Escape from the hustle and bustle, wandering in the grassy wave of Kusasenri 🍃 Immerse in the origin of the Land of Fire, Mount Aso, and witness one of the world’s largest calderas🌋 Meanwhile, you will find yourself amid a fairyland while galloping on a horseback🐎
Starting from Sep. 1, arrive at your paradise of mind with 5 weekly flights from STARLUX✈️ (Daily flight starting Oct. 29)
9/1起 #星宇航空 每週五班直飛熊本(10/29起每日直飛)
前往心中那片翠綠草原✈️ 忘卻城市喧囂,徜徉草千里享受草浪吹拂🍃置身於火之國起源地 #阿蘇火山,目睹全世界最大破火山口地形之震撼🌋 躍上馬背,馳騁一望無際的世外桃源☁️
#STARLUX #TPEKMJ #Kumamoto #Aso #Volcano #LuxuryBeyondHorizons #熊本 #星宇航空
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