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哥们儿,好久不见了,你今天很帅气,but do you 懂 比特币?

哥们儿up to this point 我的视频一直在教你如何变帅,变自信,聊辣妹,但是很多哥们儿评论了说这些都不重要的, 重要的是 money money money!

男人确实有责任学会钱,so it’s time for me to tell you the truth about money.

我原来想做一期比特币的视频,因为最近有越来越多的有名的西方金融老大, 投资高手,开始买比特币了。

But whenever I mention 比特币 to 中国哥们儿,他们的回答一般是,“这是一个骗局,骗人的,傻子才会买”。

And the reason most 哥们儿,包括我很多外国哥们儿也是,the reason they don’t understand bitcoin is because, 大部分的男人根本不懂钱,我敢说95%的人都不懂。


首先我要强调,this is not financial advice, I am not a financial adviser,别告我。

1) 钱的来源

很早以前money did not exist。当时我们只能做barter, 比如说在我的祖辈之前想买你家的丝绸。所以咱们在丝绸之路碰到了,

And we just did a trade without using money.

但问题来了。你不想要我的英式茶咋办?如果我只有英式茶,我们就没法交换了。So we need money.
Money must be
1) A Medium of exchange &
2) A Store of value

And that’s why we started using 金币 and 银币。

你有没有想过,为什么 “金融” 前面有 金? 为什么“钱” 的全名叫 “金钱”?
为什么“银行“ 前面有 “银”?

因为金和银就是钱! Throughout all recorded history, gold & silver have always been used as money.

外国有一句说法,1 ounce of gold has always been able to buy a good suit, 一刻金币一直可以买到一个好的西装, 不管什么时代,金的购买力一直能买到一套好的西装.

这是因为金很稳,gold preserves value over times. 它不会贬值。
Why? 因为gold is scarce. 金很奇缺,很难挖起来,我们每年挖不了多少金,所以金很特别,很缺乏, 不太会贬值,很稳,很适合用来做交换,买卖。

2)The Gold Standard

以前我们发现,金有一些问题,金这么重,这么大,很不方便给别人,所以我们就发明了 The Gold Standard,金本位。



那么以前中国用了 the silver standard, 所以中国银行叫 “银行”, because money was 银,银钱。

但是国外,英国美国等等,用了the gold standard. 我这个视频主要是讲西方的money history.

So 在国外,原来金是钱。金钱。
After world war two, in 1945, 很多国家都很穷,特别是我们英国,穷死了.但是美国很有钱,the US had around two thirds of all the worlds gold supply.

所以当时大家都同意了,everybody agreed to link their currency to the US dollar, and the dollar was backed by gold. So all currencies were effectively linked to gold. This was called the Bretton Woods system.

But then naughty 美国 started to 偷偷的放大水,美国开始给人民很多福利,and they funded a war in Vietnam. 我们欧洲国家就开始严重怀疑,开始想,“美国你这么钱从哪来的? 你是不是在印钱?


And indeed 美国被发现了,they didn’t have enough gold to back all their 美元 so in1971 they had to 放弃 the gold standard.

3) Dollar Standard

So now we live in a dollar standard where the dollar is the global reserve currency (over 70% of all global trade & settlement is done in the US dollar).

美国放弃了the gold standard之后。每个国家都started 印ing钱

所以最近这50年,美国,英国等等都在不断的印钞票,印美元,印英镑, 都不是被金子支持的, 所以我们天天在印印印


So now 钱本身就是一种信任,我们人民相信它有价值,它就有价值。
But 哥们儿,我给你说实话,我越来越觉得,钞票这个东西,没啥价值。


Historically, when you increase the money supply and make lots of new money, the value of all the existing money goes down.

经济学家都懂这一点,供给需求, supply & demand, the higher the supply of 钞票,the less it’s worth.


4. Zimbabwe 通货膨胀

They printed so much money, they created crazy inflation, known as hyper-inflation 就是通货膨胀,这是一个经济学家的单词,有一点复杂,意思就是钱在贬值。

So in Zimbabwe, their money became almost worthless. 我这有一个10 billion Zimbabwe元。当时这个价值1美元不到。7块人民币都不到!

那么目前别的国家没有这么严重。但长期来看的话,in the last 100 years, 美元和英镑 have lost 97% of their value. 就是美元和英镑的购买力跌了大概97%!

那么有钱人知道钱在贬值,所以投资家有一句话 “cash is trash” ,有钱人必须做投资,买房,买资产,不然他们会慢慢变穷。


So to recap,
1) Gold was money
2) then we used 钞票 backed by gold
3) 1971年的时候,美国突然放弃了the gold standard , and now we just use 钞票

And the big problem we have with money, in my opinion, is 贬值 。Our 货币 is a poor store of value because we always 印印印,so it keeps 贬值ing.

So the world needs a new type of money, a money that doesn’t 贬值, a money that 增值s, a money that 没有人能控制,a money that no-one can 印.....

Well 哥们,I think I just may have found it, and it’s name is….…

Otherwise known as 比特币.

Yes哥们儿,比特币很也许是咱们人类未来的钱。I think it could well become our future money.

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