Telomeres are located at the end of each cell's chromosomes and are known as the coupon for life. As we age, telomeres become shorter, and their condition is related to various diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis.
It is now being reported that the corona spike protein may be shortening telomeres. It has been reported that corona spike proteins may be shortening telomeres. The following is an explanation based on an overseas paper.
Sars-Cov2 Spike and Telomerase RNA's Compared to Arrive at an Explanation for Increased Ageing in Alveolar Cells in Severe COVID-19
www.longdom.org/open-access/sarscov2-spike-and-tel… ageing-in-alveolar-cells-in-severe-covi-68646.html
Haruhiko Inufusa
Antioxidant Research Laboratory, Louis Pasteur Medical Research Center
(Biography) Born in Okayama Prefecture in 1957.
After graduating from Kinki University School of Medicine, he completed the Graduate School of Surgery, Kinki University School of Medicine (Doctor of Medicine, Kinki University).
D. (Medicine) from Kinki University, and subsequently served as Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kinki University School of Medicine, Visiting Professor at the European Institute of Telesurgery, University of Strasbourg, and Visiting Professor at the Department of Surgery, University of Barcelona, Spain.