Dr. Sushrutha S, Assistant Professor, International Centre for Spiritual Studies, Amrita University, Ettimadai, Coimbatore
Upon finishing his basic education, He enrolled in the Gurukula system of education in the 5th grade. He spent a total of 12 years in this system, receiving guidance and blessings from Prof Ramachandra G Bhat, Prof Bharati Ramanacharya, and other devoted Acharyas. he obtained a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Master of Science (M.Sc.), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Yoga from the esteemed S-VYASA Yoga University in Bangalore. During his studies, He diligently and critically examined the life skills acquired from the Gurukula system.
His current and ongoing goal is to incorporate Sanatana Dharma-based cultural practices and values into many contexts and situations, utilising the assistance of popular scientific developments. He deeply appreciate and hold in high regard the innovative, pertinent, and universally commendable concepts that contribute to a harmonious and mutually advantageous world.
In this talk he explained about his thoughts on Major Takeaways of Gurukula System of Education
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