Enjoy a showing of Dolphin Adventures at SeaWorld San Diego, with lots of opportunities for 10 dolphins and 2 pilot whales to shine! I also saw my favorite dolphin behavior, Malibu's spin porps at 16:22, which they don't do every show! See below for highlights:
0:24 Introduction with pilot whales Ava and Piper and dolphins Malibu, Sarasota, Lanikai, and Zana, starting with Piper's bows
1:45 Sarasota's stage slide followed by Lanikai's marlin
2:50 Sarasota's position forward tailwalk
7:10 Volunteer segment with Zana
7:30 Volunteer giving Zana a back rub
8:18 Zana splashes the volunteer
10:06 Playtime with pilot whales Ava and Piper, starting with Ava's center hula
12:12 Ava and Piper slideout on stage!
12:45 Ava and Piper kickers!
15:32 Finale with dolphins Karli, Sofi, Zana, Bullet, Malibu, Sarasota, Lanikai, Koa, Melanie, and Cocoa plus pilot whales Ava and Piper at the end, starting with a dolphin group scream bow
16:22 Malibu's spin porps, one of my favorite dolphin behaviors
17:42 Parade group bows from two groups of 4 dolphins (thumbnail)
18:18 Group bows from Ava and Piper
Ava and Piper(Short-finned Pilot Whales), Karli, Sofi, Zana, Malibu, Sarasota, Lanikai, Koa, Melanie, and Cocoa (Atlantic/Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins) and Bullet (Bottlenose/Common Dolphin) at SeaWorld San Diego on January 3, 2024.
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