15いいね 129回再生

☹️Messages from your divine counterpart😔their feelings💕hindi/english tarot ❤️timeless reading ✨💜🙏💗🕊️

Hello everyone🤗

This is a general and collective reading..

This reading is for all signs.. it may or may not resonate with everyone.. so please keep an open mind and take the messages that suits you and leave the rest..

Thankyou so much for supporting me, liking my videos and subscribing my channel..god bless you all🕊️💜

You can follow me on instagram as well so that you don't miss any important message✨

My instagram- instagram.com/tarot_connect_11.11?utm_medium=copy_…

#divinemasculine #divinefeminine #theircurrentfeelings #theirenergy #tarotconnect11:11 #divinecounterparts #love

#nocontactreading #theircurrentfeelingsforyou #currentfeelingsofyourperson #reconciliation #currentenergy #energyuodate #willtheyunblockyou #love #relationship #marriage #seperation #twinflames #soulmates #currentthinking #currentfeelings #hindireading #theirenergy #hindipickacard #hinditarot #hinditarotreading #theirnextmove #whatstheirnextmove #howdotheyfeel #dotheyloveme #timing #astrology #numerology #whatdotheywant #union #seperation #lovepickacard #lawofattraction #lawofmanifestation #dotheymiss #soulmate #twinflame #ancestors #messages #wheeloffortune #tarotreading #saibaba #angelicblessings #guidance #trust #collectivetarot #universe #allsigns #collective #angels #nextfewdays #futurespouse #desiredpartner #currentthoughts #lovemessages #love #career #next48hours #channelledmessages #theirenergy #finance #lovelife #oracletarotcards #relationship #karmic #THEMYSTERIOUSTAROT #theirthinking #1111 #2222 #777 #111 #pickacard #hindilovereading #hindi #future #present #past #india #feelings #222tarot #777tarot #surabhi #purba #msingh #wheeloffortune222 #1111tarot #allsignsreading #divineconnection #abundance #success #growth


#AngelAnswers #youvsthem #yourperson #lovers #world #souljourney #aries #leo #saggitarius #cancer #sporpio #pisces #gemini #libra #aquarius #taurus #virgo #capricorn #666 #888 #222 #loveoracle #uk #USA #Europe #healer #tarot #yourpartner #theirdesires #willtheyconnectyou #twinflamestarotreading #soulamtelovereading #loveconnection #truelove #love #2022february #2022 #thirdparty #youvsthirdparty #thedivinetarot #actions #theirnextaction #wohwapaskabaaynge #unkemannmaikyachalrhahai #wohaapsekabbaatkrenge #nextactions #angelnumbers #reunion #hope #chakras #mantras #healings #divine #relationshipreading #allsignslovereading #futureprediction #whowillyoumarry #222tarot #soultarot #mysticism #soultarot #youtube #youtubecontent #longdistancerelationship #horoscope #affirmations #contact #call #text #manifestation #miracle