▶すぐわかる!世界ゆるミュージック協会紹介動画 • Sony - FUTURE PROOF:誰もが楽しめる音楽の未来とは? |...
World Yuru Music Association's First Global Expansion!
▶You'll see it right away! World Yuru Music Association Introduction Video
• Sony - FUTURE PROOF:誰もが楽しめる音楽の未来とは? |...
This is a digest video of "Yuru Musical Instruments Ideathon & Hackathon" held in Bengaluru, India on March 11 (Sat.) - 12 (Sun.), 2023. (This is the long version)
▶ゆる楽器ハッカソンin大阪 • ゆる楽器ハッカソン2022 IN 大阪ダイジェスト
"Yuru Musical Instruments Hackathon" was held in Tokyo in 2021 and in Osaka in 2022, and many Yuru Musical Instruments have been developed. The "Harmony Flag," which won the first prize at the Tokyo event, has been improved day by day and is now active as a Yuru Musical Instrument at events and booths.
The "Yuru Musical Instrument Ideathon & Hackathon" was held for the first time outside of Japan in Bengaluru, India, for two days from March 11 (Sat.) to 12 (Sun.), 2023. The Hackathon received over 50 applications from all over India, and 11 teams participated after passing a rigorous screening process.
The 11 teams that passed the rigorous screening process participated in this year's Hackathon. Hopefully we can make it an annual event, growing in size and energy with each passing year. Yuru is where creativity and innovation meet. We hope that innovative Yuru instruments will be born here in India."
The next overseas hackathon is already in the planning stages, so stay tuned for the world of "Yuru Music" and "Yuru Musical Instruments" to spread around the globe!
▶ Yuru Musical Instrument Hackathon in Osaka • ゆる楽器ハッカソン2022 IN 大阪ダイジェスト
▶World Yuru Music Association