1651いいね 284667回再生

【Props ID 1617 0436 8544 33】Let's play with Japanese athletics! "Japanese Only up"

0:00 Opening
0:15 Japanese Only up starts!
0:48 enter the ruins
0:63 Yuta is playing the guitar in the ruins
1:03 Mio is looking at Yuta strangely.
1:17 Japanese shrines
1:46 Yuta is playing the guitar again
2:06 quiz! Which way should I go?
2:29 nice hallway
2:38 Yuta is singing again and again
2:50 Mio is humming
2:54 It's a wonderful view
2:59 A spectacular view overlooking Sakura Town
3:32 someone is playing the guitar in a high tower
3:52 Mio is walking at an incredibly high place! !
4:28 A near-miss spot where you carefully jump on top of a large tube!
4:50 Goal!!
5:31 Mio swings luxuriously in the sky!
5:48 Tutorial, how to install "Japanese Only up"
6:07 "Japanese Only up" appearance
6:35 The correct way to play and what not to do
7:08 Tips to reach the goal quickly
7:58 Mio pierces the ceiling
8:08 Mio

Props ID 1617 0436 8544 33
Game Sakura School Simulator (GARUSOFT)
Google Play
App Store
Developper X (Twitter)
※GARUSOFT allows us to upload parts of contents of Sakura School Simulator. That’s why I can upload videos. Thank you GARUSOFT!

1:19 the sound of a bell createed by Pocket sound
** 3:32 "Michelle" The Beatles
*** 5:31 swing sound created by Pocket sound

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