COLLEGE DORM HAUL | freshman year!
This video is a dorm haul for a college freshman. The video features a wide variety of items, including bedding, toiletries, storage solutions, and decor. The creator shares their excitement for college and their plans to document their journey through vlogs.
ULTIMATE COLLEGE DORM HAUL: everything you need for freshman year | 2023 | Enajadeyonce
This video is a dorm room haul for college freshman. The creator shows off all the items they purchased, including dishes, decor, hygiene products, school supplies, and bedding. They explain their thought process behind each purchase and provide tips for other students moving into dorms.
college freshman dorm haul 2024 | pt. 1
A college freshman shares their dorm haul, showcasing items like bedding, decor, and school supplies. They discuss their excitement for starting college and their plans for decorating their room. The video also includes a sneak peek at some of their favorite items, like a charging pad with a built-in speaker and light.
This video is a dorm haul for a college student who is moving into an apartment-style dorm. They show off their purchases for their room, including bedding, decor, and organizational items. They also show off their kitchen essentials, including dishes, bowls, and storage containers.
FRESHMAN DORM HAUL 2024! everything i've bought for college @ VCU!
This video is a haul of items a student bought for their dorm room at VCU. The student shows off a wide variety of items, from hygiene products and medicine to cleaning supplies and decor. They also share tips for organizing and maximizing space in a small dorm room.
college dorm haul 2023 | the university of alabama
This video is a college dorm haul for a student moving into the University of Alabama. The student shares their purchases, including decor, furniture, and bedding, and explains their excitement for starting college and participating in sorority recruitment. The video provides a glimpse into the student's personal style and preferences for their dorm room.
2024 college dorm haul and unboxing *freshman year*
This video features a college student preparing for their freshman year by showcasing their dorm haul and unboxing various items. The student shares their chosen dorm theme, "Coastal Cowgirl," and reveals a wide range of purchases, including bedding, appliances, storage solutions, decor, and personal care items.
COLLEGE DORM HAUL *freshman year*
This video follows a college freshman as they unpack and show off all the items they're bringing to their dorm. The video features a variety of items, from furniture and storage solutions to kitchenware, bathroom essentials, and decor. The student shares their thought process behind each purchase and provides a glimpse into their dorm life.
College Dorm Haul 2023 || decor, essentials, & more!
This video is a dorm room haul for someone going to college. The video features a variety of items, including furniture, decor, and essentials. The person shows off their purchases and explains why they chose them, giving viewers a glimpse into their dorm room style and organization.