Yaesu FT-710 as a Portable - Beast or Brick?
The video explores the Yaesu FT-710 as a portable radio. The presenter discusses the radio's features, including its built-in tuner, color display, and SDR receiver. They also address the radio's high current draw and how the decreasing price of lithium-ion phosphate batteries makes it more feasible for portable use.
Yaesu FT-710 Beginners Guide - 2024 Amazing Value !
Yaesu FT-710 BEST Receive settings.
The video demonstrates how to optimize the receive settings on the Yaesu FT-710. The presenter compares the audio quality with and without the DNR feature, highlighting the clarity and noise reduction achieved with the DNR setting. They emphasize the ease of adjusting the settings and the significant improvement in audio quality.
YAESU FT-710 ( Fantastic Radio ) with 991A
The video showcases the Yaesu FT-710 radio, comparing it to the 991A. The presenter highlights the FT-710's features, including its compact size, user-friendly interface, and impressive audio quality. They also demonstrate the radio's various functions, such as the scope, DNR, and memory channels.
YAESU FT-710 10 Meter 29mhz FM Repeater UK GB3CQ
This video demonstrates how to set up a 10-meter repeater on a Yaesu FT-710 radio. The video covers setting the frequency, adding the shift, and configuring the tone squelch. The presenter also shows how to adjust the squelch settings and tune the radio for optimal performance.
YAESU FT-710 in the park: the WOW! radio!
The video follows a ham radio operator as they test the Yaesu FT-710 transceiver in a park during winter. The operator explores the transceiver's features, including its quiet receiver, filter options, and internal tuner, while making contacts on various bands. They also discuss the challenges of operating in cold weather and the benefits of using a paper log.
Icom Ic 7300 Vs Yaesu Ft 710: Which Radio Has Better Noise Reduction?
This video compares the noise reduction capabilities of the Icom IC-7300 and Yaesu FT-710 radios. The presenter tests both radios with the noise reduction level set to 7, and then compares the audio quality with and without noise reduction enabled. The video concludes with a subjective comparison of the two radios, leaving the viewer to decide which one they prefer.
Is the Yaesu FT-710 Really a Field Radio?
The video compares the Yaesu FT-710 to the Zigu G90, exploring whether the FT-710 is truly a field radio. The presenter discusses the size, weight, and features of both radios, highlighting the FT-710's impressive audio quality and built-in tuner. The video concludes with the presenter's personal decision about the FT-710's suitability for field use.
Yaesu FT-710 Introduction
This video provides a quick introduction to the Yaesu FT-710 radio. The presenter demonstrates how to turn on the radio, select bands and frequencies, adjust power levels, and use various features like the quick memory bank and DSP settings. The video is a good starting point for anyone new to the FT-710.
MY THOUGHTS ON FT710 YAESU AFTER 1 MONTH...November 30, 2023
The video reviews the Yaesu FT-710 after a month of use. The reviewer discusses both positive and negative aspects of the radio, including its audio quality, tuner, and display. They also express frustration with the price of ham radios in general.
Yaesu FT-710 BEST SSB MIC Settings and some thoughts about this transceiver.
This video explores the best SSB microphone settings for the Yaesu FT-710 transceiver. The presenter shares their findings on how to achieve the lowest third-order intermodulation distortion, demonstrating the settings on an oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer. They also discuss the radio's DNR feature and how it can help identify distorted transmissions.
YAESU FT-710 External Display Fun
The video shows a person using an external display with a YAESU FT-710 radio. They demonstrate how to use the display to navigate the radio's menus and functions. The video also provides a glimpse into the person's home setup and their passion for amateur radio.