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EcoResponsive Environments. A Framework for Settlement Design

00:00:00 - Introduction by Jane Manning
00:03:26 - Introduction by the authors Soham De, Prachi Rampuria and Sue McGlynn.
00:05:20 - New ways of thinking, Soham De
00:16:16 - Coupling with natural infrastructure
00:19:59 - Linking in public space
00:21:30 - Generating the plot system
00:23:53 - Integrating building
00:26:45 - Tuning for atmosphere
00:29:09 - New ways of practising
00:31:20 - Discussion featuring the authors with questions from an audience.

'EcoResponsive Environments addresses the overarching crisis of the Anthropocene age, by developing a design approach that is responsive to fundamental human needs whilst preserving the planet’s natural ecosystems''. © the authors.

Jane Manning is a Director at Allies and Morrison (architects and urbanists).
Soham De is a Director at the architecture and urban design practice EcoResponsive Environments.
Prachi Rampuria is a Director at the architecture and urban design practice EcoResponsive Environments.
Sue McGlynn is an architect and urban designer and Director at Sue McGlynn Urban Design Ltd.
She is joint author of the original book Responsive Environments and recipient of an Urban Design Group Lifetime Achievement Award.