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20130701 超级访问 演员任重Ren Chong姚笛YaoDi奋斗的青春 相识趣事曝光 HD高清完整版

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本期节目主要内容: 随着电视剧《新恋爱时代》的热播,剧中男女主演姚笛、任重似乎也走进了"恋爱时代"。作为"桃花门"的两位主角,姚笛、任重做客《超级访问》,大方坦承两人之间的关系,并通过《超级访问》两人"重走青春路",自揭为了追梦曾睡下地下室,被偷、被骗的 "悲惨"生活内幕,大方畅谈这些年的成长与脱变。 (《超级访问-山东》
20130701 任重 姚笛 奋斗的青春)
In this program, the main content: With the TV series "Love the new era," the hit, the play starring Yao flute men and women, arduous tasks seems to have entered the "love era." As a "peach door" two protagonists, Yao flute, arduous tasks guest "super access" generous admits relationship between the two, and through the "super access" They "re-take youth road", from exposing to Dream was asleep basement, stolen, cheated "Les Miserables" Life insider, generous talk about all these years of growth and de change. ("Super access - Shandong" 20130701 REN Zhong Yao flute struggling youth)