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Juventino Rosas - Sobre Las Olas (Over The Waves)

Juventino Rosas - Sobre Las Olas (Over The Waves) Mejores Valses Música Clásica
Mejores Vals Mexicanos para bodas. Uno de los más famosos y hermosos del mundo
José Juventino Policarpo Rosas Cadenas (1868–1894) BEST Mexican Waltzs
The waltz "Sobre las olas" ("Over the Waves") is the best-known work of Mexican composer Juventino Rosas (1868–1894). It "remains one of the most famous Latin American pieces worldwide", according to the "Latin America" article in The Oxford Companion to Music.

It was first published by Rosas in 1888. It remains popular as a classic waltz, and has also found its way into New Orleans Jazz and Tejano music.
Mexican Classical music - Música clásica mexicana
Website: www.60s70s80smusic.com/

#JuventinoRosas #SobreLasOlas #Valses #Waltz