Why does cholesterol increase in menopause?
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Why does cholesterol increase in menopause?
The relentless pursuit of a # on the scale will not serve you as you age. We need to be strong!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
The relentless pursuit of a # on the scale will not serve you as you age. We need to be strong!
100% of the women who live long enough will experience menopause. We have resources for you.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
100% of the women who live long enough will experience menopause. We have resources for you.
Menopause symptoms no one talks about.  Part 2
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Menopause symptoms no one talks about. Part 2
10 factors that influence the age you will go through natural menopause.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
10 factors that influence the age you will go through natural menopause.
With age comes perspective on the concept of body image. How has yours changed?
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
With age comes perspective on the concept of body image. How has yours changed?
Shocking truth about exercise and menopause.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Shocking truth about exercise and menopause.
Menopause symptoms no one talks about part 1. Tell us yours in the comments!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Menopause symptoms no one talks about part 1. Tell us yours in the comments!
Has your bedtime routine changed with perimenopause and menopause? Tell us how!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Has your bedtime routine changed with perimenopause and menopause? Tell us how!
You deserve to feel better than this!  Resources in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
You deserve to feel better than this! Resources in description
Dr. Haver's Workout Plan: Preventing Nursing Home Stay with Strength & Wellness!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Dr. Haver's Workout Plan: Preventing Nursing Home Stay with Strength & Wellness!
What Supplements Should We Take In Perimenopause & Menopause? Supplements In Description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
What Supplements Should We Take In Perimenopause & Menopause? Supplements In Description
The importance of fiber for your health! Link in description to Dr  Haver's Fiber GDX
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
The importance of fiber for your health! Link in description to Dr Haver's Fiber GDX
5 things I wish I knew before I went through menopause!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
5 things I wish I knew before I went through menopause!
Thing about my own menopause that shocked me! Resources in the description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Thing about my own menopause that shocked me! Resources in the description
You are not crazy!  Find answers to your menopause symptoms with the resources in description.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
You are not crazy! Find answers to your menopause symptoms with the resources in description.
5 things I would never do as an OBGYN.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
5 things I would never do as an OBGYN.
What are the signs of Magnesium deficiency?
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
What are the signs of Magnesium deficiency?
The stages of menopause. Resources to help navigate in the description.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
The stages of menopause. Resources to help navigate in the description.
There is no blood tests for perimenopause. Symptoms are the diagnostic tool!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
There is no blood tests for perimenopause. Symptoms are the diagnostic tool!
What happens when Vitamin D is low?
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
What happens when Vitamin D is low?
High cost for your HRT? Affordable options are available from your pharmacy.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
High cost for your HRT? Affordable options are available from your pharmacy.
The underutilization of pain relief for gynecological procedures.  This is so unnecessary!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
The underutilization of pain relief for gynecological procedures. This is so unnecessary!
Could your palpitations be related to menopause? Article in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Could your palpitations be related to menopause? Article in description
Itchy ears in menopause? Here is a hack!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Itchy ears in menopause? Here is a hack!
Dr  Haver's menopause shake. Link to fiber and creatine in the description.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Dr Haver's menopause shake. Link to fiber and creatine in the description.
Taking HRT is your personal decision but know the facts first. Resources in description.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Taking HRT is your personal decision but know the facts first. Resources in description.
How To Support Your Body In Menopause
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
How To Support Your Body In Menopause
Progesterone based IUD use during perimenopause. What you need to know.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Progesterone based IUD use during perimenopause. What you need to know.
How to measure your waist to hip ratio: a better measure of your health than BMI!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
How to measure your waist to hip ratio: a better measure of your health than BMI!
Supplements to take in menopause. Link to products in description.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Supplements to take in menopause. Link to products in description.
Get to know menopause and the diseases it impacts!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Get to know menopause and the diseases it impacts!
Dr. Haver’s Daily Supplements: What She Takes and the Science Behind Them.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Dr. Haver’s Daily Supplements: What She Takes and the Science Behind Them.
I was a terrible menopause doctor because I was never taught much about it.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
I was a terrible menopause doctor because I was never taught much about it.
Cholesterol and menopause there is an impact!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Cholesterol and menopause there is an impact!
The age you start HRT matters in prevention of certain diseases. Link to full podcast in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
The age you start HRT matters in prevention of certain diseases. Link to full podcast in description
Not Feeling Like Myself in Perimenopause: Yes it's a thing! Research in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Not Feeling Like Myself in Perimenopause: Yes it's a thing! Research in description
Put a finger down if you thought you were going crazy in perimenopause! Resources in description.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Put a finger down if you thought you were going crazy in perimenopause! Resources in description.
Menopause & Perimenopause: Sadness, Joint Pain, Communication Changes Explained! Article in Descript
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Menopause & Perimenopause: Sadness, Joint Pain, Communication Changes Explained! Article in Descript
Tinnitus and Menopause: Link to the article is in the description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Tinnitus and Menopause: Link to the article is in the description
Frozen Shoulder and menopause: Yes they are related
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Frozen Shoulder and menopause: Yes they are related
Supplements that Dr. Haver takes and the research to support it.  Links in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Supplements that Dr. Haver takes and the research to support it. Links in description
Aging is normal, Suffering is not: Menopause resources in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Aging is normal, Suffering is not: Menopause resources in description
Menopause symptoms and their impact on some divorces
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Menopause symptoms and their impact on some divorces
Advocacy for Gynecological Pain Control: We Need a Change
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Advocacy for Gynecological Pain Control: We Need a Change
A woman goes into her doctor to ask about menopausal symptoms goes into her doctor, 10% offered HRT
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
A woman goes into her doctor to ask about menopausal symptoms goes into her doctor, 10% offered HRT
You Are Not Alone and Not Crazy: Full article link in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
You Are Not Alone and Not Crazy: Full article link in description
Menopause Cancer Reduction: Leverage Omega 3 and Vitamin D with exercise. Research in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Menopause Cancer Reduction: Leverage Omega 3 and Vitamin D with exercise. Research in description
Cholesterol and Vitamin D in Menopause
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Cholesterol and Vitamin D in Menopause
Updated Menopause Empowerment Guide -- Link to request it is in the description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Updated Menopause Empowerment Guide -- Link to request it is in the description
You can't spot treat aging: It is a full body approach!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
You can't spot treat aging: It is a full body approach!
Testosterone and libido: Why isn't it prescribed? Link to article in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Testosterone and libido: Why isn't it prescribed? Link to article in description
Beyond BMI: The Truth About Obesity and GLP-1 Medications with Dr. Rocio Salas Whalen
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Beyond BMI: The Truth About Obesity and GLP-1 Medications with Dr. Rocio Salas Whalen
Science:Protien:Exercise - Make if make sense! We have resources to help you sort through the noise!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Science:Protien:Exercise - Make if make sense! We have resources to help you sort through the noise!
My Menopause Routine:  What Keeps Me Thriving
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
My Menopause Routine: What Keeps Me Thriving
Supplements I Take In A Day
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Supplements I Take In A Day
5 Tests To Ask For At Your Well Woman Exam After 35
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
5 Tests To Ask For At Your Well Woman Exam After 35
10 Perimenopause Tips I Wish I Knew Sooner
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
10 Perimenopause Tips I Wish I Knew Sooner
When does menopause begin?
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
When does menopause begin?
Cholesterol and Vitamin D In Menopause #duet #galvestondiet #thenewmenopause
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Cholesterol and Vitamin D In Menopause #duet #galvestondiet #thenewmenopause
Menopause Shake: The Mary Claire Parfait gets transformed into a shake with even more protein!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Menopause Shake: The Mary Claire Parfait gets transformed into a shake with even more protein!
Zoe Podcast:  Difference in reproductive aging in men and women.  Full podcast link in bio
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Zoe Podcast: Difference in reproductive aging in men and women. Full podcast link in bio
Zoe Podcast   Menopause symptoms are more than hot flashes!  Full Podcast link in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Zoe Podcast Menopause symptoms are more than hot flashes! Full Podcast link in description
Zoe podcast: Your brain and hormones how perimenopause effects process  Podcast link in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Zoe podcast: Your brain and hormones how perimenopause effects process Podcast link in description
My First "Fake" Podcast
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
My First "Fake" Podcast
Can you be on HRT the rest of your life?
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Can you be on HRT the rest of your life?
Headlines around HRT and breast cancer risk two decades apart: The differences are remarkable!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Headlines around HRT and breast cancer risk two decades apart: The differences are remarkable!
Mark Cuban right now watching all of the videos about Pharmacy Benefit Managers.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Mark Cuban right now watching all of the videos about Pharmacy Benefit Managers.
'Pause Strong Challenge bean salad. Join our free community for full recipe. Details in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
'Pause Strong Challenge bean salad. Join our free community for full recipe. Details in description
'Pause Strong Challenge: 28 days to a stronger and healthier you! Sign up info in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
'Pause Strong Challenge: 28 days to a stronger and healthier you! Sign up info in description
Pardon My Rant But Women Deserve Better Healthcare!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Pardon My Rant But Women Deserve Better Healthcare!
You Are Seen: Ending the Silence Around Menopause Struggles!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
You Are Seen: Ending the Silence Around Menopause Struggles!
The Business of Menopause: What Are Your Thoughts?
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
The Business of Menopause: What Are Your Thoughts?
Cutting Edge Research: Unlocking the Potential of Menstrual Blood Stem Cells! Research in descript.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Cutting Edge Research: Unlocking the Potential of Menstrual Blood Stem Cells! Research in descript.
Have You Tried Losing Weight?
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Have You Tried Losing Weight?
Preventing Aging with Fitness: Fighting Sarcopenia, Osteoporosis & Dementia | Thriving in Menopause
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Preventing Aging with Fitness: Fighting Sarcopenia, Osteoporosis & Dementia | Thriving in Menopause
How Choline, Soy, and Probiotics Help Postmenopausal Women Fight NAFLD: Article link in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
How Choline, Soy, and Probiotics Help Postmenopausal Women Fight NAFLD: Article link in description
Living Menopause Changed How We Treat Menopause Forever: Our stories
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Living Menopause Changed How We Treat Menopause Forever: Our stories
POV: My Insurance Denial Story – The things that get denied
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
POV: My Insurance Denial Story – The things that get denied
The role of vitamin D in menopausal women's health
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
The role of vitamin D in menopausal women's health
Redefining Menopause: Dr. Haver's Insights at Dr. Vonda Wright's Conference
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Redefining Menopause: Dr. Haver's Insights at Dr. Vonda Wright's Conference
Menopause Demystified: Live Q&A with Dr. Mary Claire Haver
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Menopause Demystified: Live Q&A with Dr. Mary Claire Haver
Embracing Your New Menopause Personality: Protein, Fiber & Sexual Health
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Embracing Your New Menopause Personality: Protein, Fiber & Sexual Health
Strong Over Skinny In Menopause #menopausedoctor #menopause
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Strong Over Skinny In Menopause #menopausedoctor #menopause
My First YouTube Stream
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
My First YouTube Stream
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD Live Stream
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD Live Stream
Perimenopause & Menopause Symptoms + Solutions | Dr. Haver's 'The New Menopause'
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Perimenopause & Menopause Symptoms + Solutions | Dr. Haver's 'The New Menopause'
What if doctors told men what they tell women in midlife?
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
What if doctors told men what they tell women in midlife?
Top podcasts  of 2024!  Links to podcasts in description.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Top podcasts of 2024! Links to podcasts in description.
Vitamin D and menopause.  Articles in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Vitamin D and menopause. Articles in description
Number 2 in 2024! Dr  Haver and Mel Robbins podcast. Podcast link in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Number 2 in 2024! Dr Haver and Mel Robbins podcast. Podcast link in description
Sex specific changes in sleep quality as we age. Research article in description.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Sex specific changes in sleep quality as we age. Research article in description.
Why Can Insurance Deny Necessary Prescriptions?
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Why Can Insurance Deny Necessary Prescriptions?
Working Out to Prevent Osteoporosis, But the Music Takes Over and Becomes the Real Focus
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Working Out to Prevent Osteoporosis, But the Music Takes Over and Becomes the Real Focus
Reversing osteopenia with a weighted vest, it can happen.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Reversing osteopenia with a weighted vest, it can happen.
Heart health can decline in women after menopause.  Research link in description
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Heart health can decline in women after menopause. Research link in description
The different ways you can use a weighted vest for your health.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
The different ways you can use a weighted vest for your health.
You deserve to feel better than this!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
You deserve to feel better than this!
Welcome to the ‘Pause Life
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Welcome to the ‘Pause Life
Welcome to the ‘Pause Life!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD
Welcome to the ‘Pause Life!