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AKUMA Combo Guide (Modern Controls) – Street Fighter 6

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AKUMA combo guide (MODERN controls)! Terminology and notations are listed below! Subscribe for more...

L = light attack
M = medium attack
H = heavy attack
SP = SP button
AUTO = auto button
[AUTO ... ] = hold down AUTO button during entire sequence
qcb = quarter circle back
qcf = quarter circle forward
d. = down
b. = back
f. = forward
j. = jump
jf. = jump forward
df. = down+forward
dd. = down down
jd. = jump then down while in the air
DI = Drive Impact
DR = Drive Rush
DRC = Drive Rush Cancel
xx = Special Cancel
[ ] = Hold input
! = Perfect
= Buffed

00:00 Akuma

00:06 l, l, l xx sp
00:12 l, l, l xx f.sp
00:21 l, l, l xx qcb+l, df.h
00:30 l, l, l xx qcb+l, f.auto+sp
00:40 ch l, [auto+m > m] xx f.sp
00:50 cross-up j.l

00:55 f.m, [auto+l > l]
01:01 f+m, auto+l xx qcb+l, df.h
01:10 f+m, auto+l xx qcb+l, f.auto+sp
01:21 [auto+m > m] xx b.sp > f.sp
01:29 [auto+m > m] xx qcb+l, f.sp
01:39 [auto+m > m] xx b.sp > f.sp xx d.sp+h
01:49 [auto+m > m > m > m > m]
02:04 ch m, l xx f.sp
02:13 ch auto+m, auto+l xx f.sp

02:21 f.h > h > h
02:28 f.h, l xx f.sp
02:37 f.h, l xx qcb+l, df.h
02:46 f.h, l xx qcb+l, f.auto+sp
02:57 auto+h, [auto+m > m] xx qcb+l, f.sp
03:10 auto+h, [auto+m > m] xx qcb+l, f.sp xx d.sp+h
03:23 max distance auto+h, m xx qcb+l, f.sp
03:35 [auto+h > h > h > h > h]
03:50 ch auto+h, d.h xx qcb+l, f.sp xx d.sp+h

04:04 punish counter auto+h, d.h xx DRC > f.h, d.h xx qcb+h
04:21 punish counter auto+h, d.h xx DRC > f.h, d.h xx super art
04:39 punish counter auto+h, d.h xx DRC > f.h, d.h xx f.sp xx d.sp+h

04:57 perfect parry > auto+h, d.h xx f.sp
05:11 punish di, auto+h, [auto+m > m] xx f.sp

** CORNER **

05:28 into corner ch f.h, [auto+m > m] xx b.auto+sp > f.sp, DRC > f.h > h, f.sp xx d.sp+h

05:50 [auto+m > m] xx b.auto+sp > f.sp, d.h xx f.sp
06:03 [auto+m > m] xx b.auto+sp > f.sp, d.h xx b.sp+h
06:20 [auto+m > m] xx b.auto+sp > f.sp, d.h xx f.sp xx d.sp+h

06:33 [auto+m > m] xx b.auto+sp > f.sp, d.h xx qcf+l, qcb+h
06:49 [auto+m > m] xx b.auto+sp > f.sp, d.h xx qcf+l, f.sp xx d.sp+h
07:05 [auto+m > m] xx b.auto+sp > f.sp, b.h xx [auto+sp]*, qcb+m, l.dp xx d.sp+h

07:26 d.l, l, l xx DRC > l, [auto+m > m] xx f.sp
07:38 di (blocked), d.h xx f.sp
07:50 di (blocked), d.h xx qcf+l, qcb+h

08:03 di (stun), j.h, d.h xx f.sp
08:18 di (stun), j.h, d.h xx DRC > f.h, d.h xx f.sp xx d.sp+h
08:39 di (stun), j.h, d.h xx DRC > f.h, d.h xx b.auto+sp > f.sp, d.h xx qcf+l, f.sp xx d.sp+h

09:19 Subscribe for more!

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