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Take You At Your Word|Worship Cover|The Hope

【Take You At Your Word】
作曲/作詞 Cody Carnes, Benjamin Hastings, Aodhan King

歌詞 Lyrics:
Your word is a lamp unto my feet
Your way is the only way for me
It’s a narrow road that leads to life
But I want to be on it

It’s a narrow road but the mercy’s wide
‘Cause You’re good on Your promise

I’ll take You at Your word
If You said it I’ll believe it
I’ve seen how good it works
If You start it You’ll complete it
I’ll take You at Your word

You spoke and the chaos fell in line
Well I know ‘cause I’ve seen it in my life
It’s a narrow road that leads to life, but I want to be on it
It’s a narrow road, the tide is high ‘cause You parted the water

You’re good on Your promise
You’re good on Your promise

You said Your love will never give up
You said Your grace is always enough
You said Your heart would never forget or forsake me

You said I’m saved, You call me Yours
You said my future’s full of Your hope
You’ve never failed so I know that You’ll never fail me

© 2022 SHOUT MP Brio (BMI) (adm. in the US and Canada at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) / Writers Roof Publishing (BMI) Capitol CMG Paragon (BMI) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com)
CCLI : 7206632

#TakeYouAtYourWord #TheHopeWorship #WorshipCover

【The Hope】
The Hope 是一個對神、對人、以及生命充滿熱忱的教會。我們的存在是在為了要接觸人群,帶領人群與耶穌有更深的關係。

☆ The Hope 特會 2025 《Start ANEW》

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