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Meal Planning for Beginners | 6 Easy Steps | Hints and Tips

Meal Planning for Beginners | 6 Easy Steps | Meal Planning Hints and Tips

I’ll be honest. I’ve fallen off the bandwagon recently, with regular meal planning. The move overseas has thrown all of our routines up in the air – from exercise to eating habits, and most definitely meal planning.

Now we are settling in, it’s a new year and it’s time to get back on track! So I wanted to share with you why you should get back into meal planning as well, or start doing it for the first time, plus tips on how I go about it each week.

Keep watching this video to see my 6 easy steps on how to go about it each week - from pen and paper to the supermarket.

If you have any tips on how you go about meal planning each week, leave them in the comments below so that we can all learn something new.

You can also check out the blog post on this topic, by heading over to my website www.kirstiemorris.com.

Good luck and happy meal planning!



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