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Sunday Stock Talk

Join Robinhood with my link and we'll both pick our own free stock 🤝 join.robinhood.com/davidn474 Join Robinhood with my link and we'll both pick our own free stock 🤝 join.robinhood.com/davidn474 Join Robinhood with my link and we'll both pick our own free stock 🤝 join.robinhood.com/davidn474 #Watchlist #CNBC #Stocks #Finance
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Some of my Favorite trading books
Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques, Second Edition 2nd Edition amzn.to/2EQUkGr

Technical Analysis Using Multiple Timeframes

Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns

One Good Trade: Inside the Highly Competitive World of Proprietary Trading amzn.to/2COprzz

The Play Book: An Inside Look at How to Think Like a Professional Trader amzn.to/2JsxDac

A Complete Guide To Volume Price Analysis

Feel free to ask questions and dive into my channel its jammed packed with a lot of great information that's helped me along the way.

I am not a financial adviser this is for entertainment and education purposes only. This video or any of my videos are not financial advice.
These are my opinions only do not take anything I say in my videos as advice. Trading is risky and you could lose everything if you don't manage your ri