A roughly ten-mile walk from Wootton Bridge, round Hurst Copse, Havenstreet and back through Firestone Copse.
This walk is taken from Martin Simon's Book Walke the Isle of Wight.
Link here: amzn.to/35FM21Z
Here are some of my favourite Youtube Channels:
Van Neistat - youtube.com/user/VanNeistat
Geowizard - (esp the missions) - youtube.com/c/GeoWizard
Kraig Adams - youtube.com/c/KraigAdams
Amib - youtube.com/user/amib
Adventure Denali - / @adventuredenali
System Skynet - youtube.com/c/systemSkynet
Jag Betty - youtube.com/user/JagBetty
Peter Draws - youtube.com/c/PeterDraws1
Lisa Kinahan - / @lisakinahan6105
Walks with Olly - youtube.com/c/OllyOutdoors
Occulturia Albion - / @paranormalscrutineer
The Shrouded Hand - / @shroudedhand
If you enjoyed this video, and want to help me make more, it would be really great if you joined the Cool Dudes Walking Club. You can join on Youtube Channel’s main page and click join to pay a monthly amount via youtube.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me.
The website for the club is www.cooldudeswalkingclub.com which has lists of walks and information about what gear I use, as well as merch and other stuff.
Twitter - @dudeswalking, @mareklarwood
Instagram - @cooldudeswalkingclub
This was shot on a GoPro Hero Black 10 - amzn.to/3hBnvNX
Music mostly Youtube Audio Library
Looping Ascent - Joel Cummins
In Memory of Jean Talon - The Mini Vandals
Marek playing Michael Row the Boat Ashore