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ASVAB/PiCAT Arithmetic Reasoning Practice Test Q: Percent Increase #acetheasvab with #grammarhero

#asvabexam #asvabtest #asvabmath #asvabmathknowledge #asvabmathprep #asvabtutoring #asvabmathhelp #arithmeticreasoning ​​​​​In this video, Grammar Hero works out a practice test question that requires you to use easy numbers to solve a word problem that involves a percent increase. This question should closely mirror what you should expect to see in the Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) subtest of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) as well as the Pre-screening internet-delivered Computer Adaptive Test (PiCAT).

​​​​​#grammarhero ​​#ASVAB​​​​​ #AceTheASVAB #ASVABVersion #PiCAT #algebra #geometry #asvabexam #asvabtest #asvabmath #asvabmathknowledge #asvabmathprep #asvabtutoring #asvabmathhelp #arithmeticreasoning #asvabexam #asvabtest #asvabmath #asvabmathknowledge #asvabmathprep #asvabtutoring #asvabmathhelp #arithmeticreasoning