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Dostoevsky’s Warning to Great Thinkers | Crime and Punishment

Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment is one of the most famous novels of all time. It follows the story of Raskolnikov, an ex-student from Petersburg who resolves to kill an old pawnbroker. He says that she adds nothing to the world and will not be missed. But after the murder his conscience eats away at his very soul, until he is forced to confess.

Join me in this philosophical analysis of one of the greatest novels of all time.

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00:00 "You have betrayed and destroyed yourself for nothing..."
00:51 Crime and Punishment: a brief recap
04:44 The Danger of Philosophy
10:41 Fear, Shame, and Guilt
16:28 Nihilism, Hedonism, and Despair
23:49 The Value of Suffering
30:28 The Danger of Superiority
36:02 Love and Forgiveness
42:11 Why read Crime and Punishment

Film background footage from Videvo.com

Sources where I reference a modern author by name but do not specify the work:

John Jones (1983) Dostoevsky
Frank Seeley (1978) "The two faces of Svidrigailov"

All other references should be clear from what I say in the video, but let me know if any are not and I will add them here.