Here are a couple of my favorites specifically for rotation along the spine (Mostly lumbar/ thoracic but some cervical).
For those who are looking to improve their snowboard rotations overall, dynamic carving, or spines feel like cement from day to day work this is for you.
I utilize a simple dowel, ours happens to be a climbers clip stick, but you can be as creative as you wish.
Rotation occurs primarily from the upper lumber/ thoracic spine and limitations here can hyper focus on specific vertebrae levels or lead into discomfort.
In addition, we add in a simple lat stretch to provide some flexibility for the shoulders as it attaches to the humerus. Childs Pose RotationFind a wall, any wall. Drop into a partial Childs pose position bringing the outside arm behind the back. Your eyes should follow your chicken wing as you rotate slowly towards the ceiling. The wall is there as an external cue and to limit compensation. Half Kneel Dowel RotationsStarting in a half kneel position, outside leg is bent 90 degrees forward and dowel is on opposite side. Hand can grab any point on dowel but I like 160deg flexed in front. Other arm starts 90 deg in front and eyes follow as you rotate away from dowel and then back to start. Prone Dowel Quadrants Starting face down, arms start directly above you grasping dowel. Jam one end of dwelling into ground for friction and use as your pivot point while keeping hips firmly against ground. Slowly move in a diagonal manner, feeling a slight rotation in spine and stretch in lats. This should feel good!!!!Start with 1 set of 14 each. Reassess and repeat as needed.