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printed cotton sarees collection|low price cotton saree|#mahesstore#chettinaducottonsarees#shorts


🔥Whatsapp number:9789464941,

(Or)wa.me/message/273G33SN7ZY7A1 by

3 .WhatsApp group-chat.whatsapp.com/LhEOL3UOrBN0ZbSpS4W004

▶️YouTube-   / @mahesstore  

💝SILK sarees-   • SILK sarees  

🎉Cotton sarees-   • Chettinadu Cotton sarees  

   • Nighties  

Welcome to all;

💞We are manufacturing in chettinadu cotton sarees and also wholesaling in other sarees ,women's clothes.....

💝We are selling chettinadu cotton sarees, cotton sarees,silk sarees,nights and women's clothing in manufacturing price

💕Which sarees you need screen shot and sent WhatsApp number 9789464941

🎊Confirmed your order courier in today or tomorrow


💯sarees photo , address and paid screen shot sent to WhatsApp number

💤 Cash on delivery available minimum 2000₹order

