of the Week
Stellar Dragon: Godly Spelljammer Space Dragons in D&D ft. @AJPickett​
Dungeon Dad
Stellar Dragon: Godly Spelljammer Space Dragons in D&D ft. @AJPickett​
An Eldritch Creature Made of Light From Pathfinder for D&D 5E - SHINING CHILD - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
An Eldritch Creature Made of Light From Pathfinder for D&D 5E - SHINING CHILD - Monster of the Week
The Undead Cleric Creature in Dungeons and Dragons - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Undead Cleric Creature in Dungeons and Dragons - Monster of the Week
The cunning D&D Monster in the Mirror - Mirror Mephit - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The cunning D&D Monster in the Mirror - Mirror Mephit - Monster of the Week
The Face Thief - DEFACER - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Face Thief - DEFACER - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Planescape’s Living Equation- MOIGNO - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Planescape’s Living Equation- MOIGNO - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Orphaned Devils - FORLARREN - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Orphaned Devils - FORLARREN - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Living Weather - STORM ELEMENTAL - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Living Weather - STORM ELEMENTAL - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
The Skinless Horror - NUCKELAVEE - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Skinless Horror - NUCKELAVEE - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Vecna's Top "Men" - VITREOUS DRINKER - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Vecna's Top "Men" - VITREOUS DRINKER - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
The Horse-Man Spirit - TIKBALANG - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Horse-Man Spirit - TIKBALANG - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
The Spookiest Skeleton - BONESINGER - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Spookiest Skeleton - BONESINGER - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Fallen Titans - DEATH GIANT - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Fallen Titans - DEATH GIANT - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
The Druid Secret Weapon - WICKERMAN - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Druid Secret Weapon - WICKERMAN - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
The Undead Monk - KUROBOZU - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Undead Monk - KUROBOZU - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
A Classic Hidden Creature - AVOLAKIA - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
A Classic Hidden Creature - AVOLAKIA - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Why You Should Be Metagaming! - Be A Better Player - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Why You Should Be Metagaming! - Be A Better Player - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
The Legend Like Never Seen Before - SKINWALKERS - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Legend Like Never Seen Before - SKINWALKERS - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Apex Predators - SUN AND MOON DRAGONS - Dungeons & Dragons Spelljammer [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Apex Predators - SUN AND MOON DRAGONS - Dungeons & Dragons Spelljammer [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Man-Eating Paper - PALIMPSEST - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Man-Eating Paper - PALIMPSEST - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
The Most Punctual Creature - TIME ELEMENTAL - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
The Most Punctual Creature - TIME ELEMENTAL - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Wanna Get A Drink? - SNALLYGASTER - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Wanna Get A Drink? - SNALLYGASTER - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Catch Me If You Can - RASCLINN - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Catch Me If You Can - RASCLINN - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Need A Hand? (Or 50?) - HUMBABA - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Need A Hand? (Or 50?) - HUMBABA - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
This Creature Is Lit - CANDLEWAX GOLEM - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
This Creature Is Lit - CANDLEWAX GOLEM - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Catch These Hands - WICHTLIN - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
Dungeon Dad
Catch These Hands - WICHTLIN - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] - Monster of the Week
The Silent Colossus - GASHADOKURO - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
The Silent Colossus - GASHADOKURO - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
The Creature That is What it Eats - MURSKA - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
The Creature That is What it Eats - MURSKA - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
The D&D Creature You’ll Never Remember - Obliviax - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
The D&D Creature You’ll Never Remember - Obliviax - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
The Largest Threat In D&D - Kaiju - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
The Largest Threat In D&D - Kaiju - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
The Beings From Before - Hundun - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
The Beings From Before - Hundun - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
A New Kind of Genie - Janni - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
A New Kind of Genie - Janni - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
The Obscure Mind Flayer Dragon - Brainstealer - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
The Obscure Mind Flayer Dragon - Brainstealer - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
A Favourite From Classic D&D - Aurumvorax - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
A Favourite From Classic D&D - Aurumvorax - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
The Most Overlooked Reptile In D&D - Shocker Lizard - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
The Most Overlooked Reptile In D&D - Shocker Lizard - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Apocalypse Magic - Light of Amoth - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Apocalypse Magic - Light of Amoth - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
The Hideous Game - Slidikin- Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
The Hideous Game - Slidikin- Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
True Perfectionists - Visilight- Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
True Perfectionists - Visilight- Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Using Music In Your Game - Dungeon Mastery - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Using Music In Your Game - Dungeon Mastery - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Archers From Hell - Arrow Demon - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Archers From Hell - Arrow Demon - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad Versus the D&D Design Team - Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes Monster Comparison
Dungeon Dad
Dungeon Dad Versus the D&D Design Team - Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes Monster Comparison
Mind Controlling Plants - Seedkin - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Mind Controlling Plants - Seedkin - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Weaponized Fear - Bogeyman - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Weaponized Fear - Bogeyman - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Soaring Sky Titans - Cloud Ray - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Soaring Sky Titans - Cloud Ray - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Insectile Body Snatchers - Mockery Bugs - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Insectile Body Snatchers - Mockery Bugs - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
The Two Headed Undead - Serpentir - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
The Two Headed Undead - Serpentir - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
The Ringed City - Weavers of Destruction Part 6 - Campaign Diary - 5E Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
The Ringed City - Weavers of Destruction Part 6 - Campaign Diary - 5E Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
The Living Void - Nullifier - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
The Living Void - Nullifier - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
The Hunter of Angels and Demons - Godslayer - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
The Hunter of Angels and Demons - Godslayer - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Frogs With Laser Eyes - Blindheim - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Frogs With Laser Eyes - Blindheim - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Creatures of Living Hubris - Kaorti - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Creatures of Living Hubris - Kaorti - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Even Worse Than Rust Monsters - Disenchanter - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Even Worse Than Rust Monsters - Disenchanter - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
The Dancer From Dark Souls In D&D - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
The Dancer From Dark Souls In D&D - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Spiders With Human Hands - Aranea - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]
Dungeon Dad
Spiders With Human Hands - Aranea - Monster of the Week - Dungeons & Dragons [D&D]