Here are some Bodyweight exercises to hack that bicep that no one im your regular gym will tell you about💪😉
💪1. Bodyweight Bicep Curls: these are killer for the burn on bicep, using towel, rings, or anything hang it overhead and go for it (remember its only the forearm moving)
💪 2. Reverse Bicep Curl: execellent for your progress towards backlever and targeting muscle that you never know existed
💪 3. Reverse Grip Push Up: it targets biceps, triceps and chest, all of it and the grip makes it even more challenging
• Adjust the inclination according to your level, try theze and tag me @ssrushti and
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[ Grip It, Calisthenics Girls India, Street Workout India, Strength, Bodyweight Workout, Workout From Home, Bicep Curls, Reverse Bicep Curl, Ring Bicep Curl, Reverse Push