0いいね 12回再生

Advocating for Lower Speed

A talk by Jemima Hartshorn (Mums for Lungs www.mumsforlungs.org/)
Senator Brad Hoylman (www.nysenate.gov/senators/brad-hoylman )
Jane Martin-Lavaud (Families for Safe Streets familiesforsafestreets.org/ )
and Jason Norton (Verra Mobility)
Transportation Alternatives, Mums for Lungs, New York State & Verra Mobility www.verramobility.com/ )
Moderated by Marco Conner DiAquoi (Transportation Alternatives)

Lowering speed limits is a fundamental step towards achieving Vision Zero. Yet, until recently, city officials were often reluctant to take action on this issue. Hear from advocates leading the charge -- with success -- on lowering speed limits to 20mph, 15mph, even 5mph, a speed safety camera program that saw an increase in support after implementation, and how Families for Safe Streets chapters across the country have won the hearts and minds of officials to take action on this issue.