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This Is My Time | Exploring Mam Tor With Rehna Yaseen

Over the last month, we've been joined up with Keen to highlight the stories of three inspirational outdoorsmen and women, focussing on their journeys to discovering the joys of time outdoors and the transformative effect that it has had on their lives.

In this episode, we travelled to the Peak District, where we spent a day climbing Mam Tor with Rehna Yaseen, an outdoor instructor and youth support worker who has devoted her life to creating pathways for young people from urban areas to experience outdoor adventures.

Discover Part 1 where we explore the climbing routes of Stanage Edge in the Peak District with Jessie Leong:    • This Is My Time | Exploring The Climb...  
Discover Part 2 where we wandered the green fringe of London with Dwayne Fields, touring the places that offered him an escape from the stresses of inner city life:    • This Is My Time | Exploring The Green...  

View Keen's new range of shoes for fast hiking here: www.keenfootwear.com/en-gb/nxis-collection/?utm_so…