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Linkedin Ad Objectives Explained - What are Linkedin Ad Objectives?

Today, we're going to cover linkedin ad objectives. Just so to show you this, I'm actually going to create a new campaign. I'm going to see that it asks you what campaign group you want to place that in and if you remember it goes campaign group and then you have campaigns that live inside the group and then all of your ads live inside a campaign, just you know, we'll click next.

And the very first choice that you are tasked with making is what is the objective. So the three phases are awareness consideration and conversion. So to explain this awareness, everyone talks about the b2b marketing funnel and you know, sometimes they'll have three layers or four layers, but everyone pretty much agrees on a couple of things.

There's people out there who have never heard of, you never seen you, they have no clue you exist. So the very first step is usually just getting on the radar, they call this the awareness stage. So this would be the type of campaign if you're trying to run the cold and your only objective here isn't to push them to a landing page and and get conversions.

Although you know, that would be nice if it happened really, you just want to get on their radar, get your name in front of them and start getting some brand exposure. This is step one. So that would be awareness. So if you do click awareness then usually, you know the options that you would have, I guess you still have pretty much the full range of options.

But the way that the campaign would be geared towards or what it would try to optimize towards is I want more people to learn about my business and it does do a good job of telling you what those things are for. So the next one would be consideration. So let's say you do a good job of letting a brand know that you exist and what you do.

For example, we run a linkedin ads agency. So the very first step is targeted people who we believe would be a great fit to work with our brand and for us to work with theirs, let them know we exist what we do. So after we, you know, get on their radar, they've checked out our website.

The next phases, you know, no b2b buying decision ever just happens impulsively. They're not just going to visit your website once or see one of your ads and just start throwing money at you. They have other options. Even if you've convinced them that they have a need and that you're one of the people that could possibly offer a solution.

They have other options. They don't know you, they don't trust you yet. So the next part of the phase or the next phase of the funnel is consideration. How can we, let's see how they describe it. I want more people to visit the website destination on site or on or off linkedin.

So I would explain this a little differently, I guess this is the object objective of awareness I guess isn't even for clicks, it's more for impressions and video views, they just want to soak up, get on the radar even just on linkedin. Whereas consideration, they're considering this, I want them to at least take some kind of action visit my website and get to know us a little more so fair enough.

And then in that like conversion would be I want them to actually go to my website again. Probably because this wouldn't be typically the first visit if you're looking at conversions and I want them to take a stronger action actually leave their information, their email or book a call with us.

So that would be the three phases of the funnel. Get on the radar. Just initially consideration is have them get to know you and the conversion is take that stronger course of action. And I would say it a little differently to in this consideration, I want them, I want to build trust and credibility with them. So yes, website visits as a part of that engagement with our brand.

Our ads are content and viewing of the videos especially don't just think of these as ads, think of the videos as case studies or testimonials or getting to know the founder and expert video, just examples or show us showing our expertise. If they're highly engaged with that content, then they're they're getting to know us as a brand more and they're viewing us more and more as the experts in our space.

So they're considering us more of a top option for that need, if and when they actually need to hire someone for that solution. And then yes, conversions is if, if we've done a good job, we've gotten on the radar, we've told them that we are, the probably best option.

The next thing is a lot of times they just need an extra nudge to take that final piece of action. You know, hey, fill out this legion form or book a call with our team and remove any friction there. So those are the three main areas for objectives.